The artificial lakeside of the Royal Academy.

After a detailed conversation with Yin Hui, Xia Feng understood why Yin Hui wanted him to kill Lie Qi.

A few years ago, both the patriarch and his wife of the Shivaash family died in accidents. The Shivaash family lost its political status in the Tri-Clans Meeting of Kjerag. This was Silver Ash's family, and he lost his parents.

Everyone in Kjerag's circle who knew a little bit about the inside story knew that this was not an accident at all, but a political conspiracy, including the young Yin Hui at the time.

Yinhui's family became a victim, their territory was divided, their status was broken down, and everything came to nothing.

This is a desperate thing, and for the eldest son of the Shivaash family who is not yet an adult, it is as desperate as falling into an abyss.

However, a truly strong person will show his difference at a young age.

At that time, Yin Hui was not blinded by hatred, nor did he give up on himself out of despair. He raised his two sisters alone. When they grew up to be able to take care of themselves, Yin Hui left Kjerag alone.

The snow on the Kalan Holy Mountain never melts all year round, and the silver-gray back gradually blurs in the wind and snow. He leaves his hometown.

The political opponents of the Shivaash family thought that Yin Hui finally couldn't stand the suffering anymore and planned to abandon his sisters and escape from Kjerag. As long as Yin Hui didn't come back, their last worries would disappear.

However, what they didn't expect was that four years later, Yin Hui came back.

Returning with him was the resurgent Shivaash family.

Yin Hui has changed after returning from Victoria. He is no longer the kind and precocious young master Yin Hui who gritted his teeth and endured everything.

It took four full years for him to grow up to be strong enough. From this moment on, Yin Hui's expression never lost his composure.

Kalan Trading Company rose rapidly and monopolized many modern industries that were originally prohibited from development by Kjerag. They exported large quantities of goods and raw materials to other countries and imported modern industrial products, accumulating huge amounts of capital in a short period of time.

And because of the success of the business, the Shivaash family has regained its position in the Council of the Three Tribes.

Yin Hui stood in the rooftop office of Kalan Trading Company and looked down at this small country in the snowy mountains. Everything seemed like a dream.

The Shivaash family is back, but those who have passed away will never come back. Driven by this belief, he closed his heart and became the patriarch of the Shivaash family.

Even if the two sisters were involved in political conspiracy again, his heart would not waver.

The Shivaash family has returned, but this is not enough for Silver Gray. What he really wants to get back from this country in the snow will be more than his opponents can bear.

The artificial lakeside of the Royal Academy.

The cold wind blew on Xia Feng and Yin Hui's faces, and there was an invisible chill in the air.

"Yin Hui, do you really want me to help you kill Lie Qi?"

Yin Hui's voice was calm, but full of determination.

"The Yiluo International Trading Company has a monopoly on trade in western Ursus, which is my biggest trouble now."

Xia Feng looked at Yin Hui's profile.

"You want to reach out to Ursus?"

"Why not?"

Xia Feng said immediately.

"Usas is extremely xenophobic. You can get a share of the business with their merchant houses, but Ursus will never allow foreigners to control border import and export trade. This is very dangerous."

"I have a solution."

"What can you do? It's absolutely impossible!"

Yin Hui didn't understand why Xia Feng cared about him so much, but he could see that this kind of concern was not hypocritical.

"I can do it, as long as Ricky dies in Victoria."


Yin Hui raised his head and looked at the gray sky.

"Lie Qi is the only heir of the younger generation of the Yiluo family, and also the only male. If he dies, the Yiluo family, which has lost its direct heir, will definitely be in civil strife. As long as their control of the channels is slightly flawed, I will Thunder takes over."

At this moment, Xia Feng seemed to suddenly wake up.

The snowflakes falling from the sky are getting bigger.

"Yinhui, why are you fighting?"

Yin Hui was not confused by this sudden question. Just because Xia Feng could ask this question to him when they met for the first time, he knew that Xia Feng might be able to understand his beliefs.

"The things I once regarded as treasures were easily destroyed, and what I lost can never come back. Oh, the so-called revenge is just self-comfort. I want to challenge the gods in the white snow and rebuild everything. If I can't do it in the end, then I will bury everything with my own hands.”

Xia Feng remembered it, and all the information was completely connected together in an instant.

Killing Lieqi and intervening in the border trade of Ursus are not inevitable conditions. Silver Gray may have many plans in secret.

And everything he does is to accumulate enough wealth. As long as he has money, he can turn it into anything that can be used by him.

Armed with troops, equipment, strategic materials, making allies, and winning people's hearts, Yin Hui will turn all his gold and wealth into his weapons. When everything is ready, the existing structure of the Snow Mountain will undergo a subversive collapse.

In the normal development trajectory of history, even three years later, Yinhui still has not become the Lord of Kjerag, the meeting of the three clans still exists, and Chuxue, who is controlled by Manzhuyuan, is still the Saint of Kalan.

In other words, in the absence of external interference, Yin Hui's ambitions have been restricted. Of course, it is wrong to say restrictions, this is just the normal development speed.

But because of his appearance, history took a turn at this moment. If he helped Silver Ash kill Lieqi, Kalan Trade might expand its business to the Ursus border and gain a lot of wealth.

And this series of chain reactions may eventually lead to a result.

That is, the time for Yin Hui to launch the Snow Mountain Incident was greatly advanced.

Xia Feng's eyes were a little complicated.

"You should have many masters under your command, why do you want me to help kill Lie Qi?"

Yin Hui shook his head.

"Although there is internal strife in the Yiluo family, the external voice is still very consistent. Neither I nor my people can take action. Once it is discovered that I did it, I will never be able to set foot in Ursus."

Before Xia Feng could respond, Yin Hui continued.

"Moreover, the Yiluo family also has trade cooperation with the great nobles in northern Victoria, and his status in the Royal Academy is also taken very seriously. Killing him is not an easy task. If it is not handled well, it will cause trouble. .”

Xia Feng understood.

The general meaning is that it is much more difficult to kill Lieqi than to kill the previous level 2 clan. If Lieqi dies in Victoria, the officials will definitely find the murderer at all costs, otherwise they will not be able to deal with Iroh of Ursus. Family account.

"Why choose me?"

Yin Hui said frankly.

"Before today, I spent nearly two months choosing a suitable killer. I also spent a lot of energy investigating you."

"Then what?"

"Xia Feng, you are one of my most promising candidates, but just now in the restaurant, I finally confirmed that it must be you."

Xia Feng let out a chuckle.

"Oh, because I dare to slap the young master of the Cape family in front of everyone?"

Yin Hui also smiled.

"I have seen that there is nothing you dare not do in Victoria."

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