Joining the Fredo Chamber of Commerce, yes, this is Xia Feng's plan.

Every world has its rules, every country has its own rules, and so does every city, including day and night in the city, each has its own rules.

Xia Feng was glad that he did not think too simply this time. When he saw this huge casino, the concepts of money and power became clearer in his mind.

The things hidden behind this casino have exceeded his imagination. They range from famous nobles like the Leaf family to local ruffians like Aguang. Various forces are intertwined to form the stronghold of Happy City. However, the core of the Frido Chamber of Commerce is not here.

This is what Xia Feng thought of, and he was also glad that he didn't act rashly like Leng Tou Qing.

Once he exposes the existence of [Black Feather] and his ambitions, he will face an unimaginable threat.

Even if he could defeat the masters of Frido Chamber of Commerce, even if he could assassinate Frido's boss, it would still be meaningless. He would still not be able to get anything. Doing so would only expose the dark side of himself. surface, and then suffered crazy revenge.

If you kill one master, more masters will appear. If you kill the boss of Fredo, the next boss will take office. In a sense, this only speeds up the replacement of Fredo Chamber of Commerce.

The Liye family controls the light manganese mining area. The Fredo Chamber of Commerce uses illegal means to turn these precious substances into money, including the Haimen Gang. Xia Feng's ultimate goal is to obtain the light manganese ore, get rid of the Fredo Chamber of Commerce, and let [Black Feather] 】Replacing two entangled forces at the same time.

In Xia Feng's eyes at this moment, the Frido Chamber of Commerce was like a giant octopus. All the tentacles were mixed together. When he opened his mouth, all he bit was the insignificant skin and flesh of the octopus.

His plan is to become part of the octopus's body, sort out the divisions of all the tentacles, and finally control its brain and turn all the tentacles into his own wings.

Join the Fredo Chamber of Commerce, gain the trust of core members, create unimaginable value, become a unique existence, and eventually, completely replace it.

And, he needs to do it all as quickly as possible.

Xia Feng rolled up his sleeves and roared.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Call the most capable people here!"

Although he wants to join the Fredo Chamber of Commerce, time is tight and he doesn't have time to start from the lowest level. If he wants to do so, he has to jump out like a dark horse and knock the boss of the casino, Richie, into confusion. Forced, so that he could not ignore his existence.

Of course, this is also a high-risk, high-reward move. If it goes well, he will quickly be appreciated by Richie. However, for such a figure who is above the law, friends and enemies are often just a thought. between.

After taking a look at his accomplice lying on the ground whose life or death was unknown, the other man immediately took out his walkie-talkie.

"Brother Ji, there's someone making trouble at the entrance to the fourth floor!"

Xia Feng crossed his arms.

"It's not making trouble, I'm here for an interview."

Soon, a man with a horizontal scar on his face walked over from a distance with a sullen face. From the reptile-like tail on his back, it could be seen that his race was Adakris. Behind him, there were at least two dozen people. Ten strong men.

Approaching the stairs where Xia Feng was, these people changed their movements in unison, and it was obvious that they all had weapons hidden in their clothes.

Judging from the outline, it should be a cold weapon such as a dagger and machete, but it is not ruled out that an organization like the Fredo Chamber of Commerce may have an origin stone gun.

Seeing the reinforcements coming, the boy responsible for guarding the stairs immediately raised his hand.

"Brother Ji, here is him!"

A man from the Adaklis tribe called Brother Ji walked up to Xia Feng. His strong figure was more than half a head taller than him. The scar across his face was shocking. Unlike a street gangster like A Guang, Xia Feng could feel The sense of oppression emanating from this person was honed from countless life and death battles.

Seeing that Xia Feng was alone, he first glanced at his younger brother who fell on the ground, then looked at the cracked granite floor tiles, and finally fixed his eyes like poisonous snakes on Xia Feng.

"Did you do this?"

Xia Feng replied indifferently.

"I did it."

After receiving a positive answer, the man called Brother Ji did not act rashly. He knew very well that there were only two possibilities for daring to cause trouble in such a place, either a stupid young man who did not understand the inside story, or a cruel person with ulterior motives.

From the outside, Xia Feng was obviously stunned, but the granite floor tile next to him that was smashed open by an external force reminded him that this kid might be a ruthless character.

"Boy, you should know where this place is. How dare you make trouble here?"

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Feng immediately interrupted him.

"I know where this is and I know exactly what I'm doing. By the way, are you the best player here?"

"Oh, it's interesting. My name is Kit, and I am the security director of this casino. Boy, now I may need a reason not to beat you to a disability."

Facing dozens of looks that seemed to tear him apart, Xia Feng pointed out the window without fear.

"Kit, of course I will give you this reason, but since I'm here for an interview, I'd better try not to damage the boss's property. Let's go outside."

20 minutes later.

In the abandoned parking lot outside the casino, Xia Feng was surrounded by a dark group of people. These people held bright machetes and iron rods in their hands. There were at least more than 50 people in total.

Behind a big tree outside the parking lot, A Guang, who was riding a motorcycle to send Xia Feng, was so shocked that his eyes almost dropped. Although Xia Feng asked him to go back first, he still stayed in the casino out of curiosity. Didn't leave the door.

After waiting for a long time, he finally saw Xia Feng walking out from the first floor. Just when he was about to go up to him, he knew that Xia Feng was followed by a large group of strong men with murderous intent. Then, he saw the scene in front of him.

Oh my god, what is Brother Feng doing?

In the center of the parking lot, Kit took a one-handed ax from his younger brother, his voice filled with cold murderous intent.

"Boy, whether you are looking for excitement or have other motives, I have to tell you that you have messed with the wrong person."

Xia Feng put his right hand with the Originium bracelet into his trouser pocket and took out a small wallpaper knife.

Seeing the weapon displayed by Xia Feng, the surrounding crowd burst into low laughter.

Kit stared at Xia Feng and said.

"Boy, did you take that knife to fix our nails?"

Xia Feng replied while pushing out the wallpaper knife section by section.

"Don't worry about whether I have my nails done or not. I have a request before we start fighting."

"any request?"

"Call Boss Rich here, I want to prove something to him."

Kit snorted.

"Oh, it turns out that I want to see Boss Rich. Sorry, I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications."

Xia Feng frowned.

"Then what does it take to qualify? Press your head into the soil? Or press all of your heads into the soil?"

The muscles of Kit's arm holding the ax suddenly bulged, and his snake-like pupils locked Xia Feng tightly, and the murderous aura soaring into the sky spread endlessly.

"Boy, not only will you not be able to see Boss Rich, you will also not be able to see the sun tomorrow."

Then Kit raised his ax and roared.

"Brothers, cut off his hands and feet and put them on me!"

20 minutes later.

In a luxurious villa in Dongcheng District, Richie, who had just taken a shower, was lying on a luxurious bed, enjoying a full-body massage from the maid.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door to the room was pushed open, and a man in a suit walked in with a mobile phone.

"Boss, the casino is calling looking for you."

"Who's calling?"

"It's Kit."

"Doesn't he know that I have taken a break at this time?"

The man in the suit looked troubled.

"Kit said someone was looking for you, right now, and there was something strange about his tone."

"Give me the phone."


After taking the phone, Richie put it to his ear and said impatiently.

"what happened?"

A weak, trembling voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Boss Lirich, someone wants to see you at the casino."


"I don't know him either, ahem, he said he was here for an interview."

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