Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 865 Under the city wall

Some people say that those who can’t give up anything can’t change anything.

At this point, Xia Feng no longer knew what he could give up. Feeling the terrifying energy emanating from the city wall at this moment, his heart felt surprisingly calm.

It's like being faced with an unsolvable problem and finally skipping all the complicated steps and knowing the shortcut to the answer.

Of course, this answer is still far away from him.

This world is like this, both cruel and beautiful, complex and simple.

The cruel thing is the survival law given to this world by natural disasters, the beautiful thing is the people who smile at him, the complicated thing is the imperial rule, and the simple thing is the eternal truth.

As long as he crosses the city wall, he can end this tragic war.

If all adverse situations in life are caused by the weakness of the person involved, then now is his strongest moment.

If he still loses like this, he will have no regrets.

On the city wall, Hela leaned against Londinium, and the dark blue long sword that curved like a tentacle in her hand exuded extremely special energy fluctuations.

"Heh, you seem a little different today."

Xia Feng's answer was an understatement.

"Of course it's different. To tell you the truth, I have never lost on this day."

"Oh? Even in the face of this situation?"

"A true strong man never cares how many enemies there are, that's what makes it interesting."

Hela raised the corners of her mouth.

"Yes, I agree with your statement, but unfortunately, this is not a swordsmanship competition. Xia Feng, you are the soul symbol of the infected. If you die, the hatred in the hearts of the infected will rise to an irresolvable level. Thank you , helped me achieve this condition.”

Hearing these words, Xia Feng's eyes gradually turned cold.

"What exactly did you say to Verin."

"It's her choice."

"I'm asking you, what exactly did you say to her."

"Oh, she is in the palace now. Why don't you ask her face to face? Oh, by the way, the premise is that you can see her alive."

Why did Wei Lin expel the infected? This is the answer Xia Feng has always wanted to know.

But now for some reason, he was suddenly afraid of knowing the reason.

He was afraid that this reason would become the reason for his hesitation.

"The whole army is ready!"

Following the orders of the Royal Knights, the golden armored brigade in front of the city wall exuded a strong murderous aura.

For the Royal Knights, no matter what decision Verin makes, they will never lose their determination to protect her.

Feeling the strong murderous aura, Xia Feng slowly inserted the Shenyue Sword back into the scabbard on his waist, and reached for the Red Demon Sword behind his back with his left hand.

This was his choice to cross the city wall and kill Wei Lin to force the central army to lose their will to fight. This was the only thing he could do at the moment.

"There are so many of you, do you plan to go together?"

The Royal Knights have no intention of making contact with the enemy. Even if it is just one person, appearing near Londinium is a threat. As long as it is a threat, it must be eliminated.

"Defend Princess Weilin, kill!"


The golden sabers were raised neatly, the formation in front of the city gate was stable, and at least more than 800 elite warriors at the front rushed towards Xia Feng.

Looking at the Royal Knights who were extremely loyal to Wei Lin, Xia Feng's eyes became more and more profound.

As the charging soldiers got closer and closer to him, deep anger finally appeared in his pupils.


He pulled out the Red Demon Sword from behind, and then put his palm to his mouth.

As the deep bite wound burst out with blood, a black vortex rising into the sky exploded in place.

This is not the skill of the Origin Stone, nor is it a spell. This is the power of the ancient stone, and its name is the Black and White Twins.

As strong men, everyone on the city wall felt this powerful force and the anger that seemed to arise from the earth.

Qiyao held the handle of the Sakura Knife and looked sideways at Bai Bai.

"Shall we take action?"

However, there was no response from Bai's mask.

Another member of [King's Staff] grasped the staff tightly.

"Bai, are you hesitating? If the city wall is broken, Wei Lin will be in danger."

Feeling this power from ancient times and the trembling fury in the air, Bai's voice was a little dazed.

"If the wall is breached due to our inaction, Verin has already lost, because the King's Staff is not an army."

The King's Staff did not join the battle, but the Royal Knights did not hesitate at all. Facing the black power drawn by Xia Feng, the entire army did not hesitate at all.

"Guard Princess Weilin and kill him!"

The black flame in his left eye burned blazingly, and the Source Stones scattered in front of him gradually lost their luster. With the support of the black power, Xia Feng felt that he could tear everything apart now.


The Red Demon Sword lay horizontally in front of him, and a huge cracked pit was created in the ground beneath his feet.

The next second, Xia Feng's figure turned into a black lightning and rushed out.

The terrifying pressure came instantly. The soldiers in the front row only felt that their vision was shrouded in black mist. In an instant, their bodies were shattered.

Blood splattered and stumps flew around. The enemy's blood adhered to the body of the Red Demon Sword, and dark red patterns flowed along with it.

Xia Feng's whole body seemed to be transformed into a collection of energy. Wherever it passed, the soldiers of the Royal Knights with golden swords and golden armor were shattered.

In one round and round, at least more than 500 people died under his sword. When he turned around, the Red Demon Sword changed from his left hand to his right hand. The skin cracked and black mist spurted out from the wound.

Raising his fist, Xia Feng, who was in the enemy's position, punched the ground beneath his feet.


The next second, a black tornado rose from the ground, and the nearby soldiers instantly fell on their backs.

Ever since Xia Feng unexpectedly inherited the black and white twins in Mandel City in Ursus, he had never fought with all his strength on the 30th day.

The wall blocking him at the moment was extremely strong, but he was also the strongest now.

In this battle, he will have no reservations.

On the city wall, Hela's smile disappeared when she saw Xia Feng instantly killing hundreds of elite Royal Knights on her own.

Then, she winked at the male next to her who was also an envoy.

"Is, Turgor, it's our turn."

Following Hela's voice, the burly man with dark blue skin stood up from the edge of the city wall. When he spread his arms, he looked like a small mountain.

Explosive muscles are distributed all over the body, and the dark blue skin adds a weirdness. The whole person is more than three meters tall.

He is Turgor as Hela calls him. He is the newly appointed divine envoy in the [Deep Canon] teachings, replacing the original divine envoy Guleya who was killed by Xia Feng in Sami.

Turgor's body exudes a strong aura of the deep sea.

Without any extra words, with strong legs, he jumped high on the city wall and smashed towards Xia Feng below.

At the same time, the divine envoy known as Yis also raised the black long bow in his hand.

The entire body of this bow was crystal black, as if it did not belong to any material recorded in the world of Terra.

Pulling out a long arrow, the arrowhead was dark blue and emitted the same special wave as the curved sword in Hela's hand.

Lifting the bow, nodding the arrow, and pulling the string, the divine envoy known as Yisi performed the entire set of actions in one go, with the arrow pointed directly at the summer wind below the city wall.

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