Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 810 Until death do we part

Some people say that if you want to gain an advantage in war, the important factors are troop strength, tactics, command, supplies, and equipment.

However, when the above things are seriously lacking and fundamentally irreparable, there is one thing that may miraculously turn the tide of the battle.

Just like a golden grain falling from the sky and falling into a desolate land, it instantly energizes the lifeless land.

This kind of thing is called fighting faith.

In the tactical conference room of the Southern Military District.

Led by General Aumen, dozens of senior military generals knelt down neatly on one knee, with their right fists tightly pressed against their chests.

Everyone looked as if they were dead. Even if they were shattered to pieces, they would never take a step back.

The person standing in front of them at this time is the spiritual leader who gave them the belief to fight. With golden hair and a natural leadership temperament, this person is the king in their hearts.

Determined roars erupted in the conference room.

"Your Majesty Wei Na, we swear with our souls that we will be loyal to you forever and will sacrifice our lives for you, even if we die!"

Perhaps some people sneer at the so-called loyalty, thinking it is nothing more than a performance-like imperial ritual.

Indeed, in times of peace and prosperity, the meaning of loyalty is very weak. As a superior, sometimes you cannot even tell whether the loyalty someone says comes from the heart.

However, when a country falls apart and the home built in everyone's heart collapses little by little in front of them, the meaning of leadership will expand infinitely.

Why do knights follow the king in their hearts?

That's because Wang's belief has been recognized by them, and Wang can bring everyone's strength together to realize their common wishes.

In adversity, the king is looking for the knights to protect her, and the knights are also longing for the king to guide them.

At that time, the embarrassment of resistance in despair will instantly turn into a glimmer of hope, and fighting for the king in your heart will burst out with unimaginable power.

Southern Military District Headquarters.

16 main divisions gathered on the huge plain, with tens of thousands of soldiers, and the horizon could not be seen at a glance.

On a temporary high platform, General Aumont accompanied an old man who was walking slowly up the high platform.

This person is Nanfeng’s grandfather, Derek.

Derek was also a soldier. Even though he was old, he still saluted a standard Victorian military salute to the densely packed soldiers below.

Then, an old voice came out from the high platform.

"My name is Derek. I used to belong to the Fourth Division of the Central Army. Now, I want to tell a story buried by time. This story happened in Londinium 21 years ago."

Derek reached into his pocket with his wrinkled palms and took out two yellowed letters.

These two letters were written 21 years ago, one from the Imperial Chief of Military Affairs Frey, and the other from the Imperial Chief of Administration Yaerin.

Both letters pointed to a boy who had the blood of the previous king flowing in his body at that time.

The difference is that one letter represents obliteration and the other represents salvation.

On the high platform, Derek's old voice floated along the microphone to the ears of tens of thousands of soldiers. What he told was the incident where the empire ordered the secret repatriation of Nanfeng 21 years ago.

Combining the two letters, Derek completely restored the incident without missing a single detail.

In order to ensure that her children would inherit the throne, the queen at that time secretly expelled the king's children born to others, and the military chief Frey cold-bloodedly ordered them to be obliterated.

Ironically, Frey wanted everyone who knew the inside story to think that Nanfeng was still alive, but just missing.

And Arlin wanted the Queen and Frey to think that Nanfeng was dead.

The final decision rested with Derek, who was responsible for performing this dual task at the time.

However, Derek did not kill Nanfeng or save him. Instead, he left him in the infected area of ​​Notting City, leaving him to his fate.

This is a hidden history. Combined with the two letters and the recognition of General Aumont, the authenticity no longer needs to be questioned.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were moved when they heard this, some gritted their teeth, and some had tears in their eyes.

It turns out that the empire they once served is so corrupt that in order to inherit the throne, they will even kill the children who also have the blood of the previous king.

Just when the soldiers were excited, Nan Feng, a man with broken golden hair, stepped onto the high platform.

Facing the sea of ​​people, Nanfeng said solemnly.

"I am the protagonist of the story, the child who was sent out of Londinium 21 years ago. The royal blood of the Aslan family flows in my body. My mother told me when I was young that I inherited the legacy of the late king. The power of King Willanson is a blessing and a misfortune."

Nanfeng's voice is full of sincere freedom.

"To be honest, I have known about my life experience for a long time, but I don't feel any resentment or unfairness. I have not been taken seriously, and I don't even have a name. All I have is the south wind with a group of infected brothers. This code name, however, I survived, as long as I am still alive, I feel that whether you are a royal family or an ordinary person, you are lucky."

At this point, Nanfeng changed the subject, and the carefreeness in his voice was replaced by anger.

"But now that some people have been deprived of their right to live, do the rulers of a country really have the right to decide the survival of an ethnic group? I don't think so. The three words "infected" are not names that distinguish status. If there is no I can’t even survive without the help of the infected, and on top of the infected, these people have a common name, the nationals of Victoria.”

On the high platform, the south wind raised its arms and shouted, and the loud voice resounded throughout the world.

"It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders, but this order must be based on protecting the people. Now, the ruler of this country has violated the will of the late king. No matter whether they are soldiers, citizens, or infected people, as long as they are born, they will not allow it. This kind of thing happened on our land, brothers, your loyalty is evident to the world, our battle will be won, the decaying empire needs to be overthrown, and at the end of darkness, there must be a bright future!"

As soon as Nanfeng finished speaking, a war cry erupted like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

"We are willing to follow the royal bloodline until death!"

Nanfeng on the high platform tore off his upper body clothes, revealing a lifelike lion tattoo.

The lion's face on the muscles was ferocious, as if it could tear any enemy into pieces. The next second, a coercion contained in its blood spread.

"Brothers, what about a million-strong army? Anyone who stands in my way will be destroyed even by gods. Kill them!"


Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Nan Feng, General Omen on the high platform was also emotionally infected.

At this moment, he seemed to see the figure of the Aslan clan's late king leading the soldiers who followed him to the death to fight on the battlefield hundreds of years ago.

General Aumon raised his right hand and shouted to the tens of thousands of soldiers below.

"Follow the bloodline of the late king and kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Earth-shaking roars erupted in the vast sea of ​​people, and every soldier seemed to ignore death.

This was the first time in their lives that they heard the heirs of the royal blood call them brothers.

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