Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 667 Argument based on reason

Royal member Wei Lan Tai sat in the middle of the judge's bench, with a collegiate judge on each side of him, a total of three people.

The seats on the right hand side of the court are people from the Supervisory Office, and the seats on the left are representatives of the Imperial Council.

Seeing this luxurious lineup, Xia Feng didn't know whether he should be happy. It was obvious that he had received enough attention, or that the incident he was involved in was important enough.

After the trial began, a collegiate judge first read out a lot of court order and relevant rules for trial decisions.

Unlike the local courts, the ruling rules of the Royal Court are somewhat tricky. To put it simply, it is the principle of presumption of guilt.

As long as the Supervisory Office initiates a public prosecution and the Royal Court chooses to accept it after review, the defendant will be judged guilty. If you cannot prove your innocence in court, then you can only rest.

If the evidence provided by the Supervisory Office is strong enough, then unless you can say something that overturns all the previous evidence and convince the judge, you will still be in vain.

Xia Feng stood in the dock and looked back at Wei Na.

Vina sat in the jury box with her arms folded, and the expression on her face was unpredictable.

After Luo Libasuo's explanation of the rules, a collegiate judge spoke to Xia Feng.

"The defendant Xia Feng."

Xia Feng immediately responded honestly.


The judge looked at the information in his hand and his voice was serious.

"According to the information provided by the Inspectorate, you hold a Victoria Citizenship Certificate, but while you were being held in the Royal Detention Center, we tested your blood and the results showed that you were a severely infected person. Regarding this matter , do you have anything to say?"

Xia Feng was not too surprised by this question. Ever since he was forced to draw blood that night, he had expected that this question would be asked in court.

He will not deny this matter, because this cannot be solved by talking hard, and he cannot remove such a large piece of Originium crystal from his neck.

Faced with this problem, Xia Feng looked calm.

"Your honor, I am indeed an infected person at this moment."

"Oh? Then you admitted to the crime of forging a citizenship certificate?"


Xia Feng explained.

"I did not forge a citizenship certificate. My citizenship certificate is genuine. The issuance date on it was three months ago. I was not an infected person at that time."

"Then when did you become infected?"

Xia Feng answered without blushing and without a beating heart.

"Just a week ago, to be precise, it was the third day after the sword competition."

At this time, lawyer Kevin raised his hand, and after getting the judge's permission, he said.

"According to research recognized by the medical community around the world, due to different races, different personal physiques, and different amounts of disease-causing Originium that are exposed to, the degree of infection of oriosis does not represent the time of infection. In other words, a patient with ore disease for more than 2 years may It is still a mild infection, and a person who has just been infected may directly become severely infected. Obviously, this is the case for my client Xia Feng."

Seeing that the judge and the people from the Supervisory Office did not refute, lawyer Kevin continued.

"Xia Feng contracted mineral sickness a week ago. He was still a healthy ordinary person when he participated in the sword competition, which means that his championship is still valid, unless the supervision team of the sword competition reveals that he is an infected person during the competition. Evidence, but if that is the case, it shows that there are major loopholes in the supervision team of the sword competition."

Kevin's words are very tricky.

If the court does not believe that Xia Feng was infected with ore disease a week ago, it means that there is something wrong with the result of the swordsmanship competition. However, the swordsmanship competition was hosted by the royal family, and Princess Weilin was even present in person on the day of the final.

If Xia Feng was already infected during the game, it would be equivalent to the Victoria Empire slapping itself in the face in front of the whole world.

Weilantai talked quietly with the two collegiate judges.

"Well, there is currently no direct evidence to prove the time of your infection, but it is a fact that you concealed it."

Before Xia Feng could answer, lawyer Kevin immediately took over.

"This is indeed a fact. According to regulations, any Victorian citizen who is accidentally infected with ore disease needs to report to the local security bureau, cancel the citizenship certificate, and replace it with a legal residence permit for the infected person after approval. However, the regulations clearly state that the reporting time limit is Citizens have 30 days from the date of infection, and Hapi City, the city where Xia Feng lives, has the privileges of infected people, so in theory it will not affect any urban order."

As soon as lawyer Kevin finished speaking, Xia Feng nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, it's not that I didn't retaliate, it was that I didn't have time to retaliate. This was too sudden. Becoming an infected person also hit me hard. I am so young and just won the championship. This is really disappointing. .”

No one raised any objections to this matter. His identity as an infected person was very hidden from outsiders, and no one discovered it while he was at the Royal Academy.

Of course, some unstable factors cannot be ruled out.

For example, when he was working under Fredo, many gang members knew that he was an infected person, including the incident when he single-handedly destroyed the Blood Harbor Gang, which was his dark history.

Weilantai and several collegiate judges discussed in low voices for a moment before speaking out.

"This matter cannot be concluded at present. Let the Supervisory Office continue to investigate whether your statement is true. Lord Wami, do you hear this?"

An old man in black military uniform stood up on the right.

"I will send people to continue investigating this matter."

Xia Feng was stunned, Wami?

It wasn't until this moment that he noticed this inconspicuous little old man. Through the name and reaction just now, he immediately knew the identity of this person.

Vina told him this information a long time ago.

Capewamy, the current head of the Cape family, the Chief Inspector of the Imperial Supervision Office, and Kahn's grandfather.

After knowing this person's identity, Xia Feng's slightly relaxed mood calmed down again.

Kapewami's attitude was so respectful because he was facing Judge Weilantai, the king's biological brother, but except for Weilantai, he could look at everyone in the court with his nostrils.

All the big shots from such an empire were actually present. It seemed that today's matter would definitely not end that easily.

The matter of the citizenship certificate and the identity of the infected person came to an end for the time being, and Weilantai turned to the next page of the information in his hand.

"Oh, there's one more thing here, Xia Feng."


"A few days ago, you violently attacked your alumnus, Cape Kahn, on the road out of the Royal Academy, causing serious facial injuries. Is this true?"

When this matter was mentioned, Xia Feng suddenly became emboldened.

"I attacked him? Fart! Oh no, your honor, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the person who reported this incident is simply confusing right and wrong."

Later, Xia Feng restored the incident to the letter.

There was no need for any concealment or nonsense. Even though he didn't understand the law, he knew based on his correct outlook that he couldn't be guilty in this matter.

After Xia Feng finished speaking, even Kahn, who was sitting in the jury box, was speechless. Especially when he mentioned that dozens of people had never beaten Xia Feng, Kahn's eyes averted.

Lawyer Kevin took over.

"Xia Feng's behavior is completely consistent with legitimate defense. The right or wrong of the matter cannot be judged by the result. Whoever is injured cannot be the victim. Of course, judging from the injuries of Young Master Kahn, there is indeed a suspicion of excessive defense, so I The parties involved will make relevant compensation.”

Kevin sorted out the information he had prepared in advance.

"According to the provisions on the degree of disability, my client Xia Feng will compensate Mr. Kahn 44,000 yuan for medical expenses, 19,000 yuan for lost work, and 8,500 yuan for mental losses, totaling 71,500 yuan. If there are scars on Mr. Kahn's face afterwards, we will There will also be compensation for disfigurement not exceeding 100,000 yuan, but other than that, the Supervision Office has no right to pursue criminal liability for excessive defense."

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