Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 162 No way to start over

If you don't do anything, nothing will change. Of course, there are some things that you can't change even if you do it. It all depends on the judgment of the person involved.

Obviously, the passengers on the ship all judged it to be the latter. Except for the cries of women and children, the deck was completely silent. Maybe some people had not given up yet, but they simply did not know how to resist in the face of such an unknown thing.

At this moment, an old voice broke the dead silence.

"Every crew member is in position, left rudder is full, heading 275, power unit two in two!"

This sound is like a candle burning in the snow at night, giving people trapped in the cold and darkness a glimmer of light.

It turned out that the captain had not given up yet.

Hearing the captain's desperate order, the passengers' gloomy eyes immediately brightened up. This hope made them give up rational thinking. They didn't even know what the power unit two-in-two meant, even if it was just a pull. They are also willing to hold on to the broken slender straw.

"Captain, take us out of here, please!"

"You are an expert on the sea, we believe you can do it, go for it!"

"Please, I'm willing to give you all the money I have."

"I am the chairman of the Taigu Chamber of Commerce. When the ship lands, I am willing to transfer half of the assets to you, no, two-thirds."

Everyone immediately became hopeful and sprayed all kinds of poisonous milk all over the old captain.

But for some reason, although the old captain's order was issued, most of the nearby crew members did not move. A few of them just took steps, and then stopped when they saw that the others did not move.

Xia Feng understood that the old captain's order was not the last hope, but the last struggle before death. The passengers didn't know what was going on, but the crew knew clearly that this was the sea, just like a lamb that unfortunately fell into the water. , No matter how hard you try, you can't escape the crocodile's bloody mouth.

Facing everyone's hopeful gazes, the old captain was stunned. He didn't expect that just a word he blurted out without thinking would give everyone such high hopes. However, he knew that this hope would soon be drowned by despair. .

He knew that the ship could not dock, and what he really wanted to express was "I don't want to die", but everyone "wrongly" understood it. Perhaps because of the guilt in his heart, the old captain lowered his head.

"I can't guarantee that I can escape from this sea area smoothly. I can only say that I don't know what to say. My hope is very slim."

"Come on, captain, stop talking and go sail the ship, we believe you!"


This ship is like a patient who is poisoned, and the passengers are the patient's family members, and the captain and crew are doctors. They do not know medical skills and blindly believe in the captain, thinking that the patient can be brought back to life, but the doctor knows that the god of death has already strangled him. If the throat is blocked, unless a miracle happens, it is impossible to survive.

Facing everyone's cheers and cheers, the complex emotions intertwined in his heart made the captain look ten years older in an instant, and tears of guilt fell from his eyes.

"Sorry, I lied"

At this moment, a hand was gently placed on the captain's shoulder.

Xia Feng looked at the captain expressionlessly.

"That's enough. Ordinary people have to behave like ordinary people. Leave the rest to me."

In just a moment, the clouds in the sky became darker, and there seemed to be a smell of blood in the air. It was obvious that the thing called disaster was very close to them.

Xia Feng turned around and said quickly to the ACE brother beside him.

"Brother ACE, help me throw everything that can float off the boat, wooden boards, tables, lifeboats, anything. Please."

"Xia Feng, what do you want to do?"

"Believe me!"

Seeing Xia Feng's eyes, Brother ACE didn't ask any more questions, but nodded without hesitation.

Then, Xia Feng walked up to the Pu brothers and held Prue's shoulders.

"Lao Pu, do you have any Origin Stones on you?"

Prue, who had planned to write a suicide note, looked at Xia Feng with confusion.

"Origin Stone?"

"Yes, S-class source stones. Aren't you two processing source stones privately? This is smuggling. Don't tell me that you didn't take such valuable things with you when you escaped."

Puda next to him immediately spoke up.

"Brother Feng, what do you want the Origin Stone for at this time? Even if we give it to you, you can't sell it."

"I'm not trying to sell."

"Then you are"

Xia Feng grabbed his collar, his voice full of anxiety.

"Stop talking nonsense, give me the Source Stone you are carrying privately, and do as I say if you want to survive!"

Puda was half a head taller than Xia Feng, but at this moment he discovered that Xia Feng had actually lifted him up, and the hand holding him was like an iron pliers that could not be shaken.


"Puda, go get our box for him."

"oh oh."

Hearing his brother's words, Puda turned around and ran into the cabin.

Prue put her face close to Xia Feng's ear.

"Brother Xia Feng, I have actually seen it for a long time. You have been covering your neck with that scarf. If my guess is correct, you should be an infected person."

"That's right."

Prue's eyes were a little complicated.

"Okay, but even if you are an infected person who can activate powerful Origin Stone skills, what can you do alone in this kind of sea?"

Xia Feng's voice interrupted Prue's words.

"Lao Pu, I am an infected person, but not just an infected person. At the same time, I am not alone."

After saying that, Xia Feng left the confused Prue and walked towards the inside of the deck.

Through the crowd, Xia Feng walked to Charmander who was accompanying Turtle.

Bending down, Xia Feng gently put his hands on Ifrit's shoulders and took a deep breath.

"Ifrit, I want to tell you something now."

Ifrit looked at Xia Feng expressionlessly.

"You tell me."

"Well, Ifrit, what I want to say is that I, Xia Feng, could save you in the past. Whether it was Mandel City where a natural disaster struck, or Base Four surrounded by flames, I could go in and save you without overestimating my capabilities. Save me because I want to.”

"Oh, thank you then."

Xia Feng's eyes when he looked at Ifrit did not change, and they were still so profound that people couldn't understand them.

"Ifrit, before leaving, Hermer handed you over to me. I promised her that I would bring you safely to Victoria. However, now we may have encountered the biggest difficulty in our lives. This time I also want to Save you, save Turtle and Brother ACE, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it this time.”

As if sensing the meaning in Xia Feng's tone, Ifrit put away her frivolous attitude for the first time.

"Do you need my help?"

Xia Feng did not answer Ifrit's question directly, but continued.

"Ifrit, maybe this world is very simple in your eyes, but the real appearance of this world is so cruel that it is suffocating. Ifrit, you need to grow up. In Rhine Life, Hermer can protect you. After leaving, I can Protect you, but this world will not give you the opportunity to be protected every time, so you are not helping me, but you are helping yourself, and at the same time, you are also protecting the person you want to protect."

There was something he had to let Ifrit understand.

If things were under his control, he could guide and demand Ifrit's actions without hesitation, but at this moment he had to let Ifrit make her own choice and understand the meaning of the choice.

Because death cannot come back.

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