Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 818 The right choice

A few days later, the riot in Gayaer City was forcibly put down by Xia Feng and his men.

The work I once did in the Inspectorate was not in vain. In the final analysis, this was the infected person incident.

The mood of the infected is understandable, but there must be someone organizing and leading the long-term siege of the airport.

Pointing the conflict at civilians does no good to the infected. Apart from venting anger, it can only be for money.

Just like Xia Feng has always held the concept that nobles and ordinary people are not all bad people, similarly, infected people are not all good people.

Some small gang-like infected organizations deliberately instigate and lead infected compatriots to smash, smash, and rob, extorting large amounts of money from "upper-class people" who are afraid of death.

The number of people in this kind of organization is usually small, only a few dozen at most, and as few as seven or eight. However, in such a chaotic situation, the emotions of vulnerable groups can easily be aroused.

A large number of infected people who had no idea and were just trying to survive "charged" for them, while they secretly obtained a large amount of wealth. When they were done, they disappeared directly into the crowd and secretly left the country.

To be honest, Xia Feng has seen this kind of thing a lot. Some people just want to make the country suffer. This is the ugly side of human nature, and it has nothing to do with whether they are infected or not.

These groups of infected people are distributed among the crowd. You can reason with them nicely and analyze the situation of the infected people, but they loudly disagree with you.

Not only do they speak against you, they also incite all infected people to speak against you, saying things that are upright, bitter and hateful, which are just unreasonable.

For this reason, Xia Feng could only fight first and then be polite.

In just one afternoon, the guys who shouted the loudest among the crowd were called to remote corners one after another, and then never appeared again. According to Lagouzi and Hongdao, they both went crazy.

After the instigator disappeared, Xia Feng's words were finally recognized by most people.

Later, Li Yuntian, the chairman of [Yuntian Group], proudly took out tens of millions of supplies and distributed them in an orderly manner to all the infected people surrounding the airport.

His request was that as soon as he received the supplies, he would leave Gayaer City quietly and not continue to cause trouble.

With Xia Feng's assurance, most of the infected people gathered in the city agreed. At this point, the urban riot was quelled.

At the gate of the city, a large number of infected people left in groups after receiving supplies.

These infected people don't know where they are going. They may be looking for the next southern city where they can temporarily stay, praying that the Central Army will not kill them.

Or maybe they were planning to leave Victoria directly.

Just as Xia Feng was about to get in the car and leave, a young man who looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old stopped him in a low voice.

His body was dirty, and there were scary Originium crystals on his ankles. Looking at his companions beside Xia Feng, he said timidly.

"Xia Feng. Sir, you will lead us to resist, you will definitely do it."

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment.

"Are you talking about resistance?"


"Do you want to resist the Central Army's hundreds of thousands of troops? You will die."

The young man straightened his neck stubbornly.

"I'm not afraid of death. I like Victoria. I don't want to leave here. Master Xia Feng, everyone says that you are the hope of our infected people. You will definitely lead us infected people to resist, right?"

At this time, a middle-aged woman ran over and grabbed the young man. She looked like his mother.

"What are you talking about? Leave quickly and resist. How many lives are you risking?"

The young man retorted as he was dragged away from the city.

"I only have one life, and the soldiers of the empire also have one life. My home is gone, and now I am being chased like a mouse. Why don't I dare to resist? I..."

"Shut up, didn't Master Xia Feng give us supplies? If we lose our home, we can look for it again. We only have one life."

Looking at the mother and son, Xia Feng remained silent.

Until they were far away, the young man finally turned back and shouted to him.

"Master Xia Feng, when you want to do it, you call me. I don't know who else is going to do it. As long as I hear it, I will definitely come over and help you do it!"

Outside the city was endless desolation. Xia Feng watched the mother and son gradually move away with the wave of infected people until they disappeared from sight.

The sun sets.

His companions were by his side, including Hongdao, Lapland, Shuangxing, and Aguang. No one spoke.

The companions did not interfere with Xia Feng's thoughts. They believed that Xia Feng would follow his heart and make the right choice.

Since the unrest began, the north has been under full martial law, and all kinds of logistics and transportation have been banned. No one knows the current situation in the north.

However, according to reports from intelligence personnel stationed in the north of the Southern Military Region, since the implementation of the elimination order, at least more than 50,000 infected people in the north who have not been evacuated have been wiped out by the military.

The area where the corpses were burned was burning with sky-high fires day and night, and the troops responsible for the execution were equipped with strict protective equipment against ore disease.

Before this tragic piece of information could be digested, soon, after Canan City, another southern city offensive and defensive battle suddenly began.

One night, the Central Army heading south suddenly launched an attack on the medium-sized city of Yutian in the south.

After receiving this information, the Southern Military Region immediately responded and sent four integrated divisions to seize the opportunity.

Regrettably, when the Southern Military Region arrived in Yutian City, the entire city had been "cleaned" by the Central Army, and more than 4,000 infected people in the city who had not evacuated due to various reasons were massacred.

In order to stop the Central Army's momentum, the four divisions of the Southern Military Region immediately launched a siege, intending to capture Yutian City.

A bloody and brutal massacre broke out late at night, and by the time the sun rose from the east, there were already corpses everywhere.

In this battle, more than 7,000 people in the Southern Military Region died, but Yutian City was not captured. In the end, the remaining troops had to retreat and abandoned Yutian City.

The battle caused a great stir throughout the South.

If the previous Battle of Kanan was the opening battle at the gate, then this Battle of Yutian City has already threatened most people.

From a geographical point of view, Yutian City is already relatively close to the southern hinterland, which means that after this, more surrounding cities may fall at any time.

It was impossible for the Southern Military District to disperse its forces and could only respond through efficient intelligence. In this case, the spirit of the infected was compressed into a more tense state.

Just a few days after the fall of Tamada City, the chain reaction caused by this battle among the infected finally broke out.

In the southern town of Mota, turmoil broke out in the country's largest prison for infected persons. With the cooperation between tens of thousands of outside infected persons and criminals inside, Mota Prison was breached.

As the largest prison for infected persons, Mota Prison has held more than 20,000 prisoners since the empire issued an order to rectify infected persons a few months ago.

These prisoners are not only infected people, but also extremely vicious criminals. To put it simply, these people are a dangerous group of infected people who are good at Originium skills and have strong individual strength.

This can no longer be called a prison break, but a complete loss.

According to subsequent statistics, all the prison guards in Mota Prison were killed by these infected criminals.

The Southern Military Region was already in a critical situation on the front line, and the incident in Mota Prison created security risks in the rear area.

With every infected person severely depressed, these freed criminals may set off a storm that is difficult to end.

If the cities that have declared their surrender to Veena are invaded on a large scale and civilians are massacred by uncontrollable infected people, then the public support that Veena has worked so hard to gather during this period may be in vain.

The news quickly spread throughout the south, and there were even rumors that Xia Feng took the lead in planning the prison robbery and escape, in order to lead the infected to counterattack the empire.

After Xia Feng learned what happened, he sat at the Black Feather Grill and silently opened the drawer.

There is a check for 10 billion in the drawer, as well as a business card of Black Steel International.

Finally, he closed the drawer again.

"Aguang, prepare the car and ask everyone to follow me to Mota Town."

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