Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 852 Origin Stone and Origin Stone Skills

Capesimit died with his eyes closed. He didn't even know why he died. Why did he die when he didn't do anything?

Bagpipe is an excellent soldier. Soldiers are never afraid of killing, but when she killed Cape Ximit with her own hands, she still hesitated instinctively.

This was a decision she made after a fierce inner struggle. Compared with Yu Zhong's execution of orders from her superiors, in the end, she chose to pursue the ideal world in her heart.

Because she knew why the empire was unable to capture the south for a long time.

Is it because the Southern Military Region only has 300,000 soldiers?

No, it's all because that person named Xia Feng hasn't given up yet.


The spear penetrated Capeximit's chest, and hot blood spurted out.

At the same time, the 70,000 soldiers who had been prepared in the military camp had occupied the weapons depot and supply depot with thunderous force.

Bagpipe is sure that Xia Feng will counterattack in the north, so she doesn't need to do anything, she just needs to keep the Northern Military Region stationary.

When the soldiers of the entire Northern Military Region learned that the commander-in-chief had died suddenly, everyone was in a state of confusion.

There were no assassins, no enemy attacks, and the news they got was that the Commander-in-Chief had a heart attack?

Of course, paper cannot cover the fire. How did Cape Ximit die? Ordinary soldiers did not know for a short time, but the senior generals of each division in the military camp soon knew.

However, because of the preparations for this "mutiny", the communications between the Northern Military Region and the Imperial Military Headquarters have been completely cut off.

At this time, Deputy Commander Sirif stood up.

Sirif and another deputy commander of the military region stayed in the military camp and talked "harmoniously" for a full hour.

During this period, the entire building where the conversation was held was surrounded by 70,000 soldiers from the south, and on the outside, 300,000 soldiers from the northern military region also nestled the building layer by layer.

Finally, the door to the room was opened, and the other deputy commander chose to compromise.

The number of "mutinies" was about 70,000. Although the weapons depot was occupied, the remaining 300,000 soldiers were still able to annihilate the traitors.

However, no one can predict what the price will be.

Moreover, for these soldiers to suddenly draw their swords and point at their comrades who were enjoying themselves yesterday, in the same military camp, in the same dormitory, and even in bunk beds, to be honest, it was quite sudden.

At this moment, the orders from the General Military Headquarters cannot be conveyed immediately. If there is civil strife in the Northern Military Region, no one can take the responsibility, and no one is willing to take the responsibility.

The other deputy commander of the Northern Military Region is not a fool. A good bird chooses a tree to roost, and a good minister chooses his master. He has already seen that Victoria is about to change.

Before, there was Commander-in-Chief Capesimit in charge. He only needed to execute the orders. No matter what the final result was, he could just say whatever he wanted.

But now that Cape Ximit is dead, if he is allowed to take the lead, if the empire is defeated in the end, he will not even have a chance to surrender.

Moreover, he saw something on the faces of the more than 70,000 southern soldiers outside.

If a fight really breaks out, the more than 300,000 soldiers in the Northern Military Region will follow orders, while the more than 70,000 soldiers will fight with red eyes. The outcome is uncertain. Anyway, he will definitely be the first to die.

So at this moment, faced with sudden changes, the deputy commander chose the safest way, which was to "make peace with the mud".

"Oh, Sirif, don't be so impulsive. We are all brothers. If anything happens, we can discuss it."

The two deputy commanders of the military region reached a "friendly" consensus on the pretext of "for the sake of the integrity of the wartime strength of the Northern Military Region."

The cause of the death of Commander-in-Chief Capesimit will not be investigated for the time being. Everything will be handled by the General Military Headquarters. All soldiers will return to their respective posts. They should train and stand guard.

A few days later, the Central Army was defeated and retreated from the south to the north. However, the Northern Military Region, which had been issued military orders by the military headquarters before, still "stand still."

Moreover, the special operations team sent by the Office of Supervision to the Northern Military Region to investigate has also gone forever.

Just like a damp firecracker thrown into a smelly ditch, the fire was extinguished without even a puff of smoke.

The north-south border of Victoria, Cannan City.

Xia Feng didn't know what was happening in the Northern Military Region. Soldiers were very fast. The Central Army was now in an "overloaded" state, so he had to take advantage of this time to penetrate the north in one fell swoop.

In order to increase the marching speed to the limit, Xia Feng has used all the methods available.

Trade and transportation is the core business of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce.

Although the headquarters in Notting City was smashed to pieces by natural disasters, most of the trucks delivering goods were operating in other cities.

In addition to the trucks of the Chamber of Commerce, he also brought over almost all the vehicles available in the entire south.

Haimen Gang, Yuntian Group, all trading companies along the coast, including residents' private cars, all were forcibly requisitioned as long as they could run faster than two legs.

At the same time, Black Steel International sent more than 40 armed helicopters to clear the way, avoiding all blocked routes in advance for the infected people who were marching on foot.

Coupled with the several super large transport planes that had previously transported equipment, the march speed was directly increased.

The infected people who were physically weak took the initiative to give up their seats, and the strong young and middle-aged people used relay methods to distribute equipment.

Some infected people with increased strength activated Origin Stone skills. Due to different strengths, some carried tons of equipment and materials on their backs, and some even carried people on their backs.

They kept going day and night until they were so exhausted that they couldn't even lift their fingers, and then handed the things to their companions.

In this way, more than 2 million infected people pulled out a long dragon on the map, burning life, using different methods to increase the marching speed, just to allow the elite combatants to reach Kanan City as soon as possible.

After several days of rapid marching, leaving aside the infected people on transportation, the latest people had traveled less than 200 kilometers, while the fastest people had already arrived in Jianan City.

This is a short "long march" that burns life.

Because there were too many people, Xia Feng had no time to pay attention to some details, and he didn't know until much later.

At least more than 70,000 infected people died on this rapid march due to various reasons.

At the last moment when they fell, they entrusted their hope to their compatriots who were heading in the same direction.

Yin Hui had already prepared everything in Jianan City, and the infected people who arrived one after another were quickly distributed food and arranged for rest.

The western suburbs of Gannan City.

Although Lang Da and others looked tired, they still directed several helicopters to land at the designated location.

In the cabin, several large metal-enclosed boxes were carried out one after another and arranged neatly in an open space.

When Xia Fengfeng arrived in a hurry, the goods had been unloaded.

He looked at the dozens of large metal boxes in front of him and asked in a low voice to the wolf next to him.

"Are they all here?"

Wolf nodded.

"This is all we have in stock."

It was already late at night, and Xia Feng quietly looked at the large boxes in front of him that exuded strong Origin Stone fluctuations.

"Tomorrow at dawn, distribute the things to the infected brothers selected by Hu Lai."


Tomorrow is the time for the Black Wings to fully attack the north, and these "cargo" unloaded from the helicopter are the things that will have the greatest impact on the war besides weapons and equipment.

For the regular army, it can only improve mobility, the durability of military equipment, and the auxiliary charging of certain types of spells.

But for infected people, it can cause qualitative changes in certain individuals.

Just like a catalyst, it helps Ben's attack method, which costs his life, to find more powerful fuel.

This kind of thing can lead to the origin of why infected people are feared by the empire.

That is, giving unstable factors to war is also unique to the world of Terra.

Origin Stone and Origin Stone Skills.

Thanks to Huang Ye of Scarlet Devil Mansion and Poi, the Admiral of the Deep Sea, for their 10,000 reward. I also want to thank all the book friends for their recent rewards. Thank you. Fengfeng has been a little busy lately, so I’ll take a small notebook to jot down the extra updates first ()

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