Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1230 The Ring of Mobius (2)

Because of Skadi's help, the passenger ship escaped the sea monster's attack and successfully arrived in Victoria.

After getting off the ship, Xia Feng and his party drove from the coastal town of Sanna to Hapi City, a medium-sized city where their second uncle's family is located, according to the phone number that Hemo had left for him.

"Second uncle, why does this city have such a bad name? It's like a joke."

"Because there was no city here before, a few decades ago, a man named Happy discovered the light manganese mining area here, and then built a city around the mining area. Finally, it was named after the man who first discovered it. It’s called Happy City.”

Xia Feng, who was drinking pork rib soup, was stunned.

"Light manganese ore? There is actually a light manganese ore area here?"

"Yes, the light manganese mine in Hapi City is controlled by the Level 2 noble Leaf family."

"The Enliye family?"

In this way, Xia Feng took Guigui, Ifrit, and Brother ACE to temporarily stay at his second uncle's house.

One morning.

Xia Feng, who had just gotten up, was attracted by the noise in the courtyard. He saw a bald man and a dozen of his vicious accomplices pouring into the yard of his second uncle's house.

"Old man, are you going to move or not? Do you want to suffer a little?"

In the courtyard.

The bald man stared at Xia Feng, who was half a head shorter than him, with raised eyebrows and raised eyes.

"Hey, the old man is looking for help. Where did you come from?"

Xia Feng looked unhappy.

"My name is Xia Feng, and this is my second uncle's house. Who the hell are you, do you dare to act wild here?"

"My name is Aguang."

"Bah, I've never heard of anything about cats and dogs."

"Haha, if you look young, you must be from out of town. You can go out and ask around. The military and police have the final say in this Kilt neighborhood during the day, but I, Aguang, have the final say at night!"

"Oh? Really, I don't believe it."

10 minutes later.

When the strong, bald Ah Guang was pushed to the ground by Xia Feng, he screamed like a slaughtering pig.

"Ouch, ahhhhh, stop fighting, Xia Feng, Brother Feng, I was wrong!"

From Aguang's mouth, Xia Feng got the information he wanted, which was the Frido Chamber of Commerce, a gang whose influence spread over most of the south.

A few days later, Xia Feng, who was eager to find the "headquarters", took Guigui and others to the innermost street of Kilt District C.

On this deserted street, they only saw a skinny kid with a crew cut playing football by himself.

"Hey, boy, does this house next door belong to you?"


"I see it's vacant now. Can I rent it?"

The boy with a flat head stepped on the football, turned around and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Mom, someone is renting a house!"

In this way, they, who had just arrived in Victoria, finally found a suitable "headquarters".

After signing the contract and taking the key, they now had their own house. Turtle and Ifrit held hands and happily walked around in circles.

ACE smiled and patted Xia Feng on the shoulder.

"This time we are going to work together."

Turtle looked at Xia Feng with red eyes.

"Big Windmill, we finally have our own home."


While it was still dark, everyone simply cleaned up the leaves and debris in front of the door.

Afterwards, Xia Feng ran to the photo studio across the street and called the photo studio owner over.

This is the first day that they have truly stabilized, and it is also the beginning of a new journey.

Standing in front of their "headquarters", Xia Feng, Guigui, ACE, and Ifrit leaned together and took a memorable photo.

Xia Feng had a pleased smile on his face.

ACE gives a thumbs up.

Turtle gestured to scissor hands.

Ifrit grinned heartlessly.

As the sun sets, the figures of four people are frozen in this photo.

After retrieving the photo from the photo studio, Xia Feng stood alone in front of the door, staring at the photo blankly.

For some reason, that inexplicable sense of déjà vu reappeared. The four people in the photo were smiling happily, but the emotions he felt were completely opposite to it.

Looking at this photo quietly, a deep pain lingers in my heart.

[Xia Feng, let’s get married. 】

He suddenly raised his head and saw that there was no one on the street, and the hallucinated voice was nowhere to be found.

At this time, Turtle stuck his head out of the door with a broom.

"Dafengche, why are you standing there stupidly? Come in and wash your hands. There is nothing here now. We have to go back to my second uncle's house for dinner in the evening."


Putting away the photos in his hands carefully, Xia Feng followed Gui Gui into the house.

At the last moment before closing the door, he subconsciously glanced at the house across the street. It was obviously daytime, but the curtains were drawn in that house.

If that house is really inhabited, it must be a strange family.

The train of time moves forward on the established track and will never stop and no one can interfere.

Soon, the "organization" that has not yet been named in the Kilt neighborhood of Happy City welcomed its fifth member.

"Excuse me, are we looking for accountants here? I came here after reading an advertisement in the newspaper."

Looking at the beautiful woman who came to the door, Xia Feng stood up quickly behind the desk.

"Hi, please, please come in."

"Well, my name is Nancy. I am about to graduate from the Royal College of Business Administration. This is my resume."

A few days later, Black Feather BBQ Restaurant officially opened.

At the same time, the huge plan brewing in Xia Feng's heart also started.

He is the successor of [The Black and White Twins], and to match this powerful power, he has a burning ambition.

Sitting in the south and looking to the north, he knew that Vina's Glasgow gang was looking at him.

Time flies.

Because of Aguang's assistance, he immediately became a celebrity in Richie's eyes after he killed Benson at the Golden Buddha Casino.

Later, he ruthlessly killed Simon, the boss of the East District, and completely became the most powerful person in Happy City.

However, what he wants is far more than that. The person he really wants to replace is not Simon or Richie, but the real boss of the Fredo Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Fredo.

In order to pave the way for this huge plan, he made a lot of preparations.

He went to Notting City and obtained a large number of natural source stones from the natural disaster area for the Frido Chamber of Commerce, and accidentally rescued the Commander-in-Chief of the Victoria Border Military Region, General Gleeson, in Casimir.

A few days before the plan was implemented, he and Aguang drove to Yehua City, because the cooperation of the military was the most important part for him to kill the Fredo Chamber of Commerce.

Yehua City, in front of the main entrance of the military compound.

A tall and capable young female officer received him.

"Hello, I am General Grissom's adjutant. My name is Mesha."

With the seamless cooperation and the courage to risk death and survive, the Frido Chamber of Commerce was destroyed overnight.

It was replaced by a brand new name, [Black Feather Chamber of Commerce].

At this point, this powerful gang that ruled the "dark night" until the end of the Victorian Dark Ages officially broke into people's sight, including the Glasgow Gang in the north.

One month later.

Xia Feng and Weina, who had been separated from Mandel City for half a year, finally reunited in Londinium.

Londinium, in Vina's private villa.

There are two wine glasses on the coffee table.

"Xia Feng, why did you come to Victoria? You obviously have more choices."

"Vina, actually there is only one reason why I came to Victoria, because this is your hometown."

Xia Feng's answer stunned Wei Na.

"Xia Feng, you."

"This may be wishful thinking on my part, but no matter what happens in the future, I will not let this become a place you can never go back to."

At this moment, Wei Na seemed to understand something. It turned out that from the beginning to the end, what Xia Feng did had not changed.

Vina lowered her head, her golden hair covering her eyes.

"Even if you've contracted the ore disease?"

"Even though I've contracted the mineral sickness."

"Even if I didn't protect you well back then?"

"Didn't I say that I will protect you this time?"

Tears passed silently, and Weina's choked voice came from under her long hair.

"You obviously can't do anything, why do you have to work so hard every time?"

Xia Feng reached out and gently touched Wei Na's head.

"That was me in the past, Vina. When I was in Chernobog, I was surrounded by darkness, and you were like a beam of light that blew away my confusion. Because when I met you, light and darkness reached a balance. , everything flows, black and white twins, this time, in order to protect the important people, I will do anything."

Facing the undercurrent of the situation in Victoria, the two people at this moment had no meaning of "love" in their hearts.

However, perhaps the first "seed" was planted at this moment.

Later, the wind and rain we experienced together became the fertilizer that watered this seed, taking root and growing wildly.

Eventually, it grew into a big tree called "love".

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