Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 299 Secret Weapon

Hearing Xia Feng's question, Nancy said with understanding.

"You want Ifrit to go to school, too. Well, I think it's okay. I found out before that this child doesn't know many words. It's really hard for me to imagine how her parents raised her."

Xia Feng also looked at Ifrit with some distress.

"Hey, this child's experience is a bit complicated. It would be great to live to this age."

Then, Nancy thought thoughtfully.

"The Royal Academy has a high school department directly under it, and there are also cultural classes in various subjects. However, with the personality of a child like Ifrit, something might happen to her alone, so it is best to find a companion."

Xia Feng also touched his chin to express his agreement, and then he looked at Turtle who was sweeping the floor.



"ask you a question."


"What is 23 times 38?"

Turtle said righteously.

"I can't do multiplication."

"Okay, let's change the question, what is 23 plus 38?"

Guigui counted on his fingers for a long time, and finally frowned and spread his hands.

"have no idea."

The Ergou next door appeared out of nowhere, and he was seen mocking Turtle with a sneer on his face.

"Guigui, you are too stupid. 23 plus 38, it's such a simple calculation and you know it's 61."

Xia Feng's voice came immediately.

"Ergou, what is 23 times 38?"

Ergou was stunned and immediately started counting with his fingers. After a moment, he was seen scratching at the little flat head.

"have no idea!"

"Damn it, at this level you still dare to laugh at Turtle?"

"Hey, it's boring. I went to play football."

Ergou pretended to be calm and left.

Xia Feng looked at Guigui and Ifrit. Of these two little guys, one was illiterate and the other was illiterate.

"Second General Long Gui will obey my orders. You two will go to the Royal Academy for me next month."

As soon as these words came out, Long Gui's expression changed.

Charmander waved the meat skewers and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I hate studying the most. I don't want to go to school. If you force me to go, I will burn the school down."

Xia Feng walked up to Ifrit and put his arms around her shoulders, put his mouth to her ear and lowered his voice.

"Hey, can you write?"

"I can only write my name. Helmer taught me how to do it."

"Then do you miss Homer?"


Xia Feng said seriously.

"Look, we can't contact Hermer right now, and we can't get through on the phone either. If you can write, you can write a letter to Hermer, so she will be happy when she sees it, and maybe she will come and live together as soon as possible. .”

Ifrit was obviously moved, but still asked cautiously.

"If you don't even know the address, how can the letter be delivered to Helmer?"

Xia Feng nuzzled towards the bird cage hanging at the door.

"Don't you have Xiao Mo? You have lived with Hu Mo for so many years, so she must have your smell. Xiao Mo remembers your smell, so he will definitely find Hu Mo and deliver the letter to Hu Mo. "

Nancy from behind patted Xia Feng on the shoulder.

"Boss, forget it, you are trying to fool a three-year-old."

"I'm going to school!"

Ifrit's firm voice interrupted Nancy's words, and she saw stars shining in her eyes, as if she was looking for someone to fight for.

"I am going to school, and I want to learn to write letters!"

After taking care of Ifrit, Xia Feng transferred his firepower to Turtle.

"Gitui, you also have to go to school."

Turtle shook his head.

"I do not want to go."


"I don't want to be separated from you for too long unless you come with me."


Nancy approached Xia Feng again and said seriously.

"Boss, actually you really could use some study. I've already seen that you have a problem with the amount of knowledge you have, and you always say things that others don't understand. You probably haven't gone to school properly."

"Damn, after all, I was a college student before."

"Oh? Boss, which university did you go to before?"

"I'll forget it."

Seeing Xia Feng's deflated look, Nancy continued.

"The Royal Academy has many subjects. Not only people of the right age, but many adults also go there to study. The Originium major, Business Administration, Guards Academy, and Magic Academy are very famous all over the world. Many big families and elders also go there to study. Heirs to the company will come here to study."

A light flashed in Xia Feng's mind.

"Oh, then have you seen the students coming from Kjerag?"

"Sherag? There should be, I didn't pay attention."

"Where are you from Longmen?"

"There are many students from Longmen."

"What about the young lady who has strong magic and can easily burn her clothes?"

"Boss, how do I know that? If you are curious, go and see for yourself. Anyway, you have a lot of money, and you might be able to make friends with family heirs who will be helpful to the business."

Xia Feng thought for a while.

"Hey, let's talk about this later."

There is no rush to go to school. Victoria Royal College will not start school for more than a month, and Guigui and the others do not have legal status. Although money can make things work, it will inevitably take some effort.

In terms of priority, this matter is obviously not on the schedule. The first wave of storms seems to have broken through, as if a rainbow has been seen, but after that, there will be even greater obstacles, which Xia Feng must overcome. Breakthrough stuff.

He replaced Richie and became the real boss of Happy City, but this was not his ultimate goal, but rather the last step before he executed his plan to cut off.

What he really wants is the city of Notting. As long as he controls the giant's brain, he will become the core of the southern region in disguise.

Xia Feng glanced at his bracelet.

[Critical period: 5]

[Countdown to the next cycle: 28 days]

The real storm in Victoria is unknown when it will blow, and the event prophesied by Yuanshan may happen quietly. Therefore, the plan to cut off the lifeline of the Fredo Chamber of Commerce must be completed within the fifth cycle of the Black and White Twins.

Now that he is back in Happy City, his connection with the headquarters has not been affected because he has received the support of Nanfeng. With this powerful brother, he can keep track of Frido's movements in real time.

To be honest, on the surface, this plan seems a bit overestimating. Frido's power is too huge, the bosses of the seven city districts are deeply rooted, and the ties with other surrounding cities are also complicated.

Nanfeng is very strong, but he has no usable cards in his hand. To put it bluntly, Nanfeng is a gold medal fighter, but he only has one person. Plus the current members of Black Feather, there are only four or five who are capable of fighting. , those melon-eating boys in the East District are temporarily of no use.

However, Xia Feng's real trump card is more than just as shabby as it looks.

Yes, he was sure that in addition to Kuroba and himself, he also had a secret weapon that could travel across the world.

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