Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 812 From now on you are a noble

Now the cities in the south are fighting on their own, and tens of thousands of infected people move from the north to the south every day, hitting all cities like a wave.

In the past, the local security bureau would ask for help from the Supervision Office or the army, but now, no one will respond to them.

In order to stabilize his territory before the Central Army's full-scale attack, Xia Feng and Heiyu's companions set off immediately.

Their first destination was Funan City in the northwest.

As a medium-sized city near the border between the north and the south, Funan City was the first city affected by the wave of infected people, and now it can be said to be covered in wounds.

A few days later.

When Xia Feng led people to the outside of Funan City, the scene in front of them was truly "spectacular".

The infected area in Funan City has long been dismantled, and the local security bureau has completely collapsed. The city gate is like a vegetable market, unguarded, with a large number of people of all kinds coming in and out.

The infected people who came out of the city gathered with people passing by and walked in the wilderness.

At the same time, more hungry infected people choose to enter the city, hoping to find materials needed for evacuation.

Xia Feng parked the car with Hong Dao and others, and then left a few people to look at the car.

"Follow me into the city!"

Including Hongdao, Lagouzi, Shuangxing, Franka, Thunder Snake, Three Wolf Brothers, Snow Monster Team and others, more than a dozen people from Black Feather entered Funan City from the city gate.

Funan City is much larger than Happy City, but the chaotic street scene is like hell and heaven compared to Happy City.

As expected, as one of the southern cities that was first contacted by the wave of infected people evacuated from the north, it is not an exaggeration to call Funan City a complete fall.

The entire city's commercial streets, transportation, medical care, public security, and all social systems have completely collapsed. On the streets, people looting wantonly can be seen everywhere.

At the exits of shopping malls and supermarkets, people with red eyes rushed to take out all kinds of items they grabbed, including clothing, food, and even goods that could be carried.

Various restaurants, pharmacies, and jewelry stores along the street were smashed, and people with bruised heads and bloody heads due to physical conflicts were slumped on the ground, with no one paying attention.

The madness of the infected is understandable. Faced with the national policy of being expelled, they must carry out such barbaric behavior in order to survive. This situation is completely within the empire's expectations.

What the empire saw was the loss figures calculated after the fact. To them, the southern cities were not that important.

It's just that when you stand on the street and witness the chaos unfolding around you, you will be shocked.

Once upon a time, Victoria was a symbol of peace, but now, the hypocrisy of peace has completely collapsed.

Seeing the chaos getting worse, Xia Feng had to stop it.

He will not deliberately favor the infected. In his eyes, everyone is the same. The infected must survive, but ordinary people must also survive.

If one group is obliterated in order to save another group, what is the difference between that and the empire's approach.

"Big Wolf, Snow Monster No. 1."


Xia Feng glanced at the largest supermarket in the business district.

"Take your brothers and seal the entrance first, don't let these people continue to rob."


"Let everyone calm down and wait for me to come back."


Leaving Black Feather's companions behind to calm down the chaos, Xia Feng quickly headed to the government building in Funan City alone.

After walking a few streets, Xia Feng found the "heart" of the city.

In front of the building, hundreds of heavily armed military police were waiting. Instead of putting down the riot, these guys stayed here.

But if you think about it carefully, this is also a helpless move.

There are endless infected people evacuated from the north. In this case, the most conservative decision is to lose the vehicle and save the commander, and shrink back.

After identifying himself to the military police leading the team, Xia Feng was immediately released.

Of course, he does not have any official status now. He is neither a noble nor a high-ranking official of the Supervision Office. However, the name Xia Feng alone is enough to let these Funan City military police pass.

It was like people who were surrounded by a swarm of hornets for no apparent reason. To them, Xia Feng was the only one who understood Ma Feng's language.

Soon, Xia Feng met the mayor of Funan City on the top floor of the government building.

The mayor has a fat head, big ears, and a potbelly. He has the face of a standard local official, but at this moment, his big round face is full of sadness.

"Master Xia Feng, you have finally appeared. Please, please let these infected people go to Funan City. Expelling the infected people has nothing to do with us. Our small place cannot withstand the torment, and the people just want to live a stable life. "

Xia Fengpi mocked with a smile.

"Now do you think of living a stable life?"

"We've always wanted to."

"Then have you ever thought about how an infected person lives?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. We can only do our best."

Xia Feng waved his hand, not wanting to argue with the mayor.

"Which noble's fiefdom is your Funan City?"

"It's the Fowler family."

"Where are the people?"

The mayor suddenly became furious when he mentioned the nobles.

"His grandma, as soon as the Yuan Council's decision came out, dozens of members of the Fowler family fled overnight. It is said that the fiefdom was changed by the Yuan Council, and now they have been transferred to the north. Isn't it obvious that they ran away."

It is reasonable for the nobles of Funan City to run away.

As the southern city closest to the border between north and south, if the local nobles did not run away, their bones and teeth would be broken off by the huge wave of infected people.

Later, Xia Feng learned about some recent situations from the mayor.

Now everyone in the city is in danger, and the Security Bureau cannot even count the specific losses and civilian casualties.

Every day, countless infected people enter the city, and at the same time, civilians who cannot bear the pressure abandon their homes and leave the city.

The infected people hate ordinary citizens and officials. Ordinary citizens also complain about the inaction of local governments. Now the mayor is not a human being inside and outside.

If this continues for at least half a month, Funan City will exist in name only and become an empty shell.

After listening to the mayor's narration, Xia Feng thought for a moment.

"Mr. Mayor, do you want to change this situation and let Funan City survive?"

said the mayor indignantly.

"Of course, needless to say, now even the nobles have run away. If it weren't for the safety of the citizens, I would have run away long ago. This decision of the empire is really fucked up, I have already accepted it."

In his excitement, the mayor even cursed. It can be seen that he is still a responsible parent official.

Xia Feng nodded.

"I don't have the right to order infected people, but I can let Funan City survive the raging floods."

The mayor's eyes lit up.

"any solution!"

Xia Feng looked calmly into the mayor's expectant eyes and said softly.

"From now on, you are a noble."

The mayor was stunned for a moment, a little confused.


Xia Feng smiled.

"From now on, you are the noble and mayor of Funan City. However, your allegiance is not to Queen Verin, but to Queen Weena."

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