Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 785 Time Corridor

For some time afterwards, the Special Operations Branch's investigation continued.

However, the previous active investigation has completely changed.

Most factories said that in response to the Yuan Council's decision, they no longer employ infected workers. In contrast, there are no violations of oppression of infected people.

Xia Feng was sitting in the office, looking very haggard.

Because the negative reactions brought about by the Yuan Council's decision have already begun to take shape. It is not that the number of infected people has decreased, but that the crime rate of infected people in the north has skyrocketed.

Because of this decision, several teams from the Special Operations Division were dispatched, but they still could not solve all the conflicts between infected people.

And due to lack of experience, these operators may even escalate the conflict in the process of handling it.

For this reason, Xia Feng could only do it himself, constantly traveling between cities.

After finally handling a conflict in an infected area, Xia Feng returned to the office and slammed his hat on the office table.

"Oh shit."

Then, he rubbed his eyes that were red from lack of sleep, got up angrily and walked towards Kapewami's office.


After entering Kapewami's office, Xia Feng locked the door with his backhand, and then the sound of various items being smashed came from inside.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, clang, clank!"

Xia Feng's eyes were red and he smashed everything that could be smashed in Kapewami's office.

Tables, chairs, sofas, coffee tables, bookcases, and national flags, no object was spared. Because the movement was too large, his hand was even cut by the broken glass and he didn't care at all.


Xia Feng's last kick hit the wall, and the wall clock behind Kapewami was knocked off. By now, the entire office was in a mess.

During the smashing process, Kapelwami didn't make a sound and just watched him vent quietly.

It wasn't until Xia Feng finally stopped that he said with a sullen face.

"Xia Feng, what do you mean?"

"It's boring, my hand slipped."

Xia Feng's chest heaved violently and he patted the dust on his hands.

"Ask your secretary to calculate how much these things cost, and I will compensate you later."

Kapelwami sat on the only intact chair in the office. Whether because of anger or fear, his hands were shaking slightly.

Finally, he squeezed out a sentence through his teeth.

"You can resign if you don't want to do it."


Xia Feng kicked the locked office door to pieces.

"I've done a good job, why should I resign?"

With that, he left Kapewami's office in a swaggering manner.

After Xia Feng left, the security personnel who came upon hearing the news immediately rushed into Kapewami's office.

Looking at the inspector general's office that had been smashed into a junkyard, his subordinate swallowed his saliva and asked tentatively.

"Master Inspector General, do you want to arrest Director Xia?"

Kapelwami closed her eyes gently and sighed helplessly.

"None of you mess with him."


Xia Feng refused A Guang to drive him back and left the supervision building on foot alone.

Walking on the streets, the night in Londinium is no different from usual. The people living in this city may not know what is happening in other places at this time. For them, it has nothing to do with their current life. thing.

As the capital of Victoria, there are no concentrated areas of infected people around Londinium, and the entire city is expressly prohibited from entering by infected people.

Just like the birds in the sky do not worry about the living environment of the fish in the lake, for birds, it is a world with which they have no interaction.

But as time goes by, they will soon discover that the chain reaction caused by the destruction of ecological balance will affect all living things in sight.

Xia Feng walked blankly on the bustling streets. The noisy fireworks and flashing neon gave him a dreamy feeling.

At this moment, he felt like he was walking on a corridor that represented time. The things around him were scenes that had happened in the past, and at the end of the corridor, there was ruins.

Collapsed buildings, burning houses, blood flowing into streams, and hills littered with corpses.

His ears were filled with someone's wanton laughter and more people's miserable screams.

The intertwined sounds grew louder and louder than he could stand.

Xia Feng closed his eyes and covered his ears, but he could not isolate the noisy voice of despair.

He raised his head and shouted wildly at the sky.

"Shut up!"

"Beep beep beep beep!"

Xia Feng stood in the middle of the street, behind him was a car honking its horn wildly.

The driver stuck his head out of the car window with a cigarette in his mouth and cursed angrily at Xia Feng, who had his back turned to him.

"Do you fucking want to die? Why are you blocking the road? Hey, what about you, are you deaf?"

The look in Xia Feng's eyes gradually recovered, the illusory scene disappeared, and his consciousness returned to reality.

Turning around, he silently walked to the driver's seat of the car.


The entire car door was torn off, and then Xia Feng pulled the driver out of the car.

The driver was stunned. Seeing Xia Feng's scary expression, all the arrogance he had just now disappeared.

"you you."

At this time, he noticed the Originium crystal on Xia Feng's neck.

"You are infected!"

Xia Feng is an infected person, but he is a third-level nobleman awarded by the royal family. He is also the only infected person in this city who can come and go at will without reporting to anyone.

But at this moment, Xia Feng did not take out his noble medal and explain anything to the driver.

He grabbed the driver's collar and said coldly.

"I am an infected person, what's the problem?"

"This is Londinium."

"What happened to Londinium?"

The driver's face turned pale with fear, but he still had the courage to speak.

"Infected people are not allowed to enter Londinium, let me go, or I will call the police!"

Hearing his words, Xia Feng suddenly smiled.

"Hehe, hehe, hahahahahaha!"

While laughing wildly, he seemed to be talking to himself.

"Londinium does not allow infected people to enter. Who stipulated this? Oh, it was stipulated by the royal family and the Yuan Council. So, who gave them the power to make such regulations?"

Pushing the driver away, Xia Feng laughed and turned around to leave.

Only then did the driver notice that Xia Feng seemed to be wearing the uniform of the Supervision Office.

Decadently returned to Vina's home.

After entering the door, Xia Feng didn't even take off his coat and sat directly at the dining table where the meal was prepared.

Wei Na glanced at Xia Feng's hand.

"Why are you hurt?"


"Then let's eat."

Weina had long known about the Yuan Council's decision to deal with infected people. However, she did not give any reaction or even express an opinion on the matter.


"By the way, there's something I need you to do."

Wei Na placed an order in front of Xia Feng.

"The Sargon government contacted me again today. They want to purchase another batch of finished source stones from us. The quantity is still 5,000. After dinner, you call the barbecue restaurant and let Lao Pu and the others prepare it."

Xia Feng glanced at the orders on the table with an indifferent expression.

"Vina, do you know what is happening now?"

"I know."

"Why are you so calm?"

Wei Na's voice was indeed calm, but this strange calmness just proved that she was not at peace in her heart.

She drank the red wine in the glass and said in a deep voice.

"This is my hometown, and all I can do now is try to calmly complete what I can do now."

Seeing Wei Na's hand squeezing the wine glass, Xia Feng seemed to understand.

Vina is not actually as calm as she appears, but as a leader, she must be absolutely rational and cannot make any decisions impulsively influenced by emotions.

At the same time, she doesn't want her emotions to affect those around her.

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