Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 27 The dead will not come back

The sun gradually rises high into the sky, and the sunlight shines on the snow, adding a touch of warmth to the cold northern country of Ursus.

Xia Feng sat in the jeep, staring at the scenery passing by outside the window in a trance.

Today's date is April 12, 1093 in the Terra Calendar. If everything goes well, they will reach the ruins of Mandel City before the 15th.

Sitting in the car, Xia Feng couldn't help but start thinking.

If you think about the worst case scenario, then when they arrive, it is very likely that people from other forces will also be present. It is a public area that does not belong to any country or force. In other words, no matter what kind of actions they make They will not be bound by the law. In the face of huge interests, people may lose their moral bottom line.

Xia Feng knew it very well.

The Glasgow Gang is not a formal organization, let alone an armed agency of the government. They are real gangs.

Anyone who appears there is undoubtedly trying to compete for the Source Stone. Weena will not be merciful if necessary.

She is extremely loyal to her friends.

She is ruthless towards her enemies.

In order to restore the Glasgow Gang's losses this time, Weena may regard all those who hinder her as enemies, and the method of dealing with enemies is simple. Only dead people will not pose a threat to herself.

Xia Feng knew that if the course of history had not gone awry, Wei Na might not have died.

Because her name will be included in Rhode Island's operator information three years later, no matter what happens, she and Indra will be able to survive at least three years later.

But now something has changed, and the course of history has been disrupted.

And the person who changed the advancement of history was himself.

His existence has brought uncertainties to the direction of the world. This is the butterfly effect. His current existence seems insignificant, but in fact it is not.

He is a butterfly now. Even a small move, or even standing completely still, may change the direction of history. The most direct impact is the upcoming Mandel City Origin Stone War. fight.

Because of his existence, Vina and the others were not 100% able to leave Mandel City alive.

Wei Na closed her eyes, the expression on her face became more and more serious, and her whole person exuded the murderous aura of a wild beast before hunting.

Indra took out the map.

"Vina, there are no cities further ahead, and there are no people along the way. It seems that there is not much action on Ursus' side. It is estimated that it will be difficult to gather a large force in a short time to rush over."

Xia Feng beside him interjected.

"What if they get there first? They're just waiting next to Mandel City for the radiation from the Source Stone to decrease."

"Impossible. Lingdong received the intelligence the night before yesterday. Ursus officials should have the same information. In addition to the time it takes to determine the specific location and organize the personnel, they will only be slower than us, not faster. But it won't be either. How long will it take?"

Xia Feng nodded, which meant that Ursus' army would only follow them.

Veena opened her eyes.

"I'm not worried about Ursus. Except for the cold winter, those self-righteous stupid bears are not qualified to compete with me for food. What I'm worried about is the nearest Kjerag and the actions in the south. .”

Xia Feng was a little puzzled.


"It's Colombia."

Xia Feng thought about it for a while. He had seen a map of the Terra world. Colombia is located in the southwest of the world. In terms of distance, it is even farther than Victoria.

“Colombia is so far away, how is it possible to get here in a short time?”

Vina sneered.

"Oh, that kind of powerful country hides a lot of things that we can't understand. The distance from this restriction may not be anything at all."

Vina is right. If necessary, Colombia can even consume a large amount of Origin Stones and use airplanes or aircraft to cross half of the map and reach here as quickly as possible. Is it worth it? It all depends on how much Originium material is buried under the ruins of Mandel City.

And when mentioning Colombia, the first thing that Xia Feng thought of was Rhine Life Laboratory.


Xia Feng and the others' vehicles had already left the last city in Ursus and continued to drive north until they reached the ruins of Mandel City and would not pass through any more cities.

The location of Mandel City is at the intersection of the Ursus border and the Kjerag border. The road has begun to become less smooth. The road leading to the Kalan Holy Mountain is basically empty except for the trading vehicles coming from Kjerag. There will be no other traffic.

Half an hour later.

Xia Feng found something that looked like an armored vehicle parked on the road ahead. There were seven or eight heavily armed men around the armored vehicle.

Xia Feng immediately exclaimed nervously.

"There's a situation!"

"Don't yell."

Indra glanced at him.

"This is the previously agreed meeting point. They are the mercenaries I contacted."


The two jeeps immediately slowed down and slowly stopped on the side of the road. They opened the door and Wei Na got out of the car first.

In such a barren mountainous place, it is impossible for anyone else to come except the employer. Seeing Wei Na walking towards them, a strong man with a beard among the mercenaries also walked over.

The strong man was wearing a body armor, his brown hair was tied back on his head, he had headphones on his ears, and he also wore a pair of black tactical goggles on his face. He looked extremely professional.

He stretched out his hand to Vina, his voice strong and steady.

"Hello, I am the captain of this mercenary team. Miss, who are you?"

"Hello, I am Wei Na, I am your employer this time."

"Miss Vina, I have admired you for a long time. The name of the Victoria Glasgow Gang is resounding all over the world. I didn't expect that Miss Vina, the leader of the gang, is so young. This makes me a little surprised. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to look down on you. I just feel that you very impressive."

The captain's tone was sincere, neither humble nor overbearing, and he didn't sound polite and flattering at all.

Vina nodded expressionlessly.

"Thank you. Time is running out. Let's set off now. We'll discuss the specific situation in the car."


The vehicle restarted, and the mercenary's armored vehicle followed. Because there was a battle plan to discuss, the mercenary captain got into Xia Feng's car.

Xia Feng glanced at the captain sitting next to him and saw that he was sitting upright with a very serious expression on his face.

This guy is different from the image of mercenaries in Xia Feng's impression. Mercenaries are generally sinister and vicious militants with weird personalities who regard money as life.

But these elements are not found in this captain. He always gives people a calm, wise, steady and reliable feeling.

Looking at his resolute profile, Xia Feng couldn't help but feel a little familiar.

"Hey, uncle, what's the name of your team?"

The captain turned his head.

"Little brother, the team I lead is called [Death]. Although it is not as famous as Black Steel International, our purpose is to resolutely complete the mission and never abandon our comrades. If the mission fails, we will not charge a penny from the employer. .”

"Wow, that's quite principled."

The captain looked at Xia Feng and smiled. His resolute face was like an iceberg melting, with a hint of iron-blooded tenderness.

"And little brother, don't call me uncle, it sounds weird. You can call me by my code name."

"Okay, what's your codename?"

The captain gave Xia Feng a thumbs up.

"My code name is ACE."

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