The sun in early autumn is still hot, but there is a hint of coolness in the air.

Xia Feng likes the autumn season very much, because for him, autumn is also the harvest season.

The lobby of the barbecue restaurant.

A slender figure passed by the desk, and Xia Feng knocked the empty tea cup on the table.

"Fat fox, bring some tea."


Xia Feng's head was hammered out by Franka.

Franka frowned and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Don't give people nicknames, and it's such an ugly nickname. What a fat fox."

Xia Feng rubbed his head.

"I was wrong, Sister Fairy, please help me get a cup of hot water, thank you."

Franka rudely put the tea cup back on the desk and quickly walked into Nancy's financial room. After a while, Xia Feng heard the quiet conversation coming from inside.

"Nancy, do I look really fat?"

"It's okay, you're tall."

"Is your butt big?"

"No, boss, he is just talking nonsense, don't listen to him."


In fact, Xia Feng was just teasing her. Franka doesn't look fat at all now. Of course, if she continues to eat barbecue three times a day, she doesn't know what she will look like in three years.

Nearly half a month has passed since the annexation of the Fredo Chamber of Commerce. Whether it is recovering the surrounding cities or resuming business, it is basically perfect. While enjoying the fruits of victory, Xia Feng is also planning another thing.

This matter is not about others, but about Heiyu himself. When Xia Feng was fighting in various districts of Notting City, he discovered one thing, that is, except for these idiots, the general combat effectiveness of gangsters Somewhat lower than expected.

Of course, they are not all weaklings, there will be some masters mixed in, but overall they are still not good enough, and Xia Feng thinks this is not good.

What is the most important thing about gangsters?

It's not that there's more money, it's that there are more people, and these "people" can't all be cannon fodder. As long as the overall combat effectiveness increases, everything will be there, including money.

Therefore, adhering to the belief of improving the overall quality of basic combatants, Xia Feng launched a plan within the Black Feather Group. He also came up with a very powerful name for this plan "Black Soul Project".

As for what the Black Soul Plan is specifically, it’s actually easy to explain.

The specific plan is to select a group of personnel with relatively strong physical fitness and talent among all the brothers in Notting City and Happy City to form an elite action team and name it the Black Soul Brigade.

Xia Feng initially planned that the first batch of Black Soul Brigade members would be about 200 people. After the selection of the personnel was completed, they would all be transferred to Hapi City to undergo hell-level devil training.

Brother ACE is responsible for training combat literacy, including physical training, close combat skills, reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, tactical cooperation, etc. Among them, Razer, as a newcomer to Black Steel International, can assist in training.

Then, Red Knife and Franka will teach practical combat theories of swordsmanship and swordsmanship, and special training can also be conducted for certain infected members.

Finally, Lapland will occasionally teach assassination experience, striving to fully develop the Black Soul Brigade's moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and technical skills, and create a special combat group with a soul.

For team members who perform well in training, Xia Feng will also reward them to come to the headquarters to eat Ifrit's barbecue.

A few days later.

At Xia Feng's request, the first batch of members of the Black Soul Brigade were quickly selected.

In fact, the fighting quality of these people is not bad, but because they were too loose before, they had no passion.

Of course, this is not entirely their fault. The only blame is that the previous Frido Chamber of Commerce was too strong and had no rivals. But now this problem has been effectively solved because Xia Feng appeared.

Xia Feng paid a sum of money from the finance department and rented ten villas in the [Golden Coast] villa area in Dongcheng District of Happy City. He also bought a piece of land on the outskirts of the city and built a simple training ground.

This is the method he can currently think of to improve his combat effectiveness. He cannot send every younger brother to the Royal Guards Academy, so he can only practice at home. Of course, the effect is not necessarily worse than the Royal Guards Academy.

There are ACE, Razer, Red Knife, Franka, plus a Lagouzi as an instructor. If you make an inappropriate metaphor, this is the difference between learning cooking in a professional technical school and being an apprentice under an experienced chef for many years.

No matter how expensive your ingredients are, how professional your cooking techniques are, or how cumbersome the steps are, the most important thing is that it tastes good and makes people full.

Of course, in order to increase the enthusiasm of personnel training, in addition to Ifrit's barbecue, Xia Feng also promised very generous treatment and rewards. He will not be stingy on this point. He understands this principle. Employees with excellent abilities can lead the boss. The benefits he received far exceeded the salary paid to him by his boss.

This is especially true for a gang of Black Feather's current nature.

In this way, the Black Soul Brigade, personally designated by Xia Feng, began hard training in the Chengdong District of Happy City.

On this day, the sky was overcast.

Xia Feng sat behind the desk in the barbecue restaurant and tapped his fingers gently on the table. The data on the bracelet had reached the middle.

[The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 15%]

[Crystal density of blood source stone 0.51u/L]

[Individual power: 446]

[Critical period: 6]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 17 days]

His ore disease has worsened slightly, but Dr. Kane said this is a normal phenomenon, and the specific reason should be related to the huge amount of Originium energy he absorbed when he drew his sword that day.

Although the energy is released through the body, because the density is too large, a small amount will still be incorporated into the blood.

Xia Feng has never been a pessimistic person, but sometimes he really can't help but wonder whether the things he is doing now are really meaningful.

Although there will be confusion, the answer is still yes.

Because until he finds the true path to the "Kingdom of Heaven", he can only lead his Black Feather to continue to grow stronger.

The black and white twins on the 30th day could repair his scarred body, but they could not improve his mineral disease. His current state was considered to be moderately infected or close to severe infection. Of course, because of Dr. Kane's suppressive treatment, his body was There is no obvious impact.

Xia Feng didn't know how long he could live in this situation. It might be 3 years, it might be 5 years, or it might be 10 years.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, whether 5 years or 10 years are too short, time flies by in the blink of an eye.

But for Xia Feng, 5 or 10 years are already too far away.

If history had not been changed and the Chernobog incident still happened three years later, he would not even be sure whether the world would still exist 10 years later.

This sounds ridiculous. Mineral disease is obviously a disease that makes people fall into despair, but for Xia Feng, this is no longer important, because he has no intention of looking forward to the too distant future. All his energy has been concentrated on Within these three years.

Of course, everyone wants to live a long life, and he is no exception. If he really completes his mission and, like Amiya's ideal, builds the Tower of Babel leading to the Kingdom of Heaven in a sense, then he will also I want to see with my own eyes what the changed world of Terra will look like.

But if completing this mission ultimately requires sacrificing a person, he will not hesitate. Although he cannot see it with his own eyes, this changed world is a trace of his past existence.

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