Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 879 Thanks to you

The black and white twins are the strongest ancient stones, but Xia Feng is not the strongest "person", and he knows this very well.

After the last sword strike outside Londinium City, the bracelet that Hemer had given him had been broken into pieces, so he couldn't figure out his current condition at all.

Just from the senses, Xia Feng felt that he was no different from usual. He couldn't even feel the black power of physical strength.

This state seems good, but it is very unreasonable.

As his right eye flew away, the white power disappeared. Then, the infinitely growing black power could not be reset, let alone fade away on its own.

All because of the last sound he heard before his consciousness disappeared that day.

Standing in front of the mysterious house opposite the barbecue restaurant, Xia Feng looked at the person who opened the door with a smile.

This is a girl with short blue hair. Although Xia Feng has not seen this girl a few times, she is still familiar. She is one of Ming He's "family members", sister Ming Shuang.

Unlike the last time Xia Feng took the initiative to knock on the door, this time Ming Shuang did not shut him out, but opened the door.

"come in."


Xia Feng walked into Styx's home without hesitation.


Then, the door slammed shut.

This is not the first time Xia Feng has entered Styx's home, but last time he didn't go too deep and just stayed in the corridor in front of the door for a while.

At this time, following Ming Shuang, Xia Feng was not nervous at all, but instead looked around curiously.

It's late spring in Victoria. This season can be said to be the most comfortable time of the year, but just like last time, Styx's home is always filled with an indescribable coldness.

The windows were closed tightly, and it was obviously a closed space, but there was a weak wind that came from nowhere and didn't know where it was going.

However, Xia Feng has no worries about this at all. He has even experienced "death" and he doesn't care about anything now.

"Mingshuang, do you have the air conditioner on at home?"

Ming Shuang's footsteps did not stop, but he replied coldly.


"Then why is it so cool?"

"nothing dealing with you."

"Hahaha, we are all good neighbors, don't be so cold."

When he reached the stairs, Ming Shuang suddenly turned his head, his eyes full of resentment.

"If you are really the good neighbor you say you are, you shouldn't have caused so much trouble to me. For your sake, sir."


Another voice came from the side, interrupting Ming Shuang's inexplicable complaints.

A girl who looked almost exactly like Ming Shuang walked out of the cubicle on the right. The only difference between them was that the girl who appeared at this moment had long hair.

This person Xia Feng is naturally familiar to her, she is Ming Shuang's sister, Ming Xue.

"Ming Shuang, don't talk like that to your guests."

"Is he also a guest?"

"The visitor is a guest."

Facing her sister's "reprimand", Ming Shuang pursed her lips, turned and left.

Standing at the top of the stairs, Ming Xue apologized and bowed slightly to Xia Feng.

"Please don't mind, she is still a child, come with me, the adults are waiting for you upstairs."

To be honest, this scene is quite new to Xia Feng.

In his imagination, sisters Ming Shuang and Ming Xue should be like robots with no emotion, only nodding and shaking their heads. He didn't expect these two sisters to be so "human".

Of course, Ming Xue's words "She is still a child" were a bit unflattering to Xia Feng.

Combined with Xina's life experience, this "child" may be equivalent to the "ancestor" of the normal world view.

Following Ming Xue up to the second floor, Xia Feng's first feeling was that the light was very dim.

All the windows were covered by thick curtains, with only very weak light coming through, and the pattern could barely be seen clearly.

But this house is different from the normal closed air. Although it is cold, it is not damp, and there is no odor such as mold.

The whole house was very dry, and there was always an inexplicable wind flowing, as if an illusory river was flowing through all the passages.

Ming Xue, who was leading the way, saw Xia Feng's curious look and spoke out.

"Sorry, adults don't like sunlight, the room is a bit dark."

"Oh, it's okay, I think it's fine."

Unlike the transparent medical department on the second floor of the barbecue restaurant, the second floor of Styx's house has a long corridor with closed rooms on both sides.

"Ming Xue."

Ming Xue was surprised when Xia Feng called her name.

"Ah, you still remember my name?"

"haha of course."


Xia Feng asked, looking around.

"Mingxue, what are these rooms for? Is anyone living in them?"

"No one is living in it for now. There are only four of us in this house including adults."


Soon, Ming Xue brought Xia Feng to the end of the corridor. Without knocking, Ming Xue pushed the door open.

"Sir, Xia Feng is here."

The hollow sound of the Styx came from inside.

"Xia Feng, come in."

This room is relatively spacious, and the curtains are also tightly closed. Judging from the location, if you open the window in the center, you can just see the barbecue restaurant opposite.

It turned out that Styx had been staying in this room to "monitor" them.

Without hesitation, Xia Feng walked straight in. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xina sitting on a rocking chair on the left side.

Xina still looks the same as ever, with her hair simply tied up and a purple fluffy dress. She looks like a goth lolita.

At this moment, she was half sitting and half lying on the rocking chair like an old woman, with the pony toy in her arms and a thick book in her hands.


Hearing Xia Feng greeting her, Xina moved her eyes away from the book and glanced at him lightly as a response.

In the past, Xia Feng often fantasized about the situation at Styx's home. In his imagination, these nagging guys must have performed some kind of mysterious ritual at home every night, which was both terrifying and weird. But now it seems that with him, Totally different than expected.

Overall, it's quite relaxing.

After saying hello to Xina, Xia Feng turned his gaze to the window.

Styx looked like he might die at any moment.

A white T-shirt, a thin body, long hair, and a pale face. Although he looks like a boy of fifteen or sixteen, he gives the impression of an old man in his twilight years.

Although Styx was like this last time, for some reason, Xia Feng always felt that he was weaker at this moment than last time.

It can be seen that although Ming Shuang, Ming Xue and Xina all respect Styx very much, there are no rules in this "family of four".

Xina stayed in Styx's room reading as if nothing had happened. Mingxue didn't knock on the door when he entered the room, and had no plans to leave even now.

Sitting on an ordinary chair, Styx looked calmly at Xia Feng who was standing at the door.

"You seem to be recovering well, it's a miracle."

Seeing Ming He's calm appearance, Xia Feng took a deep breath and finally asked the question in his heart with complicated emotions.

"It's probably thanks to you that I can stand here now. What exactly have you done?"

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