As the saying goes, if you take advantage of someone else's hand, you will have to eat their mouth. Xia Feng is obviously very good at using this truth.

Compared to the "sinister and cunning" Xia Feng, Sorata fell into a passive position holding the candy apple.

"Oh, okay, please take care of me."

Xia Feng turned against the guest and took the main path.

"Harm, you must take care of it. If you want to eat sweets, come to me anytime. I still have a lot in my backpack."

Afterwards, Xia Feng hooked his arm around Sorata's shoulders like a good friend, and enthusiastically introduced him to bagpipes and wind treasures, as well as Matomaru, who was about to leave.

Although Sorata looks very mature, he is still a child after all. In his opinion, Xia Feng and others do not look like bad people.

Of course, the main reason may be the candy apple, which looks really delicious.

To be honest, it's pretty good for an eleven or twelve year old to be able to do this.

If it were Ergou, he would probably sell his dignity just to get candy. Of course, Ergou has no dignity. He only sees snacks and football.

After some exchanges, Sorata gradually opened his heart.

The superficial sophistication is just that he rarely interacts with outsiders, but at his age, he obviously likes to make friends, does not understand the dangers of human hearts, and is more likely to treat each other sincerely.

Fortunately, the person he met was Xia Feng.

Just like Xia Feng's self-evaluation, he is not a good person, but he is not a bad person either.

"Sata, what did you catch?"

Sorata put down the basket behind his back and replied honestly.

"There were little crabs, conchs, and a stranded blue jellyfish."

"Jellyfish, is this edible?"

"You can eat it."

"Are you sure it's not poisonous?"

"Well, this kind of blue jellyfish is not poisonous."

Sorata, who grew up by the sea, is obviously an experienced person. I dare not say anything else, but at least he is a first-class expert on the sea and the common marine life on the seaside.

Later, there was Xia Feng, a guy who didn't look like a good person, but was actually more naive than Sorata in some aspects, and the relationship between them quickly became familiar.

Kong Tai took out the seafood generously. Perhaps for him, sharing food was a matter of course.

It was obvious that Bagpipe also liked a kind-hearted child like Sorata, so he quickly lit a fire and set up the iron pot again.

"Xia Feng, get some firewood."


Xia Feng waved to Sorata.

"Sata, let's go pick up branches."


Because of the small seafood provided by Sorata, this breakfast was even more sumptuous than last night, allowing Matomaru, who was about to say goodbye, to have another delicious meal.

Matomaru had decided to leave, and none of them were the mother-in-law type. After finishing the meal, Bagpipe quickly helped her pack a package.

There were several sets of clothes inside, as well as some food that had been stored for a long time. Even though Mao Wan said she didn't need money, Xia Feng still insisted on stuffing a few silver coins for her to prepare for emergencies.

Seeing Matomaru preparing his luggage, Sorata asked with glaring eyes.

"Is this sister leaving?"


"She doesn't plan to live here with you all the time."

"She still has things to do and will come back to see us when she has time."


Matomaru left.

For Xia Feng, this is a short but beautiful journey, and it is also an eternal bond.

Matomaru was not the first operator he met, and there was a high probability that he would not be the last. The fates of some people were destined to be inextricable, and he did not have the ability to rewrite them too much.

For him, it was lucky enough to witness their existence at a certain point in time.

After Matomaru left, Sorata also picked up the basket again.

"I'm going back too."

"Are you going back to the village?"


"Oh, then be careful."

As if he remembered something, Sorata took a few steps and then stopped.

Looking back, he said bluntly.

"I will tell grandpa and the people in the village about your plan to live here."

Xia Feng nodded.

"no problem."

He and Bagpipe came here to live in seclusion, and they were not fleeing in fear of crime. They could just take things as they came.

The village has been living on this coast for decades or even hundreds of years. The arrival of an outsider must be known to the village.

Seeing that Xia Feng had no objection, Sorata continued to ask.

"By the way, what was your name just now?"

"My name is Xia Feng, and her name is Bagpipe."

"Are you a couple?"

Regarding this sensitive topic, Xia Feng and Bagpipe denied it at the same time.

"No no no."

Sorata continued to ask.

"So are you brothers and sisters? Or siblings?"

The two voices came out at the same time again, but Xia Feng said "brother and sister" and Bagpipe said "sister and sister".

With the bagpipe on her waist, she showed a full sisterly look.

"Hey, I'm obviously older than you, right? I graduated when you participated in the swordsmanship competition at the Royal Academy."

Xia Feng didn't give in at all.

"That's because you went to school early. Comparing the two of us, I obviously look more mature. Look at my beard."

"Obviously I'm the older one, so I call you sister."

"I'm the big one."

As for the point where the two were entangled, Sorata looked confused.

"Since you are a family, what is your last name?"

Xia Feng was stunned.

"Last name?"

"Yes, I need to know your surnames and tell the people in the village. This is very important. Grandpa said that when you meet people for the first time, you should ask for their surnames and not call them by their first names. This is a courtesy, although I always Often forget."

Xia Feng probably understood that this should be a habit in the Xichuan area, and it could also be called a custom.

Sorata's full name is Nanno Sorata, and Nanno is his surname.

Everyone in Sorata's village is surnamed Nanno, and when they come into contact with outsiders, they usually address each other by their surnames. Only those with whom they are particularly familiar will be called by their first names.

And there is another very important point.

For the strange outsiders who appear on the south coast, the surname will also reflect some important information, because there are not many surnames in the East.

This question really stumped Xia Feng.

His full name is Xia Feng, and his surname is Xia Feng, but Bagpipe is obviously not Feng, this is just her code name.

But if he just answered that his surname was Xia, this would obviously not be consistent with Dongguo's surname, because as far as he knew, Dongguo rarely had one-character surnames, and even if they did, they would not have one-character first names at the same time, which would be too abrupt.

If he answered truthfully that his surname was Xia Mingfeng, it would be very inconsistent and even give people the impression that he was talking nonsense.

Of course, he had no intention of hiding that he was a foreigner, but for now, the existence of him and Bagpipe needed to be conveyed by Sorata, which meant that he had no chance to explain to the villagers for the time being.

Sorata seems to be an easy kid to talk to, but he is not sure what the people in the village are like. He cannot rule out the possibility that "poor mountains and harsh waters breed unruly people".

To be on the safe side, it’s better to keep everything steady. Just get a firm foothold first, and the rest can be explained slowly.

An idea flashed in his head, and Xia Feng patted his thigh.


Sorata stared at Xia Feng with dead eyes.

"What's the matter?"

"Sata, I will tell you our complete names now, please listen carefully."

"Oh, tell me."

From this day on, the name of the second grader who had been with him for several years could finally be put on the table and said in a very formal way.

His name is Huo Yu Xia Feng, his surname is Huo Yu and his given name is Xia Feng.

At the same time, the bagpipe also had a new name that made her feel unclear and a little disgusted.

Fire Feather Bagpipes.

At this point, the "ancestors" of the Fire Feather family started a new life on the south coast of the Nishikawa region of Dongguo.

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