The heavy snowfall that lasted on and off for several days finally stopped completely, but after the snowfall stopped, a bone-deep cold followed.

Inside the barbecue shop.

There was still a cup of freshly brewed health tea on Xia Feng's desk. Guigui opened the door and ran in from the outside, his little face turned red from the cold.

"It's so cold, my fingers are numb from the cold."

Running to Xia Feng's table, Guigui directly picked up the hot tea cup and took a sip.

"Ah! It's so hot! Bah, bah, bah."

Xia Feng looked away from the newspaper and sighed helplessly.

"I told you that it will be very cold outside after the snow stops, but you still ran out to build a snowman with Ergou."

At this time, the door was opened again, and Ifrit rushed in furiously with her nose red from the cold.

"Si~ha~ I'm freezing to death!"

Rushing to Xia Feng's desk, Ifrit picked up the hot tea cup that Gui Gui had just put down and drank it happily. It seemed that she was not afraid of the heat.

The weekend has passed, but Xia Feng still has no plans to return to the Royal Academy. He still has some things to deal with.

If he doesn't go back, Turtle and Ifrit are just like followers who don't want to go back, so they stay at the barbecue restaurant.

This week has passed, and Hong Dao's injury has been mostly healed. As he said before, he can participate in the battle in a week at most. It seems that the strong ones have stronger vitality in common.

Froststar's intensive suppression period for oripathy has also been completed. According to Dr. Kane, her oripathy has been stabilized. From now on, she only needs to take regular injections and oral administration of some conventional suppressive drugs like everyone else.

In addition to Red Knife and Frost Star, Dr. Kane also treated many infected patients who came to seek medical treatment during this period. Because of Xia Feng's previous permission, regardless of whether he had money or not, the disease should be suppressed first.

A middle-aged woman who had received an injection walked down from the second floor with a little girl.

Knowing that Xia Feng was the boss here, she suddenly knelt down to Xia Feng when she passed by the desk.

"Benefactor, thank you for saving our mother and son, thank you, thank you!"

Xia Feng, who was reading the newspaper, was startled. A Guang, who was next to him, saw this and immediately helped the woman up.

"Sister, don't get excited. It's a good thing that your condition is stable."

Xia Feng glanced at the woman's tattered clothes and the little girl's dirty face.

"Sister, you should thank Dr. Kane. I just did what I could."

After that, Xia Feng took out a stack of money from his wallet, and estimated that it was about a few thousand yuan.

Seeing Xia Feng take out the money, the woman waved her hands quickly.

"We didn't even pay for medical treatment. How can this be okay?"

Xia Feng stuffed the money into her hand.

"Sister, take it. I don't come back often. Meeting each other is fate. I can't help every infected person. The money is not much. You take this little sister home to have a good rest and spend the winter in peace. .”

Thousands of dollars are enough for the poor infected families to tide over the difficulties. The woman clutched the money and was moved to tears.

"Thank you, thank you. We really met a good person. Good people will be rewarded."

If it were not for the identity of the infected person, it might be difficult to understand the mood of the infected mother.

She is not just a poor person, nor is she just a poor person with an unfortunate life. Because of her status as an infected person, she not only endures the hardships of life, but also endures rejection from ordinary people.

Victoria's policy towards infected people has been quite tolerant, but even so, strange looks still exist.

Ore sickness is a hopeless disease that can never be cured. Almost no one is willing to lend a helping hand to someone who has been sentenced to death by fate.

So because of this, Xia Feng's actions moved her even more. Perhaps, this is also the meaning of Azazel's existence.

A dirty bear toy was handed to Xia Feng. The little girl next to the woman had a dirty face, but her eyes were very bright.

"Brother, thank you for saving me and my mother. This is my treasure, and I give it to you now."

This is a cheap and inferior stuffed toy. One of the bear's eyes is missing. Perhaps this is why the original owner abandoned it.

But in the eyes of the little girl, this toy is her most precious treasure, and now, she is willing to give the treasure that accompanies her to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng originally thought that since he had seen through the world, he would no longer be troubled by human relationships, but at this moment, he smiled with joy and satisfaction from the bottom of his heart.

After taking the dirty bear toy, Xia Feng touched the little girl's head.

"Thank you, I will cherish it very much. What is your name?"

Seeing Xia Feng take the toy, the little girl also smiled.

"My name is Xiaolan."

The turtle next to her kept pursed her lips, and then she suddenly rushed to the small villa behind the yard.

After a while, Guigui took a turtle-shaped doll he had taken back from his room and handed it to the little girl named Xiaolan.

"Sister Xiaolan, this is for you."

Turtle's toy is a high-end product that Xia Feng bought for her. It is top-notch in terms of workmanship and quality. Looking at this clean turtle doll, Xiaolan is a little at a loss.

"Can I take it?"

Turtle thrust the doll into her hand.

"From now on, let it stay with you."

Xiaolan and her mother are gone. They are not from Hapi City. They will return to a small town on the southern border with the thousands of dollars given by Xia Feng and the dolls given by Guigui.

The winter after the heavy snow stops is very cold, but no matter how cold it is, winter will pass sooner or later. However, the severe winter in the hearts of the infected people does not know when they will be able to get through it.

In the afternoon, a small truck parked in front of the barbecue restaurant.

The delivery boy put a big box at the door of the hall with all his strength.

"Who is Mr. Xia Feng, come and sign for it."

Xia Feng raised his head from behind his desk.


The deliveryman looked at the receipt.

"Well, this is an international express delivery, coming from where is this, oh, Siesta City."

Hearing Xista, Xia Feng finally remembered the batch of goods he had ordered with Miss Ceylon in the college restaurant. He had paid for them and he almost forgot about them.

Looking at this properly packed box, Xia Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Tsk tsk, the business at Mayor Siesta's house is different. There is no smuggling or smuggling. They will directly deliver it to your doorstep via regular international express delivery.

After the delivery boy left, Turtle opened the box curiously.

When she saw the dark stones in the box, a big question mark immediately appeared on her head.

"Big windmill, what is this?"



Turtle opened his mouth and bit it hesitantly.

"Ouch, so hard!"

"Hey hey hey hey."

Seeing Xia Feng's snickering, Guigui roared angrily.

"Smelly windmill, you lied to me again, this is not food at all, huh."

Thanks to Boss Pao Pao Gan for the reward, I have been promoted to the leader of Fengfeng. Thank you, Boss. I will add another chapter later. Please give me your recommendation and monthly votes. Don’t hide the votes in your hands anymore.

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