Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1226 Falling into the Deep Sea

With a distance of less than 10 centimeters, Xiaogu's bean-sized eyes were so close to Xia Feng, one person and one bird, looking at each other in an extremely strange way.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, Xia Feng turned his head blankly and looked at Xiaogu on his shoulder, his small eyes seemed to be conveying something to him.

In other words, Xiaogu had already conveyed this kind of thing to him, but he just didn't understand it.

At this moment, a shout came from the scout standing on the observation deck, breaking the silence on the deck.

"Island found ahead!"

After the previous encounter on the island, this report was like a signal of danger, and everyone on the deck immediately became nervous.

This is the fifth island they passed through, based on time.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng subconsciously raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his bracelet.

However, for some reason, the time on the bracelet stopped!

"Plop, plop, plop!"

While Xia Feng was staring at the bracelet in a daze, Xiaogu standing on his shoulder flew into the sky.

Without any reluctance, as if fleeing from something, Xiaogu flapped his wings and flew away far away.

Xiaogu disappeared, but at this moment the scout's report had made everyone no longer care about a pigeon. Ahead was the fifth island they were about to pass on this trip.


Everyone immediately ran in all directions of the ship, alerting themselves to any abnormalities on the sea surface.

Xia Feng was the only one standing on the edge of the deck, staring blankly at his bracelet.

He had no idea why time stopped above.

When he raised his head, the outline of the island appeared on the sea in front of him, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

His hunch was right.

Just as the fleet approached less than 2 kilometers away from the island, suddenly, the sky turned dark for a moment.

It was evening at this time, but the afterglow of the sun had not completely dissipated. This moment of darkness seemed very strange, as if the entire sky was blocked by a strange force.


A deep and long low whistle broke into my ears from afar.

The direction of this sound cannot be distinguished. It seems to be in the sky, on the sea surface, or on the bottom of the sea.

Or, it's in everyone's heart.

As strange phenomena appeared, the waves on the sea began to become turbulent, with huge waves rising one after another, and even several vortexes gradually formed.

The dark sky, turbulent sea surface, weird low roar, and the gradually approaching unknown island formed a picture that seemed to lead to hell.

Sensing the anomaly, Nanfeng immediately used the communicator to issue orders.

"Everyone, slow down and watch carefully!"

However, the communicator failed.

Just like the order issued by Nanfeng, the speed of the entire fleet slowed down. However, it was not the control rooms of other ships that received the order, but the power systems of all ships were extinguished at the same time at this moment.


The low hum from the deep sea continued to reach my ears, seeming to be clearer and closer than before.

Faced with this strange phenomenon, everyone on the deck did not dare to act rashly. Everyone held their breath and tightened their weapons.

Except for the sound of the waves and the low hum that surrounded my ears, the entire deck was completely silent.

Xia Feng reached behind his back and held the hilt of the Red Demon Sword tightly. In the backpack behind his back was a brand new "Origin Stone Crystal".

However, his heart at this moment was far less confident than when he faced the [Dark Green] Birth Island before.

He felt it.

The deep sea breath coming from the sea at this moment was far stronger, colder, and deeper than all the breaths he had felt so far.

The time on the bracelet still remained still, and the flow of air seemed to have stopped. Although the sea was rough, the wind disappeared.


At this moment, a blast of thunder broke the dead silence, and the sudden loud noise made everyone on the deck tremble.

The lightning flashing across the sky instantly illuminated the dark sea surface. At the same time, it also allowed Xia Feng to see clearly the "thing" half exposed in the water ahead.

His pupils shrank instantly, and he subconsciously pulled out the Red Demon Sword behind his back. Without hesitation, the black power in his body was drawn out under the shroud of fear.

The sea in front of the fleet is densely packed and stretches as far as the eye can see.

Like mushrooms growing in the forest after rain, the terrifying heads poked out of the sea, and their sharp teeth seemed capable of tearing everything apart.

The part of this monster that sticks out of the sea is more than 20 meters long. This monster is exactly the same as the one that guarded the Sandworm Island near the southeast coast of Yan.

However, the number of super-large deep-sea monsters at this time is too large to be counted.

After seeing this terrifying scene through the light of lightning, the commander had lost the ability to issue orders. Everyone stared and froze in place.

Just before the light disappeared, Xia Feng saw these monsters poking out of the sea, dived underwater, and began to swim towards their fleet.

"Everyone, get off the deck!"

This was the last sentence Xia Feng shouted.

The black flame in his left eye burned. Xia Feng stood on the bow of the ship and swung his sword downward with all his strength.


The turbulent sea surface was broken by the surging black power, and together with the huge sea monster under the sea surface, it was shattered into pieces.

But just the next second, a huge crash came from the right side of the fleet.


There was a loud noise, and the ship on the rightmost side of the fleet tilted instantly. The soldiers who did not leave the deck in time were immediately blown away, and many people fell into the sea.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Like being struck by a huge hammer, deafening crashes came one after another.

Whether it is the Origin Stone Cannon, the Crossbow Team or the Magic Team, they have all lost the ability to resist.

Soon, cracks appeared in the solid hull, and seawater poured into the inner cabin, and it was about to be shattered under the fierce attack of the deep sea monsters.

Seeing the crumbling ship, everyone on the other ships was frightened, like ducks falling into a piranha pond, not knowing how to resist.


Holding the Red Demon Sword high, Xia Feng slashed out with another sword, and the surging black sword energy blocked the approaching giant monster.

Without hesitation, he shouted with the last of his composure.


Just as he shouted these words, the low hum that had been surrounding his ears appeared again. This time, he could clearly identify the source of the sound.

Standing at the edge of the deck, Xia Feng lowered his head stiffly.

Under the sea, a huge silhouette far exceeded the length of the ship, like a giant whale diving in the deep sea!

For some reason, there was a little light shining through the dark sky, but it wasn't sunlight.

With the appearance of the "giant whale" at the bottom of the sea, the sky turned into a strange light pink. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a fine powder floating in the air.

This smell seemed familiar to Xia Feng, a slightly sour smell like rotten petals.

As if recalling something, Xia Feng raised the Red Demon Sword high and shouted in panic.

"Everybody, cover your mouth and nose, don't inhale this gas!"

He didn't know if his words were successfully conveyed to the ears of his companions, because in the next second, the huge ship tilted seriously.


As if being hit by a huge force from the bottom of the sea, the entire ship exploded into two pieces from the middle.

"Thump, thump, thump, thump."

Those who lost their fulcrum fell into the sea, followed by countless deep-sea monsters with sharp fangs.

The water rippled and dyed the sea surface red.


A thick pillar of fire rushed out of the sea like a submarine volcano, lighting up the entire sea area, like the last fireworks for death.

Affected by this flame shock wave, Xia Feng, who fell into the sea, was carried a hundred meters away by the huge waves.

He once told Ifrit not to use the power of the Balrog easily unless the ship sank.

Of course, this sentence has another meaning.

In the boundless unknown sea, as long as the ship sinks, it symbolizes death.

Blood, flames, fangs, and low sounds intertwined on the sea, creating the most desperate scene in Xia Feng's heart.

If his world is spliced ​​together by those important people, then at this moment, his world is collapsing piece by piece.

The "Source Stone Crystal" in the backpack sank into the deep sea, and the black and white twins lost their energy supply and dissipated.

Thousands of beasts of the deep attacked the crippled fleet, tearing apart everything that fell into the sea.

In the cold sea water, he yelled like crazy, but his voice seemed pale and weak.


At this moment, the low roar from the deep sea sounded again.


As if being controlled, the nearby giant monsters began to swim rapidly towards Xia Feng's floating position, surrounding him with sharp fangs and bloody mouths.

Having lost the "Source Stone Crystal", he had lost the ability to resist. Floating in the sea, he could only hold the Red Demon Sword in vain.

Seawater and tears mixed on his face, and his eyes were filled with despair.

He no longer has the ability to swing a sword, which has nothing to do with whether he can elicit the black and white twins, because the meaning of his existence disappeared right before his eyes.

Nanfeng's firm eyes, the expression on the bagpipe's hook, Ifrit's willful look, Hemo's sad tears, and all the companions who were important to him, these images were fragmented in his eyes.

Black wings, live and die together.

Floating on the sea, facing countless giant monsters that were quickly approaching him, Xia Feng closed his eyes.

It turned out that in the end, he couldn't change anything.

Just like the brain's self-protection mechanism in the face of extreme emotions, the strong dizziness struck again.


Just before he was about to be torn apart by the surging abyssal monster, a silver figure jumped out from under the sea and stood in front of him.


Swinging the giant sword, he instantly killed dozens of monsters that swam in front of him.

However, this kind of lethality was still a drop in the bucket. There were thousands of sea monsters coming later, and below the sea surface, the terrifying "giant whale" was still making low sounds.

Xia Feng half-opened his eyes and stared blankly at the silver-haired woman standing in front of him.


"Xia Feng, let me take you out of here!"


"do not give up!"

Being tightly held by a slender arm, facing the pursuit of countless deep-sea monsters, Skadi led him into a semi-conscious state and began to fight his way towards the land.

At the last moment before his consciousness disappeared, Xia Feng glanced behind him.

No one was alive. The entire fleet that came with him was almost wiped out under the siege of the vast deep sea monsters and sank into the cold sea.

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