Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1200 The cry in the ice and snow

Year 1095 of the Terra Calendar, severe winter.

The border between Usas and Yan Kingdom is on the side of the road outside a border village.

"Run, don't stop, run faster, there is a village ahead!"

Seventy or eighty Ussans in rags were running awkwardly in the ice and snow. In addition to men, there were several women and children in the team.

At this moment, the woman running at the end of the team slipped and fell to the ground with a "plop".

When someone fell down, the whole team stopped. One of the men grabbed her arm and pulled her up desperately.

"Nema, stand up quickly, quickly!"

The woman's thin face was pale, and her lips were bloodless due to extreme hunger and physical exhaustion.

"I can't run anymore."

The man holding her screamed hoarsely.

"The infected eradication team is patrolling nearby. If you stay here, you will die!"

"I really can't stand up."

"Don't you want to live? Stand up quickly!"

Tears of despair streaked down the woman's face.

"I don't want to die, but where can we escape to? This is already the border of Ursus."

These words floated into the ears of every infected person present in the cold wind. Faced with the desperate soul torture, everyone lowered their heads.

The man holding her eyes flashed, but he never let go.

"Nema, don't you want to see your child? Don't you want to see him grow up with your own eyes?"

"my child."

"Your children are in another escape team. They will move north. Although we are going in the completely opposite direction, as long as you live, you will see them one day."

Hearing this sentence, the woman's eyes showed a flash of hope, but soon, the support in her heart collapsed in the face of the cruel reality.

Not everyone’s heart is strong enough, and not every mother will blindly believe in miracles.

She was not sure that her child would survive the escape.

After months of running in this dark despair, she was really tired.

"If my child is still alive, I ask you to take care of him. Leave me alone. I won't blame you. Thank you."

After that, the woman used the last strength of her body to break away from the man's hand holding her.

There are sincere emotions in this world, but it is undeniable that in the face of the threat of death, except for strong family ties, most so-called sympathy and sense of responsibility are often vulnerable.

The hesitation only lasted for a moment, and the fleeing team of infected people gave up on the woman lying on the snow, even though there was a village less than 500 meters ahead.

No one is willing to support or carry her, because those who give up on survival are likely to harm everyone who wants to live.

"Keep going, hide in the village ahead first!"

Because of the anti-infection operation that has continued for several months at the border since the beginning of winter, most of the people in this village have moved away, and most of the people who are still left behind are old people in their dying years.

Just like that, the hungry and tired infected people broke into the village like thugs and robbed all the supplies that could be eaten and carried.

The doors and windows to keep out the cold were smashed, and the wooden houses for storage were destroyed. The elderly villagers could not resist and could only look at the infected people who were forced into a desperate situation with hatred.

Faced with such discriminatory looks, some infected people vented their pent-up emotions on the run to these defenseless villagers.

"What are you looking at! We are human beings too, and we also want to live!"

An old man glared fiercely at the thugs who broke into the village to rob.

"Devils, the infected are all demons. You should not live in this land. The infected elimination team should kill you all!"

"What the hell did you say!"

"I say infected people have no right to live!"

"I kill you!"

The hatred born of discrimination is mutual, and the consequences are cruel and bloody. When personal emotions rise to group concepts, the right and wrong of many things have become blurred.

In a fire, this unknown small village on the border of Ursus was burned to ashes.

It was precisely because of this fire that the nearby infection eradication team discovered the whereabouts of this infected person.

In desperation, these infected people could only continue to go south, trying to cross the border and enter the interior of Yan country in search of a glimmer of hope.

A chase in the ice and snow lasted for a long time.

When the last surviving infected people ran to the North China Boundary Bridge leading to the interior of Yan Kingdom, there were only a dozen or so people left in the team of seventy or eighty people.

The leader's eyes were blood red. He looked firmly at the wide bridge in the distance and shouted.

"Compatriots, on the other side of the bridge is the Yan Kingdom. Every one of you can run. Start running and don't stop!"

Hope is right in front of us, but this hope that seems within reach is far more difficult than reaching the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The roar of iron hoofs came from behind, and the Ursus clearing team of at least more than 500 people rushed over. The unsheathed sabers reflected the cold light in the ice and snow.

Is it safe just to cross the border bridge leading to Yan Country?

The answer is no. The suppression team will not give up the pursuit just because they cross the border between the two countries. This has been the case for several months.

However, these infected people have no intention of thinking at this time. In despair, they just blindly believe in the end point ahead, because only in this way can they have the motivation to take steps forward.

The killing squad's shouts and the infected's screams, these sounds representing life and death, resounded in the sky.

In the ice and snow, the noise that broke the dead silence grew stronger.

On the extremely wide bridge, a girl leaning on the edge of the wooden box took off her hood, revealing black hair and equally dark pupils.

The temperature on the Ursus border was cold enough to freeze normal people, but she only wore a thin hooded jacket. In addition, she also wore a pair of somewhat inconsistent black gloves on the palms of her two slender arms. .

The hustle and bustle in the distance gradually approached, but her face remained expressionless, and her black pupils seemed to have witnessed countless cruel scenes.

Finally, as the first infected person stepped onto the bridge, she finally raised her black-gloved palm.

At this moment, a relaxed voice came from beside the girl.

"It seems that I have discovered something extraordinary."

As if she didn't realize that there was someone so close next to her, the girl turned around sharply.

Seeing her nervous reaction, Xia Feng immediately raised his hands to show that he was not hostile.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just passing by."

Narrowing her eyes, the girl glanced at Xia Feng coldly.

"Who are you."

"You actually don't remember me. I am the Governor of Yandong, Xia Feng."

"Are you Xia Feng?"

"Replacement guaranteed."

At this time, Xia Feng was wearing a black coat, a red scarf, and a round backpack on his back, which seemed to contain a basketball.

After carefully examining the black-haired girl in front of him, he seemed to have finally determined something.

Xia Feng was sure that this was the first time he had seen this girl, but apart from the black hair and black eyes, the girl's facial features were at least 80% similar to one of his neighbors in Victoria.

Equally similar is the absence of any racial characteristics.

Not far away, the killing cries of the suppression team and the infected were getting closer and closer, but Xia Feng's voice was surprisingly calm. He looked at the girl in front of him with a half-smiling expression.

"It turns out that this is the secret weapon hidden by the top leaders of Yan Kingdom, but I think the weapon should not be for people with feelings."

The black-gloved palms were clenched tightly, and the girl's eyes showed cold murderous intent.

"Don't get in my way."

Xia Feng had a complicated smile.

"Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of hindering you. I just feel that running away from home is not what a good child should do at your age, don't you think so, Miss Risa?"

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