Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 585 Naihe is in the world

This was a weird assassination, and the assassin who was lying on the roof with all his weapons and companions missing felt it deeply at this moment.

They were obviously here to assassinate others, but now why do they feel like they are being assassinated?


Captain Roger pushed open the door of his home and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Why are you so noisy? Why are you messing around in the middle of the night? Xia Feng, is it you again?"

However, at this time, the entire Baigui Street was deserted.

Captain Roger was wearing pajamas and stroking his white beard in confusion.

"It's strange. The street was very noisy just now, but why is there no one there all of a sudden?"

20 minutes later.

More than 50 vans drove into the Kilt neighborhood, blocking the entire Baigui Street.

As soon as Brother ACE received the news of the assassination at the barbecue restaurant, he rushed over with more than 400 juniors from the eastern suburbs training ground.

All the boys were dressed in black and fully armed, with the machetes in their hands reflecting the cold light. They conducted a blanket search centered on the barbecue restaurant.

In the dark basement in the yard of the barbecue restaurant.


The only surviving assassin was thrown to the cold ground by Sun Fugui, and was knocked to his knees.

A Guang rolled up his sleeves, went up and kicked him hard.

"Have eaten the courage of a bear and a leopard. I'll let you assassinate me, let you assassinate me, and kick you to death!"

Xiao Yunye stood nearby, holding a blood-stained chopstick in his hand. This was the weapon he had just used.

"Xiao thinks that these are not assassins from Dongguo, they are too weak."

Ifrit squatted beside him, the flames in his palms looming.

"What nonsense are you talking to this guy about? Just burn him on fire. I have to go back to sleep."

Shuangxing stood next to Ifrit with his arms folded, his expression expressionless and he didn't say anything.

This man was kicked by A Guang until he held his head and cried.

"I was wrong, don't kill me, ouch, ouch!"

A Guang kicked harder and harder.

"You are so cowardly that you dare to be a killer. Today I will let you know what the dragon's pond and tiger's den are."

At this time, Xia Feng climbed down from the ladder in the basement wearing a coat. This basement was very simple and was used to store some vegetables. It didn't even have a light.

After Xia Feng came down, he greeted Ifrit who was squatting next to him.

"Turn up that flame of yours."


The fire grew stronger and the darkness of the basement was driven away.

Xia Feng waved his hand to signal A Guang to stop kicking. He walked up to this person and took a closer look at his dress.

This man was muscular and tall, and he was not wearing the black clothes of the Eastern Assassins, but a thick brown cotton-padded jacket, and a thick cotton hat on his head.

"stand up."

"Brother, I was wrong, don't kill me."

"I'll let you get up."

The man wiped his nosebleed, immediately got up from the ground, and knelt in front of Xia Feng.

"Take off your hat."


Seeing A Guang roll up his sleeves to kick him again, the man immediately took off his hat honestly, and a pair of round bear ears were exposed on the top of his head.

Xia Feng frowned.


The man was kicked until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he knelt on the ground and begged.

"Brother, I really didn't know your place was so evil. I know I was wrong, please let me go."

Xia Feng was almost amused.

"What kind of logic are you talking about? If I wasn't evil, I would have been killed by you. Is it my fault that I survived?"

"No, no, it's our fault, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."

Xia Feng stared at the bear ears on his head.

"Don't get me wrong? It's not you who has the final say. Who sent you to kill me?"


Seeing the hesitation on this person's face, Xia Feng turned around.

"Ifrit, just cremate her."


Seeing the terrifying flames rising from Ifrit's palm, the man immediately let out a howl like a slaughtering pig.

"No, no, no, brother, don't leave, I said, I said everything!"

Xia Feng stopped and walked back.

"My time is precious, you'd better speak quickly."

"I'm actually not a killer, I am"

"To tell the important point, who sent you to kill me."


Xia Feng could see that although he cherished his life, he still retained a trace of loyalty to the city.

However, when he saw the racial characteristics of his Ursus, he had basically guessed what was going on. It was obvious that an assassination by a layman like this was not at the same level as the assassination at Longmen.

Xia Feng knelt down and stared deeply into his eyes.

"Iroh family."

Hearing the words Yiluo family, the man's expression showed shock.

"How do you know?"

Xia Feng sighed. At this moment, he felt that his previous thoughts were a bit ridiculous.

He had nothing to do with the world, but he was in the world. The most difficult thing in the world to understand is the human heart.

Xia Feng continued to ask.

"Tell me, how did you know I live here."

"We followed your car from the Royal Academy."

"Why do you want to kill me?"

The Ursusian's eyes evaded.

"I don't know about this, it's all the young master's orders."


Xia Feng let out a laugh that was either bitter or amused.

"You want to kill me because of four people? Is your young master too confident, or is he kidding with the lives of his men?"

This man's expression felt as if he had eaten the Origin Stone alive.

"We are not just four people. There are more than 20 people here this time."

At this time, Brother ACE climbed down from the ladder in the basement, walked to Xia Feng, and said in a deep voice.

"We have searched, and there are no enemies nearby. However, there are fresh blood stains on the street. There should have been a short fight, but no body was found. It must have been disposed of."

Later, Brother ACE added another sentence.

"There are new footprints in front of the house opposite. Someone must have come out just now."

Xia Feng nodded, probably already understanding in his heart.

The house opposite is the Styx family. For the neighbors living in Baigui Street, what everyone wants is a stable and peaceful life. The killer who sneaks in late at night is the common enemy no matter who he comes for.

Xia Feng stood in the middle of the basement and took a deep breath. His expression looked a little tired.

Froststar looked at him.

"Xia Feng?"

"It's okay, you can go back to sleep."

Turning around, Xia Feng prepared to leave the basement.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the Ursus man who was kneeling on the ground shouted desperately.

"Brother, I told you not to leave. Hey, what should I do?"

Xia Feng ignored his call and climbed up the ladder.

At this time, the whole street was filled with the boys from the Black Feather Training Ground, and even Aijie rushed over with the boys from the East District.

Seeing Xia Feng walking out of the hall, Aijie immediately approached nervously.

"Brother Feng, what's going on!"

"never mind."

"Who did it? I immediately took people to raid his lair."

Xia Feng sat down on the steps.

"Oh, you can't copy it. He's based in Ursus. Don't worry about it. Just take your brothers and leave."

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