Nanfeng didn't care about anything, but Xia Feng later understood.

To put it simply, Nanfeng has no specific responsibility for anything, nor does it have the exact location and content of work. Each of the seven districts in Notting City has a boss in charge. At the same time, there is a dedicated person at the headquarters who is responsible for communicating with the surrounding areas, including Hapi City. Business docking with other small and medium-sized cities.

Nanfeng does not have an accurate position or territory. He only follows the instructions of Fredo. Without a supervisory territory and business, it means no private income and dividends. Nanfeng is like a free man, but his position in the gang is His status was not lowered because of this, but instead was surprisingly high.

Later, Xia Feng gradually came to know that the matters that Frido left to Nan Feng were the most dangerous, the most difficult, and the most profitable.

At the same time, it also best matches the word [gangster].

One morning, Nanfeng took him around this huge 16-story building. The 10th floor and below were basically similar to office areas. There were many people sitting in the lobby and offices, but these people did not look like gang members. These young men and women wore T-shirts. He wears glasses and is polite, just like an ordinary office worker.

Of course, this is indeed the case. The Frido Chamber of Commerce is involved in many industries, among which trade alone requires a large number of professionals to perform data operations. The headquarters has a large number of ordinary office workers, which is normal.

The 1st to 10th floors are ordinary office areas, but above the 10th floor, ordinary people cannot enter and exit at will.

Here we mainly deal with some shady business, such as smuggled goods, precious metals, raw materials, and some contraband, liaising with transportation, confirming routes, finding customers internationally, negotiating prices, etc. It is also responsible for the monitoring of surrounding forces and the acquisition of underground intelligence. , bribe officials, and plan some major actions, etc.

The office that Fredo talks about is on the 16th floor of the headquarters, which is the top of the "pyramid". Of course, Fredo also has countless private villas and properties in Notting City. At the same time, besides Nanfeng, the combat power of his men is , and a "Special Operations Team."

Unlike ordinary gangsters who watch the show, this special operations team is only responsible for Frido's safety and secretly handles some difficult-to-operate transactions. In theory, Nanfeng also belongs to the special operations team, but he is more casual .

Excluding the serious office workers and the peripheral members responsible for liaison and transportation, the Freddo Chamber of Commerce has more than 4,000 direct subordinates in Notting City alone. These subordinates follow the seven bosses and guard the venues in seven districts. The number of the special operations team ordered by Fredo himself is about 30 people. There is no doubt that these people are the elite of the elite.

Pulling his gaze higher, overlooking most of southern Victoria, the Freddo Chamber of Commerce uses the city of Notting as its brain, and its minions are reaching out in all directions. There are more than a dozen princes like Ritchie who control small and medium-sized cities. indivual.

It sounds like this is no different from an ordinary gang, except that it has more people and a bigger place. However, the management of the Fredo Chamber of Commerce is particularly strict. It is this strict organizational structure that has created the largest black force in the southern region today. one.

In the southern region, apart from the nobles and the army, the only force that can share the world equally with Fredo is the Haimen Gang. The other small gangs can only occupy some territories that Fredo despises. If they block the way, they must be respectful immediately. Give way.

After years of development, the Haimen Gang has shifted its focus to shipping. The city of Saint Dee they control is one of the most developed coastal cities in Victoria.

The competition between the Frido Chamber of Commerce and the Haimen Gang is not fierce. On the surface, they are basically non-aggression, and there is a certain degree of cooperation. However, secret fights are still inevitable.

At noon, Nan Feng and Xia Feng had a casual lunch in the cafeteria.

In the canteen, there were many employees coming to eat at noon, and every table was crowded, but there was only one table in the corner occupied by one person, and that person was Nanfeng.

That's right, no one, including Xia Feng, wanted to get close to this table.

Xia Feng is very depressed now. This guy Nanfeng is good at everything, he fights fiercely, is handsome, loyal, and has a bold personality, but he really doesn't pretend to protect his food when eating.

He didn't know what Nan Feng was doing. He was laughing and joking just now. As soon as he started eating, his whole face immediately changed. Xia Feng was still sitting firmly on his butt before he drove him to the table next to him. At the same time, he was devouring the food. While eating, he kept a vigilant eye on the people around him.

Just like a separated couple, the two of them finished lunch together across a distance. After finishing the meal, Nanfeng returned to his cheerful persona, and asked him with concern whether he had eaten enough and whether the food tasted good. Category.

It was not until later that Xia Feng summarized Nan Feng's personal habits.

To put it bluntly, this is an uncontrollable physiological instinct, or it can be called an anti-ancestral phenomenon. Just like a person who faints from a needle and is bleeding, no matter how strong he is beforehand, he will instinctively hide the moment he sees the needle. Although he will act very hostile when eating, this is just his instinct, that is to say, he is not really angry and protecting his food.

Later, Xia Feng did an experiment. Even if Nan Feng grinned and growled at him, Xia Feng could still forcefully snatch the food away from his hands. Nan Feng would not attack, but would only become very depressed and incompetent and furious, and would not eat after eating. alright.

From this point of view, Weina, who is also from the Aslan tribe, is much stronger than Nanfeng, at least she can't protect food.

The first day in Notting City passed quickly. Although I was taking him on a tour, to be honest, Nanfeng himself didn’t know much about some businesses, such as the background of the seven city district bosses and the entire Foli. Accurate monthly income from many chambers of commerce.

In the afternoon, Nan Feng drove him around the city. Xia Feng was already a little numb to the street scene of this first-tier metropolis. The roads were very wide, the buildings were tall, there were many cars, the greening was very good, and the consumption was very expensive. .

Seeing Xia Feng's lack of interest, Nan Feng even took him to play billiards for more than two hours in order to kill time.

This high-end billiards hall is also owned by the Freddo Chamber of Commerce. Although Nanfeng looks cheerful, his identity is still displayed here. All the boys passing by respectfully shout "Brother Nan".

Following Nan Feng, Xia Feng felt like he was a pheasant. Although Nan Feng was not the leader in Causeway Bay, almost no one dared to mess with him in Notting City. Gold medal thug, what did these four words mean? have no idea.

In the evening, Nanfeng took him back to his residence.

To Xia Feng's surprise, this residence was not a luxurious villa, nor a grand high-end apartment, but an outer suburb that took nearly an hour's drive.

Nanfeng's car drove over a small bridge, and a group of small bungalows appeared in his field of vision. Then, he parked the car casually on the side of the road.

"Get out of the car, this is my home."

"You live here?"

"Well, I'll come back to stay when there's nothing wrong. Boss Fredo won't come back after giving me the mission."

Following Nan Feng into his so-called "home", Xia Feng always felt strange. It could be seen that this outer suburb belonged to the civilian area of ​​Notting City.

This small bungalow in Nanfeng can't be called shabby, but it's definitely not high-end. It can be considered a well-off level at most. It is more than 70 square meters and has two bedrooms and one living room. He can touch the ceiling if he jumps up a little.

"From today on, you will live here with me. Feel free to live here as if it were your own home. By the way, there is beer in the refrigerator."

Nanfeng threw his coat on the sofa, kicked off his slippers and went back to the house to change into a pair of big pants.

Throwing a can of cold beer from the refrigerator to Xia Feng, Nan Feng picked up the remote control, leaned on the sofa and turned on the TV.

Xia Feng slowly sat next to Nan Feng and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Nanfeng, why do you want to live in a place like this?"

Nanfeng replied while changing channels.

"Is this place bad?"

Then Nanfeng suddenly seemed to remember something.

"Oh, I understand. Are you used to living in a villa in Happy City, but you are not used to suddenly coming to my house? Sorry, I didn't think about it. I thought you were the same as me. Otherwise, I would go to a five-star hotel to Do you want a suite?"

Nanfeng's tone didn't sound like he was joking. Being able to casually talk about going to a hotel to get a suite showed that he was not without money.

Xia Feng put the beer on the coffee table and asked in a low voice.

"Nanfeng, with your position in the Chamber of Commerce, even if you are not responsible for the territory, you can definitely get a lot of money. Why do you want to live alone in such a suburban bungalow?"

After hearing his words, Nan Feng understood Xia Feng's doubts. If he were an ordinary person, there would be nothing wrong with living in this kind of house, but as a gold medal thug of the Fredo Chamber of Commerce, this would be a bit abnormal.

Nanfeng took a sip of beer and suddenly changed the topic elsewhere.

"Xia Feng, you know, I had a dream when I was a child."

"What dream?"

"I want to take my sister to live in a home of my own. The home doesn't need to be too big or too luxurious. It's enough to have two bedrooms and one living room. It's compact and warm. I don't need to look at other people's faces, and I don't need to sleep when I'm asleep. There was nothing to be wary of, and there was no need to be frightened because my cohabitant suddenly turned into a corpse. Later, I realized this dream, this home."

Seeing Xia Feng's complicated expression, Nan Feng continued.

"Yes, I am an abandoned orphan. Haha, this is not the worst. I was not abandoned on the street, but in an infected area. Since then, I have been surrounded by infected people. living in an environment.”

"Nanfeng, you."

Nanfeng smiled indifferently.

"Of course it's not that miserable. There is always hope in despair. Although I was surrounded by infected people in my childhood, miraculously, I did not contract ori disease and I survived healthily."

Nan Feng's words made Xia Feng fall into deep thought.

Even in developed countries like Victoria, conflicts between infected people and ordinary people still exist. Ordinary people who grew up in infected areas will experience unimaginable pain.

I didn’t expect Nanfeng’s childhood to be like this.

However, while feeling sympathy and emotion, Xia Feng had to think about another thing. Why were ordinary people's children abandoned in infected areas? He didn't know how old Nan Feng was when he was abandoned, but if he wanted to There are a hundred ways an adult can kill a young child.

Then there is only one possibility for the answer. For some reason, someone didn't want young Nanfeng to die, but at the same time, he didn't want him to live as a normal person.

At this moment, he seemed to recall something.

Xia Feng turned around and asked

"I heard Reddy say that the name Nanfeng doesn't seem to be your real name."

Nan Feng leaned on the sofa and replied carelessly.

"My friends gave me this nickname later. I think it's a nickname. When I was a kid, I had three good brothers named Dongfeng, West Wind, and Beifeng. But they all died later. There was nothing I could do about it, because they were all It’s an infected person.”

Now Xia Feng is not in the mood to care about brothers East, West, South and North Feng, because Nan Feng's experience made him unconsciously associate with someone.

"Nanfeng, do you know what your real name is?"

"I don't know, and no one told me."

"Then do you know an Aslan girl named Wei Na?"

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