Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 456 Snow Emperor

Xia Feng was holding two Origin Stone Clusters in his hands, and what he was asking was obvious.

Li Shu couldn't figure out why Xia Feng asked knowingly.

"Brother Feng, if I said we wouldn't smuggle the Origin Stone, would you believe it?"

"I believe you."

"Then you still ask."

"Depend on."

Xia Feng took off the quilt on his body, put on his slippers and stood up from the bed.

He stood in front of Li Shu holding the Origin Stone Cluster, glaring at him sternly and asked.

"You have to answer my next question right away, don't think about it, understand."

"I understand."

Xia Feng walked slowly to the window sill, then quickly turned around and started questioning.

"Where did your source stone come from?"

"They were robbed in natural disaster areas."

"Where do you usually smuggle to?"

"There are many in the surrounding countries, but Sami has the most."

“How much smuggling is there every month?”

"This one is not fixed. Sometimes there are more than 3.40 pieces, and sometimes there are not even one piece."

"Are the Source Stones you smuggled finished Source Stones?"

"Of course, customers only accept finished source stones."

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes. Li Shu did not disappoint him. Here comes the important point.

"Answer me, where is your source stone processed?"

"In the south of Sami."

"Oh? Why not in Casimir?"

"There is no place for private processing of Origin Stones in Casimir, and even among the people of Letania, there is no such technology. There used to be one in Syracuse, but it was later destroyed by the big family."

"Then why not go to Victoria?"

"Victoria's source stones are too expensive to process. One stone costs 140,000."

“How much does Sammy’s private processing den cost?”

"The price given to us is 80,000 pieces. We have a small quantity. It might be cheaper if there are more, but the processing quality is a bit rubbish compared to Victoria, but it is still usable."

This result was exactly what Xia Feng expected. In the end, he only needed to confirm one more thing.

"Li Shu, how many private Originium processing dens are there in Sami?"

"only one."

"are you sure?"

"I am sure."

Xia Feng walked up to Li Shu, put his face very close to him, looked into his eyes and asked seriously.

"I'll ask again, are you sure?"

Li Shu raised his hand.

"Of course I am sure, 100% sure. Although our Poisonous Rat Gang is not very powerful, it is fairly well-informed. In order to find a channel for processing the Origin Stone, I have searched all over Sami. I guarantee that this is the only one, and there is no other one. .”

Hearing this information, Xia Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Hey hey hey."

"Brother Fengfeng, why are you laughing?"

"Ahem, I remembered something happy."

Xia Feng's serious expression instantly turned amiable. He hooked Li Shu's neck and said with a smile like a brother.

"Brother, I need your help now."

The tears on Li Shu's face were not yet wiped clean. He looked at Xia Feng's playful face and then at the Origin Stone Cluster in his hand.

"Then this"

"Oh, take it."

Xia Feng handed the Source Stone Cluster to Li Shu.

"This favor is not difficult for you. As long as you help me, these two Origin Stone Clusters will be returned to their original owners."

Hearing Xia Feng's words, Li Shu looked happy. He was about to go to the Source Stone Cong, but suddenly hesitated.

He looked at Xia Feng with some uncertainty.

"Brother Fengfeng, what do you want from me?"

"It's very simple. You take me to the only Originium processing den in Samina."

Li Shu immediately retracted his hand and shook his head like a rattle.

"No, no, no, this won't work. I can't expose their location."


"We, the Poison Rat Gang, put a lot of effort into establishing a cooperative relationship with them, and we promised that we would never reveal our address to outsiders. Originium processing is too sensitive, so there is nothing we can do about it."

"Can't you help them introduce customers?"

Li Shu looked troubled.

"Brother Feng, to tell you the truth, a small person like me is not qualified to introduce customers to others. The Origin Stone Private Processing Factory has no shortage of new customers at all. It only needs to stabilize a few big customers. What they value most is Safety."

This is the truth. The boss of [Grey Stone Metallurgy] also said the same thing at the time. If it weren't for Wei Na's introduction, he would not have known that such an Originium processing point existed in Victoria.

It seems that this rat has some skills in intelligence.

Xia Feng stuffed the Source Stone Cong into Li Shu's hand.

"Take it."

"Brother Feng, it's not that I don't help you, it's too difficult for me."

"I'll add two more Origin Stone Clusters for you."

"This is not about money."

The smile on Xia Feng's face gradually disappeared, and his voice also lost the tone of discussion.

"Okay, I don't have much patience, so I'll just tell you the truth. If you don't take me, I will kill you. Make your choice now."


Franka slammed the door to the room and locked the door inside.

The red knife behind him stood up and took out the long knife from his waist.

Seeing this scene, Li Shu was so frightened that his legs became weak, but in the face of the serious threat to his life, he still did not compromise.

Li Shu said with a trembling voice.

"Brother Feng, you said before that you are from Victoria, so can you tell me what you are looking for in this Sami Origin Stone processing center?"

Xia Feng replied casually.

"Of course it's about processing the Source Stone."

"I do not believe."

"Believe it or not, you only have two options now. Either take me there, or die in this house. I will put the body in a sack and throw it into the snow."

Li Shu swallowed his saliva.

"The power behind that Originium processing center is very powerful. If they know that I exposed my position, I will never even think about setting foot in Sami again. Maybe they will go to Casimir to hunt me down."

Xia Feng waved his hand.

"Okay, after all, isn't it still a matter of money? Who can catch you if you want to run away, you sly guy?"


Xia Feng pointed to the Origin Stone Cluster in his hand.

"In this way, in addition to the two Origin Stone Clusters in your hand, I will add two more for you."

"This is not a problem with the Origin Stone Cluster."

"Add ten."

"No, Brother Feng"

"Add another box."

Li Shu sat down on the ground.

"Brother Feng, it's useless for you to give me the Originium Cluster. There are several countries combined and there is only one Originium Stone processing center. I'm not familiar with Victoria. If I offend them, where can I process the Originium Cluster?" .”

Xia Feng rolled up his sleeves.

"It's easy, I'll process it for you on the spot."


"Why are you processing the Origin Stone? You don't need it yourself. To put it bluntly, isn't it still smuggling and selling it to make money?"


"Then I will give you a discount directly. One box of Origin Stone Cluster can process about 100 finished Origin Stones. I will not charge you a processing fee, and I will charge you 300,000 per piece according to the market price. I will give you a total of 30 million. How about that?"

The people in the Rat were dumbfounded, 30 million!

"Brother Feng, I would like to ask, do you bring so much cash?"

Xia Feng took out his ears.

"You can leave a bank account number later and I'll transfer my finances to you. Don't worry, I won't cheat. If I don't pay you the money, I'll write my name upside down."

Li Shu looked unbelieving.

"This is just empty talk."

"Depend on."

Xia Feng took out the Shenyue Sword from his waist and said angrily.

"Do you know what I do? I'll take the light manganese mining area worth hundreds of millions if I ask for it. I'll give you this 30 million yuan? I don't want to be with you anymore. In one sentence, if you agree, you'll get 30 million yuan. If you don't agree, you'll get 30 million yuan." I'll chop your head off right now."

"Tsk, tsk."

"What are you tutting!"

Li Shu broke the jar and smiled contemptuously.

"Tch, that's all I agree to."

"What's your attitude? You still don't believe I will pay you?"

"Oh, I believe it."

"Damn, you're laughing your ass off."

"I think of happy things, can't I?"

In fact, Xia Feng didn't need to spend the 30 million. Through Wei Na's intelligence network, he could still find the only Originium processing point in Sami, but it would take time.

He didn't want to waste time here. He wanted to go back as soon as possible after solving the problem. Moreover, Li Shu was a local leader of Casimir, and he would also use this person in the future.

After Li Shu left, Hong Dao approached Xia Feng.

"Xia Feng, why are you looking for an Origin Stone processing center? Can't we process Origin Stone ourselves?"

Xia Feng's eyes showed obvious murderous intent.

"We can indeed process it, but we are not the only one, so we have to become the only one."

"Don't you think so?"

"Get ready. We'll set off in the afternoon and get ready for battle. I'm going to crush this only Source Stone processing point in Sami territory!"

At noon, Wei Na sent Xia Feng the contact information of the most powerful gang in Sami.

The name of this gang is [Snow Emperor Group]. The gang’s official business is pharmaceuticals. They almost monopolize the entire pharmaceutical industry in southern Sami. Several drugs that Brother ACE came to Sami to purchase before were all owned by Snow Emperor Group. Distributor.

Of course, the Snow Emperor Group is not a serious enterprise, and their secret smuggling business is self-evident. They are the largest source stone smugglers in southern Sami.

On the phone, Wei Na reminded Xia Feng.

"Xia Feng, the name of the boss of the Snow Emperor Group is Yi Nanxue, and everyone on the road calls him Boss Xue."

"Yinan Xue? Female?"

"It's a man."

"Then why do you have such a girly name?"

"Don't care what his name is. Yi Nanxue is a very arrogant person. His status in southern Sami is similar to yours in southern Victoria. That is their territory. If you say you want to form an alliance, then you have to be polite. If we talk Forget it if you don’t get along, just don’t cause any trouble.”

Wei Na's reminder is correct. It is very difficult to cooperate with transnational gangs, and it is even more troublesome if huge interests are involved. Therefore, the establishment of trust is particularly important.

After all, no one wants to take the risk of working with someone else if they can do it themselves.

Xia Feng ignored Wei Na's reminder and asked her casually.

"Vina, has this Snow Emperor Group never processed Source Stone in Victoria?"

Wei Na was confused by his question.

"I don't know about this. It should be the case. People have their own channels."

"Oh, they will come often in the future, and they will also beg me to process the Origin Stone for them."

Thank you, Mr. DLIVX, for being promoted to be the leader of Fengfeng. Thank you, Mr. Don’t You Want, for being promoted to be the leader of Fengfeng. Thank you for your support. I wish you a happy new year and all the best in 2020!

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