Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 793: Stupid people have too much money

The winter in Victoria is indeed long, but as Verin said, no matter how cold it is, winter will pass sooner or later.

However, when spring comes and the flowers bloom, things may have changed.

During the time he stayed in Londinium, Xia Feng had never felt so irritable. It was like locking a tiger in a zoo. Although it was still the king of beasts, it was bound by shackles.

Now that he was finally out of Wang Zheng's radiation range, he suddenly felt refreshed.

A few days later, Aguang drove the car back to Hapi City.

Xia Feng had already told everyone on the phone that he had resigned from his job in the Supervision Office. Knowing that he would be home today, several children were waiting at the door of the barbecue restaurant early.

As soon as the vehicle drove into the Gilt neighborhood, Xia Feng saw a plume of green smoke floating into the sky. It must have been that the coal used in Ifrit's barbecue was damp.

A few minutes later, the vehicle stopped in front of the barbecue restaurant.

Turtle, wearing a green cotton-padded jacket, jumped up to meet her.

"Dafengche, why did you arrive so late? I've been waiting for you all morning."

Xia Feng got out of the car and touched her little head.


In front of the barbecue stove at the door, Ifrit said while poking briquettes.

"It's not too long at all. I haven't started the fire yet. Hey, I guess I won't be able to eat at noon. Damn it, I really want to smash this crappy barbecue grill."

At this time, Ya Xin's voice came from the roof of the barbecue restaurant.

"Why didn't you bring the beautiful woman back this time?"

Looking up, Xia Feng saw Ya Xin squatting by the eaves with a playful look on his face.

"Don't climb so high. There is snow on the roof. What if you accidentally fall down?"

"It's okay, I've never fallen before when I climb high."

"Didn't Master Xiao make a climbing frame for you in the yard?"

"Tch, that one is too short and has no energy at all."

At this time, Guigui, who was standing in front of the car door, suddenly spotted the doll in the back seat.

"Wow, Windmill, you brought me a gift!"

Xia Feng's expression froze.


"Take it out quickly, it's a turtle, I like turtles best!"

Xia Feng took out the doll from the back seat with a gloomy look and handed it to Gui Gui.

Turtle hugged it fiercely and rubbed it in his arms, then lifted it up and looked at it carefully.

"Huh? This doll looks like um. Why do I seem to remember it, but I can't remember it."

Xia Feng let out a breath, pretended to be relaxed and put his hand on Guigui's shoulder and walked towards the store, talking as he walked.

"Guigui, a few months ago, you exchanged toys with an infected little sister, don't you remember?"

"Ah! I seem to remember."

"Well, this is the doll you gave her then."

"What about her?"

Xia Feng raised his head, his voice was a little sad.

"She went to a far away place where there were many toys, so she asked me to return this toy to you."

Turtle hugged the turtle doll and nodded.

"Oh, that's great."


The short absence did not make Xia Feng feel unfamiliar. On the contrary, the barbecue restaurant was his familiar home.

After he came back, all the members seemed to have a backbone, and even Snow Monster No. 4, who specializes in cooking, became more energetic.

Xia Feng's character has always been resolute. Whenever he thinks of something, he will immediately start to take care of it. With him in charge of the overall situation, Heiyu's various businesses have instantly been upgraded to a higher level.

Because he knows the attitude of the empire very well, he must now prepare for the worst case scenario. The first thing to do is to reserve.

There are many things that need to be saved at the moment, the most important of which is money.

Terra Coin is a currency that circulates around the world. For insurance purposes, Xia Feng asked Nancy to keep a small amount of working capital and transfer the rest to Longmen Bank and the National Reserve Bank of Colombia.

Of course, money is just a number, not the most "hardcore" bargaining chip in times of chaos.

If there is anything that retains its value the most in the world of Terra, there is undoubtedly only one thing, the Source Stone.

Taking advantage of the quiet period before the storm, Xia Feng purchased several pieces of natural disaster information from Penguin Logistics, striving to process and reserve the most source stones in the shortest time.

In addition to the Origin Stone, he also asked Nanfeng in Notting City to order all business distribution points of the Chamber of Commerce to begin purchasing large quantities of grains and food with a long shelf life.

Victoria is not a big grain-producing country. If possible, it is best to import from abroad.

Of course, the food reserves have no precise purpose. The south is currently relatively stable. Even if the same tense situation as the north occurs in the future, there is a high probability that there will be no food shortages.

But it never hurts to be prepared.

Now he is almost on the verge of "breaking up" with the empire, with at most a layer of window paper separating him.

However, the Empire has to deal with his unconvincing legitimate reasons, and now the Yuan Council's focus is on targeting the infected.

Preliminary speculation is that Kuroyu's situation in Victoria will be in crisis only after the turmoil against the infected is over, including the light manganese mining area in Happy City, and it is inevitable that a new noble will be assigned to take over.

But will this crisis really end easily?

Xia Feng did some calculations and found that he currently had sufficient funds in his hands. It would not be an exaggeration to call Black Feather his peak period.

In this case, except for the "capital" stored in foreign banks for insurance purposes, he can use the money unscrupulously.

And in this situation, no one will supervise a private chamber of commerce. If we really want to talk about supervision, there are now supervisors from the Border Defense Military Region in his hometown.

However, Mesa, as a supervisor, is also helping him with housework.

According to Xia Feng's request, news of the grain harvest spread quickly.

The purchase price of Black Feather was very high, and some small nobles in the southern region whose fiefdoms were small towns immediately smelled the profit.

These nobles knew that Xia Feng was "expelled" from his noble status by the Yuan Council. At the same time, they were also very clear about the empire's decision-making.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the empire's decision to reduce the number of infected people is not a superficial effort, but a hard-core national policy that is efficiently implemented. According to this trend, it will only be a matter of time before the south is affected.

In the eyes of these nobles, this kind of thing is as easy for the army as clearing the snow in their own yards. They can keep as much as they want and drive away as much as they want.

So, under this trend, the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce started to collect grain at a high price, and it was definitely kicked in the head by a donkey.

According to statistics from the Imperial Civil Affairs Office, the number of infected people is much higher in the south than in the north, and illegal residents account for a large proportion.

Once the "rectification" wave spreads to the south, a large number of illegally infected people will be deported. In other words, the population will decrease.

There will be fewer people, but the land will not move, and the food grown on it will be sown and harvested as usual.

Grain farming is different from mining. It does not require cheap labor, and the planting technology and advanced equipment are also very complete. In other words, the reduction of infected people will not affect food production.

Then, when the population becomes smaller and food becomes more abundant, prices will definitely only decrease but not increase for a period of time.

Because of their trust in the empire and their clever market predictions, these nobles who owned large tracts of land and hoarded large amounts of grain took the initiative to come to the door.

Faced with the extremely high purchase price, these nobles narrowed their eyes when they smiled. They wished they could empty out the rice vats in their kitchens and sell even the rice used for cooking to Xia Feng, the scapegoat.

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