Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 800 Three people form an army


Xia Feng looked up when he heard the sound and found Xiaogu standing on the eaves "saying hello" to him.

"Xiaogu? You haven't left yet."


Before everyone evacuated, Xia Feng sternly ordered not to bring extra things.

Turtle's small windmill is easy to carry, but Xiao Gu and Xiao Mo's bird cages are very cumbersome, and Ifrit can't hold them by herself.

For this reason, Xia Feng could only force Ifrit to open the cage and let them fly out to take refuge. Birds have a strong sense of danger. If a natural disaster really affects Happy City, they will definitely be able to with their wings. Survive on instinct.

Now looking at the cooing little Goo on the eaves, Xia Feng thought to himself, as expected, pigeons still love their homes.

"Xiaogu, you must be freezing. I'll open the door right away and come in."


At this moment, Hong Dao, who was standing behind Xia Feng, suddenly tightened his expression and subconsciously placed his left hand on the saber.

Hongdao's reaction was noticed by Shuangxing, and she immediately asked.

"Red Knife, what's wrong?"

Hong Dao squinted his eyes and hesitated for a moment, and soon he let go of his hand again.

"It's nothing, it must be my imagination."

Xia Feng just glanced back and didn't pay much attention to it. Hong Dao had a strong sixth sense for danger, but he himself said it was an illusion, so it should be fine.

No matter what, this is his home. Now that the entire Kilt neighborhood has fled, even the thieves probably don't have the guts to stay.

Taking out the key, Xia Feng unlocked the door.

The street where the barbecue restaurant is located is dead silent, and the night wind blows, chilling to the bone.

When I opened the door and walked into the hall, everything was still the same, with nothing obviously abnormal.

Xia Feng reached out and was about to turn on the light. At this moment, Xiaogu suddenly flew onto his shoulder.


After landing, Xiaogu still spread his wings and flapped. Xia Feng paused, turned around and said in a good voice.

"What's wrong, little Gu, are you hungry? I don't know where Ifrit put your food. Don't make a fuss. I'll look for it later."

After saying that, Xia Feng ignored Xiaogu's objection and continued to press the light switch.

At the same time, Xiaogu kicked off his feet and flew outside without looking back.

Because of the little episode just now, Hongdao still stood at the gate a little uneasy and did not go in. Shuangxing stood on the steps and turned around, scanning the dark street.

However, in the next second, a loud noise broke the dead silence of Baigui Street.

In the hall, as soon as Xia Feng's hand pressed the switch, a huge explosion went off.


The ceiling fell, and Xia Feng was knocked to the ground by the force of the impact. Then, the fireball falling from the ceiling directly submerged him.

At this moment, Xia Feng felt that his ears were malfunctioning, his whole head was shaken as if it did not belong to him, and the flames that suddenly lit up in the darkness surrounded him.

"Ah! Holy shit!"

Soon, the burning of the flames brought him back to his distracted consciousness. Xia Feng rolled and crawled on the floor, patting the flames on his body with both hands.

Because of the explosion, his chest was covered in blood and flesh, and his head was scratched by fragments. He was in a terrible state.

However, Hongdao and Shuangxing who were standing outside the door did not rush in to help him put out the fire.

Just as the explosion sounded, dozens of men in black with short knives appeared in the yard, on the eaves, at Ergou's house next door, and even in the houses on both sides of the street.

This change happened too suddenly. The street that was dead a second ago exploded with the explosion in the barbecue restaurant hall.

In the face of emergencies, Hongdao reacts very quickly.

Without any hesitation, the sword at his waist was instantly unsheathed, and red flames rose into the sky on the blade.

Shuangxing next to him just turned around anxiously and glanced at Xia Feng who was knocked down in the hall. When he saw himself flopping on the ground, Shuangxing knew that Xia Feng was not dead.

Then, she took out an Origin Stone and faced the man in black who suddenly came out with the red knife.

Xia Feng was completely stunned, but the tearing pain in his body immediately brought him back to reality.

Facing the explosion at such a close range, he didn't know how serious his injuries were. He only knew that as long as he could still move, he had to stand up and kill the enemy who plotted against him!

"Oh shit!"

This is his barbecue restaurant. If he wasn't the one to turn on the lights, the consequences would be disastrous.

Under the stimulation of pain, the black and white twins at the end of the 12th cycle were instantly drawn out, and black flames arose in the left eye. Xia Feng's face was covered with blood, and he killed him with the Shenyue Sword.

At this time, the red knives and the men in black were fighting in the street. The flaming swords were flying up and down, and the sounds of weapons clashing occurred one after another.

Although there were a large number of people, these men in black did not make any noise during the process. Coupled with the superb assassination techniques just now, these people are undoubtedly top killers.

The strength of these men in black is completely different from the killers sent by Lieqi last time. The most obvious difference is that even masters like Hong Dao have not discovered their hidden murderous intent.

Of course, the biggest reason should be that the material produced by the natural disaster interfered with Hong Dao's insight, but this alone is enough to explain the problem.

Without saying a word, he came up and gave him an explosive face. This was obviously going to kill him.

Under this situation, Xia Feng had no time to think about the identities of these people. Either you die or I die. He must work with Red Blade Shuangxing to kill all the killers in sight.

"I fucked your uncle!"

This time Xia Feng was really angry. The figure flashed, and the Shenyue Sword was like blooming bloody petals. The man in black who was closest to him was instantly shattered by the light of the sword.

Without pausing, the Shenyue Sword brought out an afterimage, and Xia Feng, like a demon possessed, rushed directly towards the direction where the men in black were densest.

There is no doubt that none of the killers who appeared here at this time were rookies. Facing the "violent" Xia Feng, they still raised their knives to fight against him without any stage fright.

"Swish swish!"

Now Xia Feng was no longer in the mood to use the swordsmanship taught him by Master Xiao. Faced with the inevitable short sword, he directly faced it with the same death method.

The black power drawn attached to the body surface, ignoring the scars, Xia Feng screamed and waved the Shenyue Sword, cutting all the nearby men in black into pieces.

On the other side, facing the siege of multiple masters, Hongdao was already struggling.

He is also a master, but without a qualitative change in his sword skills, Hong Dao's Origin Stone skills simply cannot achieve the same overwhelming killing as Xia Feng.

Of course, not all Origin Stone skills are impossible, such as Frost Star.

Shuangxing's face was cold, and the Origin Stone in his hand was emitting a dark blue light.

She quickly dodged the pursuing killer and jumped onto the eaves.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

He opened his palms, and the strong Origin Stone fluctuations spreading in his body caused the man in black who was chasing him to freeze at the same time. In the next second, countless sharp ice thorns broke through the soil surface, tearing apart like wildly growing bamboo shoots. their bodies.

Flesh and blood splattered, ice cracked, and these men in black finally showed timidity in the face of such terrifying Origin Stone skills.

It was a perfect assassination.

Using the natural disaster command, the agency was placed at the barbecue restaurant in the building where people went. What was even more perfect was that there were only two people who returned to the assassination site except the target.

With the explosives striking first, dozens of top killers killed three people. No matter how you thought about it, it was foolproof.

However, what they didn't expect was that these three people were an "army".

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