Seeing Hemo and her second uncle, Xia Feng suddenly felt like crying for some reason.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about Helmer's character. No matter how Rhine Life treats him, in a sense Helmer can be regarded as half of his savior. He is serious, values ​​friendship, knows how to be grateful, and is willing to sacrifice himself for the important people. This is what he knows about Hemer.

Seeing Hemo's second uncle at this moment, Xia Feng could feel that the reason why Hemo got to where he is today is only due to her efforts. She does not have any prominent background and should just be from an ordinary family. But her serious character should It runs in the family.

Seeing Xia Feng get out of the car, the second uncle immediately waved to him.

"Come on!"

Although it was the first time they met, Xia Feng could still see a little bit of Hemo from the second uncle's eyebrows. Judging from the feeling, the second uncle was also an old man with a very stubborn temper, but at this moment he looked at the jeep. His eyes were full of sincere expectations.

Xia Feng stepped forward and held his second uncle's hand.

"Second uncle, I am."

"Where's the child?"


"Where's the kid Homer was talking about?"

"Oh, kid."

Xia Feng knew that the child he was referring to was Ifrit, but from his tone, it seemed that the old man had misunderstood something.

Xia Feng turned around and greeted Ifrit in the car.

"Ifrit, come down quickly."

Obviously Ifrit was not very used to this kind of situation, she got out of the car reluctantly and walked to Xia Feng's side.

Maybe it was because Xia Feng mentioned it before. She knew that this old man was very important to them, so she pouted and said something.

"Hello, second uncle."

Xia Feng next to her immediately patted her on the head.

"What's your name? You have to call me second uncle and grandpa."

Charmander covered his head and changed his words aggrievedly.

"Hello, second uncle."

Xia Feng turned to look at his second uncle, and saw that the little old man's expression looked like he had swallowed a raw egg, and his few remaining eyebrows were twisted together.

"This kid."

At this time, another woman wearing an apron ran out of the door.

"Are the kids here?"

Seeing this person's iconic racial characteristics, Xia Feng knew who it was without even thinking, and immediately said hello.

"We're here, hello aunt."

"Oh, hello, hello, thank you for your hard work, you're welcome, we are all family members."

I saw the second uncle dragging his wife to his side, staring at Ifrit and whispering.

"Old lady, this child belongs to Hemo"

Seeing Ifrit, her aunt's expression also became complicated.

"This child's race doesn't seem to be Li Boli, this..."

It was obvious that these two elders must have misunderstood something. It seemed that they couldn't explain it clearly in a few words. Xia Feng could only say helplessly.

"Second uncle, I have two friends in the car, why don't we go inside first and talk slowly?"

"Oh, yes, yes, come in first, the meal will be ready soon, let's go in and chat."

On the dinner table.

Xia Feng finally explained the ins and outs of the matter in a way that the two elders could understand. Of course, it was impossible to say that Ifrit was an experimental subject, because even if he did, he wouldn't understand.

Xia Feng just said that Ifrit was an orphan and had a very deep, family-like relationship with Helmer. For some reasons, she could no longer stay with Helmer, so she had no choice but to come here. Later, Xia Feng also explained the situation between himself and Guigui. There was no need to hide it. There was nowhere to go.

After hearing this, the second uncle didn't mind at all. He picked up the wine glass and said boldly.

"Don't worry, I have always treated Hemo as my own daughter. We two parents have no children, and her friends are just like our children. Since they are here, they are a family. I, Lao He, welcome you, go ahead!"

Xia Feng and others immediately raised their glasses.

"Second uncle, you are so generous!"

"It has to be, it's our family tradition."

After drinking the glass of wine, Xia Feng immediately remembered something important and untied his scarf.

"By the way, uncle, I think I must explain this to you. In fact, we are all infected, you see."

In fact, Xia Feng felt a little guilty after saying this. In any case, the identity of an infected person is still too sensitive for ordinary people.

But what I didn't expect was that the second uncle didn't even hesitate and just waved his hand.

"I thought it was something. Isn't it just an infected person? It doesn't matter. Our family is not that pedantic. The infected people are just ordinary people who are sick. Hemer has explained this to me many times on the phone. You just need to know Live in peace, no one dares to touch you when you stay at home."

Xia Feng was so moved that he almost cried.

"Second uncle, you are my second uncle."

"Haha, even though it's our first time to meet you, I feel like I'm very compatible with you. I, Lao He, put my words here. You can stay as long as you want. Just tell me what you want to eat. If you want to work, go out and work. No. If you want to work, you can stay at home and play. We are not from a famous family, but we can still afford to support your children."

After talking, Xia Feng learned that his second uncle's real name was Hurd, and he used to be a teacher, but now he is retired.

Hermer is not only his niece, but also his student. Hemer has lived here almost throughout her girlhood. No wonder she has such a deep relationship with Hermer. The old man probably didn't understand when Hemer called him before. In addition to the anxiety that Hemo said, the second uncle thought it was Hemo's daughter who was coming.

Hurd picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Xia Feng again, and suddenly asked.

"By the way, are you Hemo's boyfriend?"


Xia Feng immediately waved his hand.

"No, no, don't make random guesses. Hermer and I are just good friends, a very good kind, but we are definitely not boyfriend and girlfriend."

Hurd nodded thoughtfully.

"Does Hermo have a boyfriend now?"

"This... there should be, but I'm not sure if it's a "boyfriend"."

"Oh, this girl doesn't know how to be anxious."

Xia Feng didn't dare to speak.

This meal was very enjoyable. It can be said that it was the most delicious meal Xia Feng had in the world of Terra. It was not because of the quality of the ingredients, but mainly because he felt the warmth of family. The turtle next to him was also a small child. Her face was flushed, maybe she felt the same as Xia Feng.

After dinner.

The second aunt arranged a room for them. The house was very big and the rooms were ample. Turtle and Ifrit lived on the first floor, while Xia Feng and ACE each lived in a room on the second floor. They were tired from running around today. Let’s talk about it tomorrow.

the next day.

Because she felt more relaxed than ever before, Xia Feng slept until noon.

Stretched, two words.


Just as he was getting dressed, Xia Feng suddenly heard a noise coming from the yard.

When I looked through the window, I saw seven or eight fierce-looking strong men surrounding the gate.

One of them, shirtless, yelled at Hurd, who was standing in the yard.

"Old man, it's useless no matter what I tell you, right? It's not like they won't give you demolition fees, so you have to suffer some hardships?"

I saw my second uncle carrying a shovel and replied without any sign of weakness.

"Whether it is demolished or not is none of your business. Who are you? If it doesn't make sense, you just find some gangsters to scare me?"

The leading gangster was a little impatient.

"Old man, we also use money to do things. This whole street is going to be demolished. The demolition costs are quite a lot for you. You are a bastard. You insist on ordering all the residents to cheat like the director of the neighborhood committee. This is not forcing us to take coercive measures. Measures?"

The second uncle chuckled.

"There are also coercive measures, aren't you just gangsters? I, Lao He, used to be afraid that you would do this, but now I am not afraid anymore. You will bully no one in our Lao He family, right?"

At this moment, Brother ACE walked out of the room wearing a vest, with his explosive muscles clearly visible.

"Mr. Hurd, who are these people?"

Ifrit also followed ACE with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"Second uncle and grandpa, what's wrong?"

Xia Feng stood by the window sill, pointed at the group of people below and shouted.

"You two have the guts to leave. If you dare to bully my second uncle, I will come down now."

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