Pretending to be Rhine Life, this was Xia Feng's plan.

He wanted to kill Wa Meng, but he couldn't do it in the name of Black Feather, let alone without a name, because then Ursus officials would probably put the blame on Shuangxing again.

Therefore, he must find a relatively reasonable name.

Time is limited, so Rheinland Life is the organization he is thinking of right now, but after thinking about it carefully, this method seems to be pretty good.

Ursus and Colombia are both world powers, and international relations have always been tense. Colombia was also involved in the Mandal City incident, and the aftermath of this incident has never been resolved.

Moreover, Xia Feng knew the details of Rhine’s life.

For the experiments on the Origin Stone Beast, they often use transport planes to transport experimental subjects to distant countries to conduct such horrific biological experiments. To put it bluntly, they benefit themselves at the expense of others.

late at night.

Everyone sat in the cabin and studied the tactics.

Xia Feng placed a large Ursus map in the middle.

"Brother Kate, what do you say about Penguin Logistics' information?"

Kate took out a pen and circled a small area in the southwest direction of the map.

"Intelligence says that the whereabouts of this infected person eradication team are uncertain, and that the troops were divided into three groups just a few days ago. However, among the three groups, only this group has not moved."

"Is this a temporary command post?"


Xia Feng stared at the map carefully for a while. There was no city near the area marked by Kate, and it was a wilderness.

"Where are Frost Star and the others?"

"Penguin Logistics has not found it yet."

Later, Kate marked two more points representing the infected eradication teams, and simulated their movement routes with lines.

Brother ACE touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"The two groups of people have been heading west and have entered the mountains. If it is a reconnaissance search, they should not move in the same direction, but should search separately."

"Brother ACE, what do you mean?"

"They may have found their target."

Xia Feng looked at the map carefully. He felt that Brother ACE was right. Of course, it was not ruled out that the two teams started searching together from east to west.

The key to the problem lies in the group of people who have not moved. Xia Feng has a hunch that Wa Meng himself is in that group.

"Brother Kate, contact Penguin Logistics and ask their messenger to pay close attention to the movements of the third team. If they also move westward, report back to us immediately."


Xia Feng glanced at his bracelet.

[The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 15%]

[Crystal density of blood source stone 0.51u/L]

[Critical period: 8]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 4 days]

The black and white twins have reached the 26th day of their journey, which means that he still has up to 4 days to resolve this matter.

It is impossible to kill Wa Meng with his brothers. Although they are very strong, their opponents are not vegetarians either. The Ursus people are naturally good at fighting, and Wa Meng has many masters under his command.

It is not a wise choice to use less than 10 men and more than 2,000 elite troops to fight head-on. Even if he is not afraid of death, he cannot put his companions into desperate situations.

There is only one person he wants to kill, and that is Wa Meng, but Wa Meng must be commanding among heavy troops, so he must use lightning tactics to kill him with one blow.

This kind of intensity of power can only be achieved by the black and white twins in the later stages.

Early the next morning.

The helicopter with the Rheinland Life logo printed on its fuselage left the woods and rose into the sky.

The view was raised, and below was a vast white snowy landscape. The helicopter went all the way south and arrived at the southern border of Ursus.

2 hours later.

Xia Feng saw a military camp stationed from the helicopter. Looking further into the distance, a huge military base appeared in his field of vision.

This is the defense area of ​​the southern border army of Ursus.

"That's it, Franka, fly around a few times."


Franka flew the helicopter skillfully. In order for people to see clearly, she deliberately lowered the height.

The helicopter passed over the border army's defense area, and the huge roar of the propeller woke up all the birds and beasts in the nearby snow forest.

The helicopter was like a kite, flying around and around the defense zone below, never leaving. Soon, the Ursus soldiers below noticed something unusual, and the troops began to gather quickly.

Xia Feng opened the door of the helicopter, and a strong cold wind rushed in.

Ifrit was shaken around.

"Oh, it's so cold. Why did you open the door?"

Xia Feng squinted his eyes and looked down.

"Razer, give them a shuttle."


Razer took out his pistol, pointing downwards and randomly pulling the trigger without having to aim at all.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang."

The sound of gunfire drowned out the roar of the propellers. Even if the bullets had no idea where they hit, the helicopter was soon discovered shooting at them from below.

One of the bullets hit the guard tower, and the soldier on guard immediately shrank his neck, and then shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Enemy attack!"

The soldiers assembled in the defense area were still a little confused and didn't know what the helicopter was doing, but when they heard the sentry's call, they immediately understood that it was the enemy!

The commander yelled.

"Hide, quickly, find cover, they have source stone guns!"

On the helicopter.

After finishing his round of bullets, Razer turned back to look at Xia Feng.

"Still fighting?"

"If you don't fight, you won't be able to hit me anyway. It's okay if you mean it. Bullets are quite expensive."

Originium Guns are very precious. Even an elite team like Black Steel International still has members who are not equipped with Originium Guns. As for the Ursus Border Guards, there are hundreds of thousands of troops, and the number of Originium Guns can be counted on two hands. Come here.

Seeing that the helicopter did not continue shooting, the soldiers below emerged from the bunker.

After a while, the crossbow troops arrived on the scene.

“Swish swish swish!”

The angry bears began to fire back with crossbows.

Xia Feng closed the helicopter door forcefully and rubbed his hands that were stiff from the cold wind.

"That's enough, even a blind man can see it, retreat!"

The helicopter quickly rose to a high altitude and left the southern border army's defense area in Ursus.

This was a conflict without any casualties. For the Ursus soldiers of the Border Army, it was like an underfunded anti-aircraft exercise.

However, the logo on the helicopter made the commanders feel that it was not that simple.

Soon, the incident on the southern border was reported to the top military officials.

Ursus Military Headquarters, in the high-level meeting room.

The military chief of Ursus looked at the report with a frown.

“Rhinelife in Colombia?”

A senior military officer responded.

"Judging from the signs on the helicopter, it should be correct. Many soldiers saw it at the time."

RheinLife is a biological experimental institution funded by the Colombian government. This is known to almost everyone in Ursus' top management. In other words, Rheinlife's actions represent Colombia.

The Chief of Military Affairs stared at the report with a gloomy expression.

"Are you 100% sure it's Rhine Life? Is there any possibility of impersonation?"

"I don't rule out this possibility, but I think it should be."

The military commander raised his head.

"Why did Colombia come to attack us in Ursus?"

The officer replied calmly.

"I don't have a clue yet, but I think it should be the Mandal City incident."

There was no winner in the Mandel City incident. Ursus lost 5,000 soldiers, and thousands of Colombians were buried under the ice and snow.

There is no reason to argue about the battle for natural disasters. The so-called [International Natural Disaster Source Stone Collection Law] only applies to the inland, and Mandel City is a fuzzy border zone, so it is impossible to tell who is robbing whom.

However, just as Ursus attributed the culprit to the infected people in the country, Colombia, in order to give an explanation to the dead soldiers, can also attribute the culprit to Ursus.


The military chief slapped the report on the table.

"Notify the military department immediately, convene a military meeting, and conduct a strict search for the movements of the Colombian army in all defense zones."


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