To be honest, Xia Feng admitted that he had underestimated the strength of the Haimen Gang before.

On the surface, the Haimen Gang only occupies Shengdi City, and its power radiates to a few surrounding small cities at most. On the other hand, his Black Feather Chamber of Commerce's power continues to expand like a giant octopus, and its minions cover almost half of the southern region.

The Shanghai Men Gang seems to be much weaker in terms of territory and business, but behind them is the boundless sea.

Xia Feng learned from the conversation just now that Lin Hai even secretly had a deal with the Victoria royal family. Although it was just a deal with a few stinky fish and shrimps, it was enough to prove that his maritime business had the tacit approval of the royal family, and he could do so without violating the bottom line. case, it can be continued.

At the dinner table, Xia Feng directly discussed the current new cooperation agreement on light manganese ore with Lin Hai. For any light manganese ore smuggled out from the sea by the Haimen Gang, the price will be 40 or 60% after deducting the cost.

This condition surprised Lin Hai. He divided it into 40 and 60, which was almost more than doubled on the original basis.

At the same time, this also made him more convinced that Xia Feng was different from Fredo. The former could see things very far away.

Nanfeng then introduced the goods channels and prices controlled by the Chamber of Commerce to Lin Hai, including the specific ones suitable for smuggling to which countries, the characteristics of the items, matters that need to be paid attention to in transportation, etc. Lin Hai will also study these in detail later.

As for the follow-up details of the light manganese ore, it is necessary to let Leidy and the person in charge of the Haimen Gang slowly negotiate after returning.

On the dinner table.

Xia Feng and others talked very seriously, but Guigui and Ifrit didn't care. The two guys ate with their mouths full of oil and didn't stop until their stomachs were full.

In the afternoon, Lin Hai helped Xia Feng and his party arrange the best five-star hotel in the city and asked them to take a rest first. If they wanted to go out for fun, they could call him at any time.

After several days of running around, everyone is inevitably a little tired from the journey.

After taking a shower in the room, Xia Feng fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

After eating and drinking enough, the summer breeze that slept was very refreshing, and the fatigue of the past few days was almost gone.

When he woke up and opened his eyes, it was already dark outside.

Guigui and the others were all awake. After Lin Hai called to confirm, he sent a car to take them to another high-end specialty restaurant to prepare for dinner.

After a brief contact with Lin Hai, Xia Feng felt that this guy was pretty good. Although he couldn't say that he felt like an old friend at first sight, at least he didn't feel that he needed to be wary of anything. But even so, he still carried the Shenyue Sword and the Source Stone firmly with him. .

The dinner place was close to the seaside, and the atmosphere was no longer as serious as at noon. Lin Hai even brought his wife and children over.

The dishes for dinner are not as vigorous as lunch, and are relatively more refined. The style of this restaurant is also more suitable for family gatherings, and the whole meal can be said to be very pleasant.

After drinking for three rounds, Lin Hai sat next to Xia Feng and looked at the Shenyue Sword on his waist and asked.

"Xia Feng, this knife of yours is very cool. I really didn't see what material it was made of. Why is it so crystal clear?"

Xia Feng gently touched the Shenyue Knife.

"I don't know what material it is made of, but it is very sharp and is a good weapon."

Lin Hai was a little surprised.

"Ah? This is really a weapon. I thought you were wearing a jade sword for decoration on your waist."

Xia Feng smiled softly.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin, I have to carry a weapon even when I'm eating. There's nothing I can do. I'm afraid of being attacked."

Lin Hai lifted his coat with a mysterious look on his face, and Xia Feng saw that he also had a dagger hanging on his waist.

"Xia Feng, people like us must have a sense of crisis. I always carry this dagger with me. Even if my intention is not to harm others, sometimes, existence itself is a threat, and you can't even realize it. You have become someone else’s enemy without even realizing it.”

"I know."

Lin Hai's words were very calm, and his meaning was very clear. He did not regard Xia Feng as an enemy or a threatening existence, but even in Shengdi City, there were still things that could threaten him.

Rather than saying this is a sense of crisis, it is better to say that it has become an instinct, just like the red knife. No matter what environment he is in, the long knife is always with him.

Although Nanfeng has no weapons and seems careless on the surface, his strong strength will also allow him to enter a fighting state the moment he senses danger.

On the other hand, Ifrit and Turtle, these two silly guys have no such awareness at all. In other people's restaurants, Ifrit even used the flames of the Balrog to grill meat by herself, and Turtle was still applauding nearby.

After dinner, Lin Hai suggested that he could take him to the port to see.

The port is a place that Xia Feng is very curious about. To put it bluntly, the port is the foundation of the Haimen Gang, that is, the ship.

The size of the port, the number and tonnage of cargo ships, and the completeness of supporting facilities all determine the width of the future sea channel, so this is a place that Xia Feng must go to no matter what.

Standing at the door of the restaurant, Xia Feng said to Turtle and Ifrit.

"You two should go back to the hotel and sleep first. Nanfeng and I will go to the port to have a look."

Turtle shook his head.

"I slept in the afternoon and I'm not sleepy at all now. I want to go too."

Ifrit also shouted at the top of her lungs.

"I want to see the sea!"

Xia Feng curled his lips helplessly.

"Look at the sea. You haven't seen enough when we floated on the sea for so many days. Besides, you can't swim."

"If I can't swim, I can have a BBQ party on the beach."

"You can save yourself."

In desperation, Xia Feng could only bring these two little ancestors with him.

The restaurant was not very far from the port. After Lin Hai arranged for his wife and children to leave, he took Xia Feng and the others and drove to the port of Shengdi City.

30 minutes later.

Four towering lighthouses stand at the four corners of the port, huge containers are stacked on top of each other, and the air is filled with the salty smell of seawater.

The scale of this port exceeded Xia Feng's expectations, and was even larger than the port in Bra City when he fled from Colombia. In an environment where maritime development was severely restricted, it was already very impressive to be able to build a port like this.

Xia Feng and his party stood on a platform near the harbor, with several huge containers placed next to them. From this angle, they could clearly see the number of cargo ships parked.

Lin Hai looked towards the direction where the boat was docked and said while smoking.

"This port has a very long history, but later due to horrific maritime incidents, it was almost deserted. When I came to Victoria, except for a few cargo ships from the Haimen Gang, almost no one was using this port."

Looking at the current appearance of the port, Xia Feng was a little unbelievable.

"Did the royal family invest money to repair the port later?"

"No, I repaired it myself."

Lin Hai took a deep drag on his cigarette, his expression containing persistence.

"Three years ago, I became the new leader of the Haimen Gang. After taking office, I reshuffled the gang. Then, despite everyone's opposition, I invested almost all the gang's money in the renovation of the port and the construction of new ships. .”

Xia Feng looked at Lin Hai.

"Why are they opposed?"

Lin Hai replied calmly.

"Although the Haimen Gang's business has always been mainly maritime smuggling, everyone at the time felt that maritime transportation was a single-plank bridge to survive in the cracks, with high risks and low returns. Even the royal family gave up on the development of maritime transportation. This is obvious. At that time, Haimen Most people advocate giving up shipping and focusing on competing for territory with the Fredo Chamber of Commerce."

"But you insist on developing maritime transport."

"That's right, because I have seen the future. A country's resources are limited. The gangs' competitive methods are all seen by the royal family. Whether they survive or not is also determined by the thoughts of the top leaders. The only way to focus is on the royal family. Only places that cannot be touched can have a future.”

After listening to Lin Hai's words, Xia Feng's impression of him was refreshed. There was no doubt that Lin Hai was thinking of the same thing as him.

Affected by natural disasters, information exchange among countries around the world is very closed. The interests of various resources have become transparent as far as the eye can see. But even so, no one dares to step into unfamiliar areas.

Lin Hai has built the "ship", but he has no allies who truly realize the benefits of shipping. The previous Fredo was only involved in light manganese ore. Apart from that, he did not dare to put other resources on the sea because he did not want to bear the responsibility. Risk of capsizing.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Fredo for being timid. The Haimen Gang is indeed not strong enough. They have rich shipping experience, but they cannot guarantee the safety of goods after landing in a strange country. If they are not familiar with the place, they may be hacked.

That's why Lin Hai pays so much attention to cooperation with Xia Feng today, because Xia Feng's existence is undoubtedly the key to solving this problem.

Later, Lin Hai introduced a lot about the port to Xia Feng. Although the Haimen Gang paid for the renovation and expansion, the port is an official facility after all. It is still controlled by customs officers and military police on a daily basis. Of course, the official management is only passenger ships. .

More than two-thirds of the ships in the entire port berthing area belong to the Haimen Gang. These ships are all cargo ships, including 2 large Originium-driven cargo ships, 9 medium-sized cargo ships, and more than 20 small ones.

This number is not an exaggeration, but in Victoria, a country where even the royal family has given up on the development of maritime shipping, the Haimen Gang is undoubtedly the real shipping giant.

At night, the entire port is quiet.

The moon reflected on the sea, and the sea breeze blew across everyone's faces, which was extremely pleasant.

At this time, a sound of ship's whistle came from the calm sea, and a medium-sized passenger ship from Bolivar slowly sailed into the port.

As this passenger ship docked, the entire port became noisy.

At the same time, Xia Feng's eyes suddenly caught sight of another small boat docking quietly in the rightmost corner of the harbor.

This was a blind spot illuminated by the tower light. If he hadn't happened to look in this direction, it might have been difficult for him to notice.

"Boss Lin, does that boat belong to you?"

"Which ship?"

After the small boat docked, more than a dozen people quickly jumped out of the boat, and then took advantage of the night to blend into the container area of ​​the port.

At this point, Xia Feng finally realized that something was wrong. He raised his finger and pointed at the small boat in the shadow in the distance.

"That's the one. There's a ship that just docked."

As soon as Xia Feng finished speaking, a strong sense of crisis suddenly hit him, making all the hairs on his body stand up.

The next second, two cold rays of light shot towards him from the shadows without any warning. It all happened too suddenly.

When Xia Feng realized that two crossbow arrows were being shot at him, he had no time to react without drawing out the black and white twins.


The long sword was unsheathed like lightning, and the red sword next to it cut off one of the crossbow arrows just as it was about to hit Xia Feng, while the other one missed him.

Xia Feng was instantly startled by this sudden change and broke into a cold sweat. This kind of crossbow made no sound when fired, and the light was dim. If the red knife hadn't blocked it for him, he would have been hit.

"Oh shit!"

This is going to cost him his life. Xia Feng's first reaction was that it was Lin Hai's trick. He wanted to enjoy the coastal scenery. It turned out to be the fucking Hongmen Banquet. They tricked him into coming to the port at night. It turned out that he wanted to kill him under the cover of night.

Xia Feng pulled out the Shenyue Sword and turned his head angrily to Lin Hai next to him.

Then, his expression froze.

The crossbow arrow that passed him by was currently held in Lin Hai's hand, and the front end of the arrow had already been inserted into Lin Hai's chest.

Lin Hai raised his head and roared regardless of the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Be careful, there are enemies!"

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