The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Downstairs of Jiaxing Company,

Wang Mian stood next to the car door, his eyes fixed on the floor across the street.

"Brother Qing, I didn't expect the other party to lose their temper."

Wang Mian didn't look nervous at all, and there was a smile on his face:

"This batch is probably from the other side of the strait."

As early as last night after drinking, Wang Mian checked the movements of the Bamboo Union and wanted to observe for a while,

but he didn't expect the other party to lose their temper.

And the reason why he gave the other party the opportunity to shoot was also explained by Li Qing. As for the reason, Wang Mian didn't ask in detail.

Looking at the panicked crowd in the building,

Li Qing got out of the car, and was exposed outside the car. He lit a cigarette very calmly and said:

"Well, deal with the person on the opposite side as soon as possible."

"I'll go to the building to deal with the remaining one."

Wang Mian nodded and said:

"Follow Mr. Li in, and be sure to protect Mr. Li's safety!"

More than a dozen bodyguards who got off the jeep next to them took out their pistols in public and walked in front and behind Li Qing!

This scene was also photographed by many reporters!



A gunshot rang across the sky!

Everyone on the road was startled, including a group of bodyguards who turned around suddenly!

Then they saw a briefcase falling in front of them, with a bullet hole on it, and the bullet seemed to be embedded in the steel plate inside the briefcase!

A bodyguard widened his eyes and looked at Wang Mian in disbelief!

"Come in quickly, I'll take care of this."

Wang Mian threw out the briefcase and smiled with his hands empty.

Li Qing flicked the ash and looked back, his face was calm, as if he had expected that the bullet would be blocked!

With a group of bodyguards blocking his position and escorting him, Li Qing walked into the building.

And Wang Mian's eyes were also locked on the opposite floor.

"Haha, 10.36 caliber sniper rifle, M200, it's a huge investment."

Wang Mian smiled slightly and moved his body in front of the car, completely exposed to the shooting range!

At this time,

the little killer hiding on the 6th floor of the opposite building was frightened and broke into a cold sweat!

"Fuck, boss, I'm fucking seeing a ghost!"

The little man took a deep breath, his palms were sweating, and his eyes were fixed on Wang Mian in the scope!

In the headset, the bearded man said in a deep voice:

"What the hell are you doing? I'm in the building now, looking for Yang Mi... Damn, why did you let Li Qing in?!"

"Didn't I tell you to kill him quickly? Such a good opportunity!"

The little man said excitedly:

"Boss, I just locked on Li Qing and shot, but...but the target named Wang Mian actually threw out a bulletproof bag and intercepted my bullet!"

"Do you think I saw a ghost?!"

Hearing this, the bearded man was stunned in the headset and said in surprise:

"Don't be kidding, it's already this time."

"Okay, I'm going to start here. You get rid of Wang Mian and find a chance to help me."

The little man whispered:

"Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

The little man stared at it intently. In the sight, Wang Mian was slowly walking towards him.

After a few deep breaths, the little man's heart completely calmed down, and he planned to find an opportunity to kill him with one shot!

"I don't believe you are faster than a bullet."

The little man's sight moved with Wang Mian. In order to ensure a 100% hit rate, the sight was aimed at Wang Mian's chest, and then he decisively pulled the trigger!


A gunshot,

This shot, the little man was full of confidence. At a distance of more than 300 meters, he could hit the chest with his shooting skills even if he was aiming!

The recoil caused the sight to shake, but the little man quickly adjusted and continued to stare at Wang Mian!

But the next second, the little man looked at the sight with his eyes widened suddenly, as if he saw an extremely terrifying scene!

In the sight, Wang Mian was unharmed and still standing there!

"How is this possible!"

The little man almost stood up excitedly. He quickly suppressed his mentality, but his face was still full of fear!

He had never encountered such a situation before. With ten years of professionalism, it was even more impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake!

You know, the assassination missions used to be at a distance of 600 to 700 meters, and at that distance, there was a 100% chance of hitting the head!

So this shot couldn't possibly be off!

But looking at Wang Mian who was unharmed, the little guy had to accept reality!

Pull the bolt

, the little guy quickly adjusted his mentality and planned to fire the next shot!

In the scope,

Wang Mian was standing on the empty road, with a pair of eyes looking at him, as if he had seen him, and smiled at him!

The little guy's face was covered with cold sweat. This was definitely the most creepy scene he had ever encountered!

"What the hell is going on? Is the person opposite a human?"

The little guy took a few deep breaths. This time he planned to keep a close eye on Wang Mian and make sure to see clearly whether the bullet hit or not!

The little guy pulled the trigger again!


Almost in an instant, Wang Mian seemed to be able to guess when the other party would pull the trigger, and his body suddenly turned to one side!

The bullet rubbed the corner of his clothes and hit the asphalt road!

Wang Mian smiled at the little guy, and did not forget to give him a thumbs up, mocking him to the fullest!

This process, the little guy saw it clearly this time!

He was sweating!

He swore that this was definitely the most perverted target he had ever encountered, and he was even a little bit inhuman!

"Fuck, the boss didn't get rid of this vote, it's really a ghost!"

After saying this, the young man had only one thought in his mind, that is, a trap!

If you meet such a pervert, you will die if you don't run!

Without caring about packing up the gun, the little man took off the headset and ran downstairs.

At the same time, he quickly calculated in his mind,

Wang Mian was 300 meters away from the building. If he wanted to run over, even at the speed of Bolt, it would take 30 seconds.

And 30 seconds is enough for me to go down the eighth floor. When I run out from the back door, he will definitely not be able to catch up with me!

The little man jumped down from a staircase. This speed of going downstairs is faster than the elevator!

After arriving downstairs soon,

The little man pushed open the back door with a mask on, intending to find a manhole cover and escape from the underground!

But as soon as the door was opened, the little man's face changed drastically, and he instinctively dodged backwards!

A dagger passed by his throat!

"Fuck, is this fierce?!"

The little man dragged the unique motorcycle accent over there, his heart thumping. If he was not short and his physical fitness was not good enough, the knife just now would have cut his throat directly!

The little man, who was still frightened, was shocked again after seeing the appearance of the person in front of him!

Because the person standing in front of him was Wang Mian!

"Oh, you were able to dodge that knife just now. You are not an ordinary killer."

Wang Mian held a dagger and smiled lightly:

"You can practice the perception of danger. You are a master. You must have killed many people, right?"

"Tell me, who sent you to assassinate? If you can take the initiative to confess and provide evidence as a witness, I may let you go."

The little man stared at Wang Mian with a pair of deep eyes, and the sweat beads on his forehead kept dripping!

Facing Wang Mian's suddenness, the little man couldn't suppress his fear at all!

But he still plucked up the courage and said fiercely:

"Survival? There is no way to survive in the hands of someone like you!"

"I will fight to the death, so I can't take you with me!"

As he said, the little man pulled out a three-edged military bayonet from his waist!

Wang Mian spread his hands indifferently and said:

"Then you try it."

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