Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 318 Stone Tablet

After deciding to find the magic sword that Hong Dao was talking about, Aguang changed the route directly at the next intersection and drove the jeep toward the southeast.

Xia Feng made a call to Black Feather BBQ Restaurant and told Guigui about the temporary change of schedule. Based on the distance, it would take at least a week for them to go back.

There is nothing he needs to prepare for the plan to replace Fredo. As long as he takes action, it will be the power of thunder. In order to increase the chance of winning, the only thing he needs to do now is to wait for the operation cycle of the black and white twins to be closer to 30 days, so this trip to Syracuse The trip had no impact.

Three days later.


This jeep traveled across southern Letania, passed by the Vaifan League, passed by the Lateran border, and finally arrived at Syracuse. At this point, Xia Feng had traveled all over the countries surrounding Victoria. .

It didn't look very far on the map, but I didn't expect that it actually lasted three days. During these three days, Xia Feng Hongdao and A Guang took turns driving, almost day and night, and the wheels of the car almost flew away.

After entering the border of Syracuse, the environment also changed. The terrain began to become higher and the desolate land was replaced by large forests. When the car window was opened, the air was filled with humidity and the unique smell of vegetation.

Xia Feng didn't know much about Syracuse. He had the impression that it was a small country with very backward technology. Due to the geographical environment, the information exchange here was more closed. The concept of political power was very vague. Apart from the capital, almost all the countries were composed of several major cities. The family controlled the surrounding area.

Hongdao had spent some time in Syracuse before, and during the conversation with him, Xia Feng heard the name of a family he cared about, the Texas family.

After an in-depth conversation, Xia Feng got the natural result from the red knife. The Texas family had been destroyed, and that had happened many years ago.

However, Xia Feng no longer has the extra energy to delve into this matter. The world is too big. No matter in the past or present, countless things that he doesn't know about have happened or are happening now. He can't handle everything. Unless the importance or the chain reaction caused is enough for him to investigate further at all costs.

But it seems not so far.


The jeep finally drove to the southeastern border of Syracuse and arrived at a border town. It is said that after passing through the forest to the east and then climbing over a few mountains, it is the border of Minos.

It was getting dark, so they found a small hotel in the town. After eating something simple, the three of them immediately began to sleep to replenish their energy.

the next day.

Under the leadership of Hong Dao, the three embarked on a journey to find the snow mountain.

There was fine snow floating in the air, and the cold temperature stimulated Xia Feng's senses. This feeling seemed to make him feel like he was back in Ursus.

Although seven years have passed since the last time they found a snow-capped mountain, Hongdao still quickly confirmed the direction like a drug-detecting dog. After 6.7 hours of running, they finally climbed to the legendary snow-capped mountain, Wangyue Mountain.

The altitude here is very high. The current season is not winter, but there is still snow on the top of the mountain. From this, you can judge how low the temperature is on the top of the mountain.

"Ah owe!"

A Guang, who was following behind, couldn't help but sneeze, rubbed his cold and red nose, and said with a grin.

"Brother Feng, it's too cold here and the wind is so strong. If I had known, I would have bought a cotton-padded jacket."

Although Xia Feng was also very cold, this matter was his initiative, so he naturally couldn't complain.

"If you can't stand it anymore, just go back to the bottom of the mountain and wait for us. We'll go up to see if the sword is still there and then come down."

Aguang thought for a while.

"Forget it, I'm here anyway, I still want to take a look."

In this way, the three of them endured the cold and continued to climb towards the top of the mountain.

Because the altitude was too high, the clouds and fog became thicker the closer to the top of the mountain. Xia Feng followed Hong Dao and searched for more than two hours before finally finding the legendary rock with the magic sword embedded in it.

Through the clouds and fog, a relatively open terrain appeared on the top of the mountain. The ground was very flat and covered with a thin layer of snow. Although the temperature on the top of the mountain was cold, Xia Feng still saw many trees along the way, but this open land Within a radius of several tens of meters, not even a single plant grew.

"Creak, creak!"

The top of the mountain was extremely quiet, with only the sound of shoe uppers rubbing against the snow. Other than that, it was so quiet that the world seemed to have lost all sound.

Xia Feng walked step by step towards the rock in the clouds and mist in front of him. For some reason, he suddenly had a strange feeling at this moment.

The terrain of this open area on the top of the mountain seems to have been impacted by a very destructive energy, which resulted in its current appearance. Combined with the looming clouds and mists, it gives people a dreamy and sacred feeling.

At the same time, an incredible thought suddenly came to Xia Feng's mind. Is this really his first time visiting this snow-capped mountain?

There was undoubtedly a strange scene in front of him, which had never appeared in his memory, but the terrain, the temperature of the air, the feel of stepping on the snow, and the indescribable mood all reminded him.

At one point in time, he seemed to have been here.

This strange feeling is difficult to describe. If I had to find an accurate word, it would be called déjà vu.

This is a very vague sense of déjà vu, very light. If it weren't for the fact that it was surprisingly quiet here and there were no other sensory factors that interfered with him, Xia Feng might not have cared about this inexplicable feeling.

"Xia Feng, what's wrong?"

Hong Dao's voice came from behind.

Xia Feng shook his head gently.

"Nothing, just a strange feeling."

"How does it feel?"

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the red knife, and the sense of déjà vu in his heart disappeared without a trace. When Xia Feng tried to distinguish it carefully, he was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Putting aside these irrelevant thoughts, Xia Feng took a deep breath and walked towards the end of the clouds and mist.

On the flat ground, a raised rock appeared in the field of vision. Due to the clouds and fog, the visibility on the top of the mountain was only about a few dozen meters. When Xia Feng got closer, he discovered that there was a steep cliff behind the rock. , this is also the highest place in the entire mountain, and it is also said to be the closest place to the moon in the entire world of Terra.

This rock is integrated with the ground and is about less than half a meter high. Judging from its almost symmetrical rectangular shape, it should be man-made.

Xia Feng stood in front of this raised rock, his eyes gradually becoming serious. Just like in the legend, there was a sword stuck straight in the center of the rock.

The style of this sword is very simple. The blade is wider than a normal sword. Calculated according to the proportion of the hilt, the blade is about half submerged in the rock. Other than that, more details can no longer be seen. After countless years Exposed to the wind and sun, the exposed parts of the sword were eroded and rusty.

However, compared to this legendary magic sword that no one could shake, Xia Feng's attention was attracted by something else.

On both sides of the rock with the sword stuck in it, a two-meter-high stone tablet was erected.

Two powerful characters are engraved on the two stone tablets.

[Shen Yue] [Red Demon].

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