Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 14 Knights of the Ark

The world is falling apart. Before the last sunset sinks into the horizon, someone needs to stand up and light a torch to guide the people trapped in darkness to wait for the arrival of light.

Yes, Amiya will lead the people of this world to build a tower leading to the kingdom of heaven.


All things alternate between creation and destruction, civilizations alternate between revitalization and decline. An era will eventually come to an end, and destruction also represents new life.

As the leader of the "Integration Movement", Tallulah may also understand this truth.

Most likely, Tallulah's purpose was the same as Amiya's, but the method she chose was different from Amiya's.

She wants to be a creator, and at the same time, she is also a destroyer. She wants to subvert this world where the infected are bullied. After everything is reduced to ashes, the world will be reborn - a new one. life.

"Xia Feng, Xia Feng?"

Xia Feng immediately recovered from his contemplation as he felt a pain in his butt.

Indra kicked him on the butt and said impatiently.

"Why are you so stunned? Didn't you hear Wei Na calling you?"

"Oh, sorry, I got distracted."

Vina placed a bowl of noodles with rich ingredients on the table next to her.

"It's cooked, come and eat."

"OK, thank you."

Indra stood aside with his arms crossed.

"Tch, you're such a lucky kid. You actually asked Wei Na to cook noodles for you. I haven't even eaten it a few times."


Vina took off her apron, took out two wine glasses, filled them, and handed one of them to Ndora.

"When we get back to Victoria, invite everyone to my house for a party. I will cook it myself."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Wei Na looked at Xia Feng who was devouring his food.

"You have to come with me then."

Xia Feng filled his mouth with noodles and made an OK gesture.

Although Xia Feng joined the Glasgow Gang, Wei Na was not so kind to everyone who had only known each other for a day.

In fact, she had a very special feeling for Xia Feng. This feeling was like seeing a glimmer of candlelight in the snowy night.

Although this candlelight was very weak, even though it seemed unreal, it ignited hope in Vina's heart.

Wei Na still doesn't know what the "integration movement" Xia Feng is talking about, but he has said that three years later, when the "integration movement" led by Tallulah completely breaks out, the world will be plunged into a crisis of destruction.

She knows better than anyone else that this is not alarmist. If it is an infected organization with unimaginable cohesion, when the conflict of positions completely breaks out, the impact on the world will be immeasurable.

In the eyes of ordinary people, ore disease is a fatal and terminal disease. Once infected, the Source Stone will fuse with the blood in the infected person's body, causing acute failure of the organs in the body. If there is no good medical means to suppress the disease, the infection will They will die within a few years, and their bodies will become a source of infection that spreads ore disease.

But very few people know that while ore disease destroys people's bodies, it also brings powerful power to certain individuals. When the body and the Source Stone are highly integrated, these infected people can release the powerful Source Stone with only their bodies. His skills and power can even surpass that of a fully armed army.

If the "integration movement" mentioned by Xia Feng gathers a large number of infected people in three years, it will turn into a disaster.

She loved her hometown, the place she swore to protect.

The gears begin to spin. The rotten bells would eventually strike, and she would not allow the dark clouds to cover the sun above Londinium.

Wei Na looked at Xia Feng, who was eating noodles, with a bit of confusion in her voice.

"Xia Feng, will there really be a rabbit whose ideal is to save everyone in three years?"

Xia Feng swallowed what was in his mouth and smiled broadly at her.

"Of course, she will use her actions to change this dark world, and work with those who share her beliefs to build an Ark that leads to light—Tomorrow's Ark!"

Vina closed her eyes gently.

"Really? If this is really the case, then I, Vina, am willing to be the knight of the Ark who will protect her with my life!"


Indra next to him was confused.

"What are you two talking about? I can't understand a word about Rabbit Ark."

Xia Feng pointed at her with chopsticks.

"You will know then, and so will you. In three years, you will also become a knight of the Ark."

"Huh? I'm not a knight, I only know how to fight."

"Tsk, tsk, you won't be able to get married like this, Indra-chan."

"Are you tired of living, kid?"

"Well I was wrong."

Wei Na put down her wine glass and stretched out.

"Okay, stop making trouble, hurry up and eat early and have a rest. There are still a lot of things to do tomorrow."

Xia Feng quickly cleaned the noodles in the bowl and burped.

At this moment, there was a slight knock on the door suddenly.

"Dong dong dong!"

Hearing this voice, the smile on Veena's face disappeared, Indra narrowed his eyes, and his face became solemn.

"Dong dong dong!"

The steady knocking on the door continued.

The gang members who had just dispersed came out of the room immediately, staring nervously at the door of the villa.

The location of this villa is very remote. Except for the members of the Glasgow Gang, no other familiar people in Checheng will come to the door. Besides, it is already very late now. Who is knocking on the door?

The person who came here is not kind!

Wei Na also looked wary. She clenched her fists and quickly thought about various possibilities.

After thinking about it for a long time, the most likely possibility is that the guy from Lingdong made a report, and the Glasgow gang's operation in Qicheng was exposed. The military police discovered this stronghold through investigation!

The yellow hair on Wei Na's head exploded.

"That despicable stinky woman in the winter!"

Xia Feng immediately waved his hand.

"Wait a minute, it can't be Ling Dong who told the secret. I know her."

"you sure?"

"I can vouch for her with my personality."

Indra pushed Xia Feng away and picked up a chair.

"How much is your personality worth? Is it a blessing or a curse? You can't avoid it, Vina, no matter who it is, we have only one choice."

"Fight him!"

The gang members in the living room roared, and then took out various weapons. A strong murderous aura filled every corner of the living room. They stared at the door fiercely, ready to tear anyone who was about to walk in into pieces in an instant.

Vina stuffed a lollipop into her mouth with a sullen face, picked up the Contract Victory Hammer in the corner, and roared.

"Get ready to do it!"


Seeing this posture, Xia Feng immediately stood in front of everyone.

"Wait a minute, don't be impulsive."

"What, are you scared?"

"No, think about it. If it were really the military and police, they would knock on the door in advance and tell you, "Ah, I have discovered you. Please prepare for a fight and have a fight with us." Something to do?"

After hearing his words, these strong men with murderous intent became silent one by one.

"So, please calm down first."

Xia Feng said as he walked towards the door.

"You guys stay in the living room. I'll open the door and take a look first, just in case it's the water and electricity bill."

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