This strong man who suddenly appeared had a magnetic voice and capable movements. Even though Xia Feng and Guigui were now hanging on his body, his running movements still showed a sense of steady handsomeness.

Xia Feng was obviously a little surprised when he was suddenly picked up by someone. For some reason, the moment the person's palm touched him, he could clearly feel that the person had no ill intentions.

But even so, he couldn't let this man carry him away, because he left something behind!

Xia Feng shouted on the man's shoulder.

"Wait a minute, is my invincible Charmander still in there?"

The strong man's footsteps did not stop, but he asked with some doubts as he ran.

"What dragon?"



"It's people, it's people, little girl."

The strong man turned his head and glanced back. At this time, the injured people had already realized that no matter how handsome he was, he had obviously taken the suspect away.

Infected people holding powerful Origin Stone skills were fleeing in the city, which was a very serious threat. Upon discovering this situation, a large number of military police immediately chased Xia Feng and the others in the direction they fled.

The strong man withdrew his gaze and said decisively.

"No, we can't go back now. I'll take you to a safe place first. I'll find a way to rescue the little dinosaur later."

"It's Charmander."


Xia Feng looked at the sea of ​​fire that was gradually moving away, and felt that this man's judgment was correct.

His reaction ability was enough to kidnap himself and Guigui in a very short period of time. If he were to go back for one person, no matter how strong he was, he would not be able to face the encirclement of so many military police at the same time. The most important thing was Yes, he cannot harm the military police.

According to the testimony of the masses, his current criminal behavior may be defined as a fire caused by personal conflicts between infected people, but if he openly attacks the police, the nature will immediately become a terror launched by a crazy infected person. attack.

Ifrit is still in the restaurant, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger now. In other words, as long as the flames are not extinguished, she will not be discovered. At this rate, the fire cannot be extinguished in a short time. These military police may He never imagined that he had a companion in the fire.

To be honest, it would be very uncomfortable to be carried on someone's shoulders while running. However, because this person's pace was very steady, Xia Feng not only found it acceptable, but even felt a little addicted to the bumps and bumps.

Turtle was mixed in the air like a pillow, and her face looked comfortable. Looking at her expression, she looked like she was riding a merry-go-round.

As he fled all the way, the route chosen by this strong man was very tricky, with many twists and turns, and the military and police officers who were pursuing him were quickly put behind him.

His breathing was very even, as if he often did this kind of cross-country with heavy loads. Although his speed was not fast, what Xia Feng admired very much was his durability.

After running through the narrow alleys for about 20 minutes, there was no trace of the military police behind.

Xia Feng felt that the light in front of him suddenly brightened. The strong man knocked over a trash can and rushed out of the dark alley.

People were coming and going on the wide streets, and colorful neon lights flashed on the tall buildings. What appeared before Xia Feng's eyes was a bustling night scene.

"here it is"

"This is a business district."

"Why are we here? There are too many people here."

"The most dangerous place is the safest."

This man put Xia Feng and Guigui down.

"Then we just need to walk like normal people. Don't be nervous. I'll take you to my friend's bar. It's safe there."

After saying that, the strong man patted Xia Feng's shoulder gently and motioned for him to follow him.

"Wait a moment."

Xia Feng stood there with his head lowered. Suddenly, he raised his fist and the strong man next to him swung it out.


The two fists collided gently in mid-air. Looking at the familiar face in front of him, the past came to Xia Feng's mind.

Xia Feng raised his head, his expression filled with unconcealable joy.

"Brother ACE, long time no see."

That's right, in fact, Xia Feng had already discovered who this person was while running. He was his eldest brother.

Different from the heavily armed appearance in Mandel City, ACE was more casual at this time. He wore a simple yellow jacket, a pair of jeans underneath, and a peaked cap on his head. Although his temperament has changed , but those heavy hands are still strong.

He patted Xia Feng's shoulder gently and showed a smile of relief.

"Xia Feng, I didn't expect to meet you in Colombia. I'm also surprised to see you and little sister Guigui again."

Only then did Guigui realize that the person running with her all the way turned out to be ACE.

She jumped up and hugged ACE's waist like a sloth.

"Brother ACE, you look like you. You came to save us. I miss you so much."

It was obvious that both old men and children liked reliable men. Among the people in Mandel City, Turtle's favorite person, besides Xia Feng, was probably the eldest brother ACE.

ACE gently touched Turtle's little head, and then his expression returned to seriousness.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Don't you still have a companion who has not been rescued?"

Xia Feng nodded.

"Yes, she is very important to us. I promised someone to protect her. At the same time, she is still an infected person."

Then, Xia Feng added another sentence at the end.

"Same as us."

ACE's expression was obviously stunned.

"Xia Feng. You are really infected with the ore disease."

"Well, a lot happened after Mandel City, but at least I'm still alive."

In the world of Terra, ore disease will completely destroy a person's life. Before the Source Stone material destroys the organs, the first thing that more people are destroyed is their hearts. Something called despair shrouds them, leaving people with nothing left. Life can only be spent in darkness.

However, there was no such gloom in Xia Feng's eyes at this moment. It was obvious that his life had not been knocked down by ore disease.

Although he didn't know what happened to Xia Feng, ACE clearly felt that he was different from the previous Xia Feng who was just an ordinary person.

ACE saw something in Xia Feng's eyes that infected people did not have, which was blazing hope, desire to explore, a firm mission, and a burning ambition.

At the same time, there was something more complicated hidden in his pupils. No one knew that they were the tears of demons and goddesses who had witnessed the origin of all things.

ACE nodded.

"Well done, Xia Feng, you have become more mature."

"That's necessary. I'm working hard following your example, Brother ACE."

This was Xia Feng's casual statement, but for some reason, ACE's expression suddenly froze, and then he showed a self-deprecating wry smile.

"Do you take me as an example? Can a person like me really become a role model for others?"

"Huh? Brother ACE, what are you talking about?"


Only then did Xia Feng notice that ACE's appearance had changed a lot compared to 2 months ago. His beard had become longer, and his hair under the peaked cap was also very messy. If you look closely, he looked like he was trying hard to cover up his failure. The decadent middle-aged uncle in life.

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes.

It seems that since then, they have some unknown stories about each other.

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