Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 815 Just waiting for a call

Ergou walked in from the barbecue restaurant with two pieces of chocolate.

"Lao Xia, after buying it, let me give you a piece."

However, Xia Feng, who was holding the phone, ignored him. At this time, his whole face was filled with an indescribable sense of relief.

Boss Yin did not disappoint him. The decisive battle in the snowy mountains was a success!

Later, through Yin Hui's brief explanation, Xia Feng roughly understood what happened to Kjerag during this period.

In Kjelag, which is very far away from Victoria, Silver Gray completed an epic battle. Due to various interferences, Silver Gray advanced the [Snow Mountain Incident] whose outcome is still unknown in the game by an unknown number of years.

Through Lieqi's death, the Yiluo Chamber of Commerce was completely replaced by Kalan Trade after a period of time, Kjerag's "Three Clans Conference" lost its partners, and all material needs in the snow mountains were forcibly monopolized by Silver Ash.

Later, through the support of Black Feather's huge finished Origin Stones in units of thousands, the force value of Yin Hui's subordinates was raised to an unprecedented height.

When all the conditions came together in the perfect position, Yin Hui took off his chairman's suit and instantly transformed into an iron-blooded warlord, taking down the entire Kjerag in one fell swoop.

To be honest, Xia Feng had thought before that if time permitted, he would be willing to go to Kjerag in person to help Boss Yin complete the Snow Mountain Incident.

However, the series of events since Lieqi's death left him with no energy left, and his heart has been tied to Victoria.

What he didn't expect was that while he was struggling to deal with this unprecedented change in Victoria, Silver Gray actually completed his battle "silently".

Some naturally powerful people are destined to become kings.

Yin Hui, who endured the humiliation and heavy burden and left Kjerag, finally stood on the top of the snow mountain.

Xia Feng was sincerely happy for Yin Hui's victory, but now he couldn't celebrate anything for Boss Yin.

Of course, Yin Hui's call this time was not to "show off" to him. Yin Hui already knew everything about the civil unrest in Victoria.

On the phone, he only said one sentence.

"Xia Feng, Victoria is no longer able to survive. Come to Kjerag and bring all your friends here. Now I can protect everyone."

Yin Hui's voice was extremely sincere, and revealed a sense of friendship that only men can understand.

Yin Hui was not exaggerating. Although Kjerag was a small, closed country, due to geographical reasons, the entire country was backed by the Holy Mountain, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack. It had not been disturbed by natural disasters since ancient times.

If he had to run away, Kjelag would definitely be the best choice. With the protection of the Lord of the Snow Mountain, no one in this world would dare to pursue him.

Xia Feng knew Yin Hui's good intentions, but he would not escape.

There was no unnecessary explanation. Xia Feng's voice was not loud, but it revealed an indescribable persistence.

"I will not leave Victoria until the night is over."

"Are you serious, even if you die?"

"I'm not afraid of death, and I won't die."

On the other end of the phone, Yin Hui was silent for a moment.

Then, a hearty laugh came.

"Hahahahaha, my ally, it seems that you are planning to take the path I just walked."

Xia Feng also smiled.

"I won't lose to you. I will walk this road more wonderfully than you."

Hearing Xia Feng's unwavering determination, Yin Hui stopped laughing.

"You can't walk this road alone. Without the support of your Origin Stone, I wouldn't be able to take down Kjerag. Brother, this time, I will help you take down Victoria."

Kjerag is thousands of miles away from Victoria, and the help Silver Gray can provide is very limited.

Moreover, the border is now completely blocked by the Border Defense Military District, and no armed forces from any country can enter.

The defenses on Victoria's border were impregnable. If they were forced to break through, it would be impossible to succeed without overwhelming troops and equipment.

Looking around the world, except for Ursus, I am afraid that no one can do it easily. After all, Victoria's border defense military region has nearly 400,000 people, and the equipment and soldier quality are also top-notch among the four military regions.

Backed by the big border city of Yehua City, if the border defense is in emergency, a huge number of reserve soldiers can be assembled in the shortest possible time.

Coupled with the fact that Medes, an experienced general, is guarding it, this is the reason why the empire dares to "act wantonly" in the territory.

Yin Hui has an army and sufficient supplies, but judging from the current situation, he cannot use them yet.

However, Boss Yin's attitude alone made Xia Feng feel that he had gained great strength. He stood up in each other's most difficult moments. This is what allies are.

Finally, Xia Feng told Yin Hui that the situation here was very complicated, and if needed, he would immediately ask for support without hesitation.

Yin Hui said that he would prepare everything and just wait for a phone call.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Feng exhaled a sigh of relief. Although the situation in Victoria was still not optimistic, at least Yin Hui gave him the final "escape".

If all was really exhausted in the end, he could at least ensure the safety of Guigui and the others.

Seeing Xia Feng's secretly happy look, Ergou, who was chewing chocolate at the desk, said with a dark mouth.

"Lao Xia, do you want it or not? If not, I will eat it all."

"No, just eat it all. I won't give you enough money to buy more."

"Did you hear something good?"

Xia Feng pretended to smile mysteriously and said to Ergou.

"Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say next."

"My name is Li Tianye, and I won't be afraid."

"Yaxin's brother has become the president."

"What is a president?"

"Well, that's what the Tu Emperor meant."

Ergou nodded.


He jumped down from his desk and finished the chocolates in his hands. Ergou shouted at the top of his lungs as he walked towards the yard behind.

"Ya Xin, your brother passed away!"

Xia Feng corrected him immediately.

"You naughty kid, what is death? That's called enthronement!"

"Oh, your brother has ascended the throne!"

When Ya Xin learned about Yin Hui's feat, he was so shocked that he was speechless.

At this moment, Ya Xin, who was usually lively and naughty, shed a tear of joy.

No one can understand the emotion contained in this tear. As the youngest sister, she knows best what her brother Yin Hui is carrying. At the same time, this will completely change his relationship with Chu Xue.

With tears in his eyes, Ya Xin showed a bright smile.

"That's really, really great!"

The next day, Xia Feng asked Jiao Feng to escort Ya Xin back to Kjerag.

After several months of treatment, Yaxin's ore disease has stabilized, and there is no problem in returning to live in Kjerag with the regular medicines prepared by Dr. Kane.

In the final analysis, Yaxin is not Heiyu's person. Under the current chaotic situation in Victoria, in order to ensure safety, Xia Feng can only let "unrelated people" evacuate first.

When the snowy night is over, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, friends will get together again.

He believes that day will come eventually.

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