Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 19 Suddenly like a dream

It was already very late, so Kate found a few wooden boards and repaired the door that had been broken by the winter's kick.

Vina waved her hand.

"Everyone, go back to your room and sleep, and keep your spirits up. We have a tough battle to fight next."


Everyone dispersed immediately.

The villa has three floors and there are many free rooms. Xia Feng randomly found an unoccupied room. He didn't want to be disturbed by the snoring of these burly men.

On this day, what he experienced could be described as subverting three views, but fortunately, he was a bit of a middle-class person.

Ursus, Chernobog, Winter, Miss Wang, Indra, Cross and Migru.

This is the world of Terra that Xia Feng once imagined. Now that he is actually facing this bizarre encounter, not only is he not afraid, but he actually enjoys it.

Drowsiness gradually came over him. Lying on the bed, Xia Feng quickly fell asleep.

In a daze, Xia Feng had a dream.

Xia Feng found himself standing in a desolate desert. In front of him was a huge mobile fortress that looked like a cruise ship.

As soon as the scene flashed, he was already standing on the top deck of the fortress. He lowered his head and found that he was holding a small yellow rectangular sign in his hand, with a line of words written on it.

[Tenth Company Recruitment Voucher]

Xia Feng raised his hand to the sky in confusion, and with a "swish" sound, the yellow sign in his hand disappeared.

At the same time, a voice floated from the sky.

"Swordsman Tower, the contracts for the operators you have recruited have been sent. Let's take a look at the operators."

The next second, a black zippered canvas bag fell from the sky and hit next to Xia Feng with a bang.

Xia Feng clasped his hands together and made a sincere prayer gesture, then took a deep breath and reached for the zipper of the black canvas bag.

He held the zipper pull, his fingers trembling slightly.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, Xia Feng swallowed his saliva and continued the movements in his hands.

Slowly, slowly, gently, carefully, Xia Feng opened the zipper. His expression was like that of a mortal waiting for the judgment of fate.


As the zipper was opened, a burst of intense light bloomed from the bag, almost blinding Xia Feng.

However, this burst of light is pure and flawless, just like the heart of the pure saint. There is no trace of yellow, and it is so white that it makes people feel distressed.

Xia Feng stared blankly at the burst of white light.

After a long time, he raised the corners of his mouth and showed a smile that looked like he had seen through the world.

"Damn it, ten companies gave me nothing? Not even four stars? I'll fuck you!!!"

Xia Feng kicked away the canvas bag in front of him and shouted hysterically towards the sky.

"Ah!!! This is not true!!!"


Xia Feng suddenly sat up from the bed, beads of sweat covering his cheeks, and he still had a look of horror on his face.

He sat on the bed and was stunned for two seconds, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Damn, it turned out to be a dream, a horrible nightmare!"

The sun was rising high outside. Xia Feng raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face and turned over to get out of bed.

Wei Na said last night that they would make preparations for departure today in advance. As soon as the exact information from the Victoria headquarters came, they would immediately set off to find the remote natural disaster site.

Xia Feng turned over and suddenly touched something to the ground with his arm.


Xia Feng put on her slippers and leaned down to see what fell from the bed.

When he saw clearly what the thing that fell on the ground was, his entire expression froze on his face.

That flat object lying quietly on the ground is a mobile phone.

No one knows better than him that this appearance is his own phone.

Xia Feng suddenly raised his head and quickly looked around the entire room.

Desk, computer, wardrobe, water dispenser, and that big poster of Rem Swimsuit posted on the wall!

This is his room!

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and a guy wearing takeout clothes passed by the window holding a mobile phone.

"Hello, are you hungry here? Your takeaway has arrived. Should I deliver it to you or should you come down and get it yourself?"

Xia Feng sat on the bed in a daze, completely confused.

I'm back?

Isn’t that right? Is this all a dream I had?

for a long time.

Xia Feng seemed to have lost his mind and picked up the phone mechanically.

Finding that the phone had automatically shut down due to low battery, he mechanically plugged in the charger for the phone.

He stood in the middle of the room and unconsciously stretched out his hand towards the door.


However, all he held in his hands was air.

There is no Vina here, let alone the Glasgow Gang. Those ethereal and illusory things are just the game settings in the popular mobile game Arknights.

Xia Feng showed a bitter smile.

It turns out that it was all a dream.

He walked into the bathroom and took a cold shower. Although he felt inexplicable pain all over his body, his mental state was much better.

I glanced at the alarm clock beside my bed. It was almost 10 o'clock now. It seemed that my dream was too real and I missed two classes in the morning.

After unplugging his cell phone, getting dressed, Xia Feng walked out of the house with a bottle of Yakult in his mouth.

Xia Feng is now a freshman. Because he went to a university in the city and the school is relatively close to home, he did not choose to live in the dormitory. His parents were doing business in other places, which also made him live a good life early. The solitary life that homebodies dream about.

Entering the classroom, Xia Feng secretly found a corner to sit down. The morning class was almost over. The teacher glared at Xia Feng and said nothing.

after class.

Xia Feng clenched his chin, sitting alone in a daze.

His good friend Zhang Yuan came over with a mean smile on his face.

Zhang Yuan was seen holding a broom in his hand, pointing the broom head towards Xia Feng, and shouted while making a motion to shoot at him.

"Applupa! Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!"

Xia Feng listlessly reached out and pushed away his broom head.

"No matter how old you are, you are always boring."

Zhang Yuan looked depressed. Isn't shooting with brooms a regular entertainment item for them? Why did Xia Feng grow up overnight?

Zhang Yuan put down the broom and sat down on Xia Feng's table.

"What's wrong with you? The 10th Company sank again?"


"Then why do you feel like your body has been hollowed out? You have no energy at all. This is not like you, Xia Feng."

"It's none of your business."

Xia Feng took out his mobile phone, instinctively clicked on Amiya's profile picture, and logged into Arknights.

Xia Feng looked at the UI interface expressionlessly. For some reason, he felt that this game should not be like this.

Arknights should be more real than what he sees on his mobile phone now

Zhang Yuan asked Xia Feng while brushing the Longmen Coin Book.

"Xia Feng, how many yellow tickets have you accumulated now?"

Xia Feng clicked to open the warehouse, because he spent a lot of krypton before and had nothing to exchange, so he really saved a lot of yellow tickets.

"There are almost 150 of them."

"Wow, can't you go and visit us instead?"

Xia Feng clicked on the voucher exchange, and his search voucher was only changed to the 4th stage. In the 5th stage, he only needed to consume 120 yellow tickets to get two ten consecutive search vouchers.

"Is this a good deal?"

Seeing someone trying to draw a card, the students nearby immediately gathered around.

"If you don't change the blood, you will lose blood. Xia Feng needs to change quickly."

"What a bargain, start walking ten days in a row, the little sheep is waiting for you."

"Xia Feng, hurry up."

Encouraged by her classmates, Xia Feng clicked to purchase the items and received two ten consecutive search vouchers.

All the students around him looked like they were ready to watch a show, because they all knew that classmate Xia Feng was a super African chieftain.

They can't wait to see Xia Feng's expression when he drives out of the blue sky and white clouds. Even if Xia Feng's character breaks out and he gets a six-star operator, they will take out their mobile phones and say a sentence with the expression on their faces that Europeans look at natives. , {Congratulations, it’s a pity that I already had it. }

Zhang Yuan encouraged him from the side.

"Xia Feng, don't give yourself too much credit. Even if you get five stars, you won't lose. Just do it. I believe in you, brother."

Xia Feng put the phone on the table, put one hand on his chin, and casually clicked on the [Ten Visits] button with the other hand.


The black canvas bag was thrown down. Without thinking, Xia Feng opened the zipper on the screen with his fingers.


The light soared into the sky from the canvas bag. Different from the scene in the dream, this time the light was golden light mixed with flames!

Xia Feng looked indifferent and clicked skip in the upper right corner.

The next second, when the portraits of all the operators were arranged on the screen, the students gathered nearby were not calm.

"Holy shit."



There are ten cards, all with golden six stars. This is not the most shocking thing.

These ten six-star pictures are all of the same character.

That is————the king of advancement, Vina.

Fengfengjiang is here again asking for recommendation votes! (`ω)

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