Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 145 Withering

While waiting for ACE to come back, time passed by minute by minute.

Xia Feng and Ogur chatted casually like ordinary friends. From his mouth, Xia Feng roughly knew the structure of the Black Steel International organization.

Slightly different from what is stated in the game, Black Steel’s trump card is not just the cross talk duo, nor is the tearful cat Mao Tou the richest. On the contrary, Black Steel is a large-scale, well-organized, and disciplined iron-blooded mercenary. In addition to its headquarters in Colombia, the company also has many branches in other countries, and its elite members are spread all over the world.

Xia Feng knew that Black Steel achieved its current status not by luck, but by the banner set up by the members of the organization with their blood and lives.

Through the conversation with Ogul, the more Xia Feng got to know Black Steel, the more Xia Feng couldn't figure out why Brother ACE didn't want to join. It was also a mercenary organization. Even if he had his own principles, there was no conflict at all.

"Lao Gu, I have a question to ask you."

"Just ask."

"Brother ACE, has something happened to him recently?"

Xia Feng couldn't help but ask this question. He noticed that Brother ACE gave him a different feeling than before. Although he was still calm and reliable, there was a hint of decadence and confusion in his eyes.

Ogur touched his chin.

"So you saw it."

"Yes, Brother ACE and I haven't seen each other for more than two months. What happened to him?"

"Actually, ACE not only refused to join Black Steel, but he also expressed that he no longer wanted to be a mercenary. You may not believe it, but ACE has now become an ordinary supermarket delivery boy."


This answer really surprised Xia Feng. Brother ACE, is he just giving up?

Ogur's expression was a little complicated.

"To be honest, I was a little surprised by ACE's performance today. I didn't expect that the things that I couldn't change even if I tried to persuade him could be easily changed by you. Perhaps, he has not forgotten his identity. He is still a man who sticks to his beliefs and is loyal to his friends. Don’t abandon a warrior who gives up.”

Xia Feng lowered his head.

"Why did Brother ACE make this choice? Why did he give up [Reaper]?"

"Because the team of Death God mercenaries no longer exists."


Ogur sighed softly.

"Two months ago, ACE and his team were hired by the Glasgow Gang in Victoria to participate in a battle for the Source Stone on the border of Ursus. As far as I know, at that time, an extreme infected organization detonated a pre-existing fire in the abandoned city. The hidden corpses of infected people and thick pathogenic substances instantly flooded the city. When retreating, ACE and the others were blocked by unknown enemies. In order to cover their employer, his team stayed behind to take charge of the rear. As a result, in a fierce battle, Protective equipment was compromised and nearly the entire squad was turned infected by the causative agent."

Obviously, Ogur did not know that Xia Feng was also a participant in that operation.

After listening to his words, Xia Feng felt that his mind went blank. No one knew the cruelty of the Mandel City incident better than him. He didn't care about other people, whether it was the Ursus army or the Colombian army. He thought he could save it. He saved Weina and the people he was familiar with, but he didn't expect that this incident would have such a hidden result.

Although they were not very familiar with each other, there was no doubt that the Death Squadron were also comrades who had fought alongside him.

Ogur's voice continued.

"The Grim Reaper is different from Black Steel. They do not have professional measures to deal with natural disasters and follow-up remedies. When they become infected, their careers are over in just a few books. Not everyone can adapt to the status of an infected person, except for the physical condition. Beyond exhaustion, inner trauma can turn a warrior into a living dead in despair."

Xia Feng's eyes widened.

"Is it possible that Brother ACE also..."

"No, ACE has not become an infected person, but this blow has completely destroyed the belief he has always insisted on. Although it is not as large as Black Steel, the Death Team was also founded by him. I know many of the team members. , they are all good brothers who have been through life and death together for many years. This result can only be described as tragic."

Xia Feng understands the feelings of Brother ACE. Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a bit contradictory. As a mercenary, you should have this awareness. Since you are the one who eats this food, you should not be afraid of sacrifice. Originally, Xia Feng thought so too. , but after experiencing the Mandal City incident, he understood.

Just like Kate once said to him, Vina is not afraid of seeing her companions die, but she is afraid of seeing her companions fall into despair due to the ore disease. That feeling will give her a deep sense of powerlessness, ACE The same goes for big brother.

Watching your former comrades gradually wither under the torment of illness and gradually losing hope in life, to be honest, this will gradually break the heart of a tough guy.

Therefore, ACE abandoned what he had always insisted on and decided to become an ordinary person.

Knowing the truth of the matter, Xia Feng suddenly felt a little melancholy.

He originally thought that Brother ACE was on a mission, or was on vacation in Bra City to have a drink with old friends, but to his surprise, he turned out to be just an ordinary supermarket delivery boy after get off work.

However, even the deliveryman reached out his hand when he happened to see himself in trouble surrounded by military police on the street.

Since he had decided to be an ordinary person, he could have lowered his hat and left the street pretending to be a passing stranger, but ACE he didn't.

At this time, footsteps were heard outside the room.


The door to the room was pushed open, and ACE walked in panting. On his shoulders, he carried a thin figure, which was Ifrit.

At this time, Charmander had woken up from her coma. Although she looked a little weak, sharp sounds still came from her mouth.

"Let me go, let me go, you big beard, I can walk by myself, your shoulders are making me feel so uncomfortable!"

"Miss, we have arrived."

Entering the room, ACE gently put Charmander down, and then touched the sweat on his forehead. You could see that there were several obvious shoe prints on his face.

Then, he gave Xia Feng a thumbs up.

"Xia Feng, I probably didn't save the wrong person."

Turtle threw away the apple in his hand and immediately went over to hug Ifrit. It could be seen that, although he didn't say it, Turtle had always been very worried about Charmander.

She rubbed her little head against Ifrit's chest.

"Ifrit, you are finally back."

Charmander said a little stubbornly as Guigui hugged him.

"Tch, I just forgot to use the Origin Stone and fell into a coma. If this bearded guy doesn't come to save me, I will burn all those bugs away when I regain my strength."

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