Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 835 If I am an infected person

People cannot be resurrected. Between personal emotions and the survival of all infected people in Victoria, Xia Feng chose the latter.

Of course, this may not be a multiple-choice question.

In the eyes of others, Xia Feng seems to have calmly chosen the so-called overall situation, but in fact, his mentality has undergone subtle changes.

If I had to say it, it would be that he wanted both personal emotions and subversion of the empire.

inside the room.

After Nancy successfully transferred 10 billion Terra coins to Heigang, Xia Feng also completed the call with Ogul.

Black Steel's military factory couldn't complete what he needed within the deadline, but it didn't matter. Ogur promised to help contact Thor Industries.

With 10 billion to open the way, Xia Feng no longer has to worry about the specific process of this matter. If 10 billion is not enough, he will go to Li Yuntian to ask for money without a blush or heartbeat.

After the matter was settled, Xia Feng contacted Yin Hui again.

According to his previous request, Yin Hui has already completed the mobilization near Longmen with his special forces. The whole process has Penguin Logistics responsible for peripheral intelligence, which can be said to be foolproof.

Yin Hui said that Xia Feng didn't need to worry about how his troops came, he only needed to inform them of the time.

However, after much deliberation, if Yin Hui wanted to bypass the border guards and land at sea, there was no other way except by boat.

The 8,000-strong army is not a lot, but a small one. In fact, it is quite a lot.

On the phone, Yin Hui's voice was confident.

"You don't have to worry about it. As long as you ensure the safety of the port, I will definitely arrive on time."

Xia Feng knew that Yin Hui had some tricks, but transporting goods by sea was fine, but directly transporting fully armed regular troops was still too risky.

"No, you listen to me on this matter. Don't come from the sea. Just find a way to get to the southern border from the inland."

Yin Hui was a little stunned.



"Aren't Victoria's border guards on the side of the empire? Will they let me go?"

"I'll find a way, you just need to come from the interior."

Yin Hui hesitated.

"There's no way my people can stay at the border for long."

"It doesn't matter, you just need to arrive according to the time I gave you."

"What time?"

Xia Feng lowered his head and secretly glanced at his bracelet.

The data shown above at this moment is.

[The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 15%]

[Crystal density of blood source stone 0.51u/L]

[Critical period: 13]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 8 days]

Holding the phone, Xia Feng's voice was firm.

"As long as your troops arrive at the border in eight days, I promise to let you in smoothly."

Yin Hui heard the overwhelming momentum in Xia Feng's tone.

"Okay, I understand."

"Yin Hui, thanks."

"Oh, we are allies. After this battle is over, remember to come to Kjerag as a guest. I will treat you to a drink."


In the next few days, Xia Feng asked Hu Lai to make a rough count of the cities around Shengdi where infected people gathered in large numbers.

As he expected, as the Central Army penetrated deeper and deeper into the southern hinterland, the infected people also retreated to the coastal area and the border area centered on Yehua City.

The active evacuation of infected people reduced the pressure on the Central Army's occupation of the city. They only needed to enter the city, burn down the infected areas in the city, and then leave a small number of troops behind.

The living space of the infected is being compressed step by step. As the evacuation of the infected becomes more and more decisive, the pressure on the Southern Military Region is also increasing.

Of course, it was a good thing that the infected people were spared the massacre before the Central Army invaded the city. However, without the containment effect at the cost of their lives, the soldiers in the Southern Military Region who had already suffered heavy casualties became increasingly passive.

According to the current situation, the final "decisive battle" is already difficult to achieve.

If Medes, the commander-in-chief of the Border Defense Military Region, has been guarding the border, the Central Army only needs to maintain this split-unit infiltration tactic. For up to half a month, it will cut off all the supply lines of the Southern Military Region like Go.

The so-called decisive battle at that time will be nothing more than a death struggle.

3 days ago.

Yehua City, Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Border Defense Military Region.

In the room, Mesa and General Medes were having a heated argument.

"Father, can't you see what Victoria is going through now?"

"War has always been like this."

"This is not a war, why are we killing each other?"

"This is the empire's decision. As soldiers, we only need to fulfill our duties!"

Mesa slapped her palms hard on the table.

"Even if the king points the butcher knife at his own people?"

Medes looked gloomy. In his impression, Mesha had never spoken to him with this attitude since she was a child.

"It's not the people, it's the infected."

Mesa stared closely into her father's eyes.

“Aren’t the infected people the people?”

Facing his daughter's question, Medes's eyes flashed with hesitation. This hesitation quickly disappeared, and then he retorted stubbornly.

"The people do not need the army to define it. We only need to obey the orders of the empire and the command of the military."

Mesa's eyes were full of disappointment.

"Even if Victoria bleeds like a river?"

"Mesa, this is not our decision."

"Oh, why can't you decide? General Grissom can decide, General Aumont can decide, why can't you decide? Just because you are a soldier, can soldiers only choose Yuzhong?"


Medes slammed the table angrily and yelled.

"That's enough, Mesa. The army cannot have its own ideas. The army does not get involved in politics. Once the army has ideas, it is a harbinger of the country's destruction."

Standing up from his chair, Medes paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

"I shouldn't have let you leave Londinium in the first place, and I shouldn't have let you follow Gleason! Look what you have learned!"

After talking to Mesha, the office fell into silence.

After a long time, Medes stood in front of the window and sighed heavily.

"Mesa, this civil strife will soon be settled. After the war, Victoria will soon return to its original state, and the existence of the infected will become history. You are my only daughter, I hope you can understand."


"Mesha, I understand your thoughts. I was young and passionate, but time will prove everything. This world is inherently unfair, and the justice in your heart is powerless in the face of a powerful empire. "

Medes walked up to Mesa and gently put his hand on her shoulder.

"Mesha, listen to dad, give up your childish ideas and stay with me. As long as we guard the border, the war will end soon."

Mesa could hear her father's good intentions, but she was not the so-called young and enthusiastic person.

With a deathly look on her face, Mesha spoke softly.

"Father, if one day I contract the ore disease, will you also deport me?"

"Don't say such things."

"I mean if, would you?"

Medes opened his mouth, but he, who had always stood firm, did not say anything this time.

Seeing her father's hesitant expression, Mesa gently closed her eyes.

"Goodbye, father."

After saying that, Mesha turned around and walked towards the door step by step.

Her chest was held high, and her steps were not messy at all, as if she was walking on a path of truth that she would never regret or look back on.

However, the moment she turned around, unlike Jue Ran's back, a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

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