Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1183 The cherry blossoms have already withered

Spring is fading and summer is getting darker.

A month later, Victoria's second batch of infected immigrants arrived, totaling 200,000 people.

As before, Malenleg only retained the most basic labor force, and handed over the rest to Xia Feng.

A great man once said that first let some people get rich, and then drive and help other areas and other people to gradually achieve common prosperity.

If it is the same country, this concept is extremely correct and wise, but if the scope is expanded to different countries, a premise needs to be added.

That is absolute trust between each other.

Otherwise, it will easily become a story of the fox and the sheep.

Of course, Malenleg is not a sheep, and he also knows that Xia Feng is not a fox. In other words, without Xia Feng, there would be no powerful Victoria today.

And after Marenleg came to the South Coast to govern as the district chief, Xia Feng also told him a secret, which was his undisclosed relationship with Wei Na.

Hearing Xia Feng say this to him so solemnly, Malenleg was not only surprised but also moved. It was obvious that Xia Feng really regarded him as one of his own.

In this regard, Mullenleg's almost non-existent suspicion completely disappeared.

Only by letting some people get rich first can we all get rich. To this end, he will fully support the development of Yandong in order to achieve a win-win situation.

In contrast, Wei Yanwu's ideas are not so transparent.

At present, there is no trust between Longmen and Yandong, and they only have a relationship of mutual use.

Yandong can unconditionally accept infected people from Longmen slums and help Longmen eliminate this safety hazard, and what he will get in return is a large number of infected people's labor force.

This is not only a win-win situation, but also a satisfaction for all three parties. These infected persons transferred from Longmen to Yandong are completely voluntary, because Xia Feng made a solemn promise as the governor of Yandong, which is free medical treatment.

For those infected, there is nothing more touching than this.

Some time later, the infected immigrants from Longmen arrived in the Yandong area smoothly under the escort of the Longmen Guards Bureau.

Tens of thousands of infected people have moved into the first batch of infected communities built by Yuntian Group according to arrangements by the Yandong Administrative Department.

At this time, the cherry blossoms on the south coast have long since faded, spring has passed, and the hot summer has begun to take shape.

As the person in charge of the escort operation of the Longmen Guards Bureau, Chen Huijie faced the sun and watched the infected people move into the community in batches, with a happy smile on her face.

"This time everyone can finally live a stable life."

Xingxiong, who was standing next to Chen Huijie, patted her shoulder.

"Old Chen, you were always worried about the slums before, now you can feel at ease."


At this time, Xia Feng, who had finished handling the work at hand, also rushed over. He was still far away and shouted with a smile.

"Hi, Senior Sister Chen, I didn't expect you to come too. It's a long way to go, hahahaha."

This time, Chen Huijie's attitude was not so serious, and the expression on her face was much more easy-going.

Moreover, because Xia Feng always called her senior, and because of the bagpipe, she never called Xia Feng "Governor-General".

"Xia Feng, I'm not here for fun, this time is also for work."

After approaching, Xia Feng said repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, I know you take your work seriously, Senior Sister Chen. Oh, Sir Xing, you are here too. Long time no see."

Star Bear smiled.

"Xia Feng, just call me Xingxiong."

"Well, by the way, Xingxiong, you are also a ghost tribe, so this can be considered your hometown."

Mentioning this matter, Xingxiong looked nostalgic.

"Yes, but I have been away from here for too long, and the Dongguo that once existed no longer exists."


This sentence seemed a bit inappropriate to say in front of Xia Feng, the "culprit", and Xingxiong immediately changed his words in embarrassment.

"Aha, don't get me wrong. What I mean is that Yandong now is hundreds of times stronger than Dongguo in the past, and the people are also very happy. This is a good thing, right Old Chen."

Chen Huijie could only help her smooth things over.

"Yes, Xia Feng, you did a good thing."

After saying that, Chen Huijie once again turned her attention to the infected people coming from Longmen. Her eyes were filled with joy from the bottom of her heart.

At this moment, a five- or six-year-old girl ran away from the crowd and jumped up to Chen Huijie.

Holding a dirty toy in both hands, the little girl smiled innocently.

"Sister Police Officer, thank you for protecting us when we come to our new home. This is for you, hehe."

Chen Huijie was stunned.

"Is this...given to me?"

The little girl nodded solemnly.


"This toy must be very important to you."

"Yes, but I still want to give it to you. When we were in the slums of Longmen, Sister Police Officer, you took good care of us. Now that we have a new home, we don't have to trouble you anymore. Sister, here it is!"

Faced with the little girl's sincere kindness, Chen Huijie raised her hand and took the toy.

"Thank you, I will cherish it."

"Well, goodbye sister."

After that, the little girl jumped back into the crowd and followed the infected people to the Yandong infected community.

Holding this toy, Chen Huijie kept staring in the direction where the little girl disappeared. Xia Feng and Xing Xiong, who were standing next to her, had a tacit understanding and did not disturb her.

Chen Huijie held the toy in her hand tightly, and Xia Feng noticed that it was a little bear.

A few minutes later, an excited shout came from a distance, breaking the delicate atmosphere.

"Chen Chen!"

Bagpipe swung the powerful tractor, and the chain dragged the land out of a long trace. Then he jumped down and swooped into Chen Huijie's arms.

"Chen Chen, you are finally here, I miss you so much!"

Chen Huijie touched the bagpipe's head awkwardly.

"Hey, stand up quickly, I'm still working."

Bagpipe hugged Chen Huijie tightly, brought her face up and rubbed against her fiercely.

"Hehe, I don't care. Anyway, if you come here this time, don't even think about leaving. Follow me home. I've grown a lot of vegetables and I'll make sandworm chowder for you!"

"Hey, Bagpipe, let's not talk about food for now. I'm really at work. I have to rush back to Longmen after the escort work is completed."

"No, no, you have to live here for at least a month!"

"Huh? It's impossible. I don't have such a long vacation."

"Then 20 days."

"Really can not."

"10 days."


Bagpipe pouted pitifully.

"One week, no more."

Then, seeing Bagpipe winking at him secretly, Xia Feng could only assist.

"Ahem, Senior Sister Chen, it's hard to come to Yandong, so just stay and play for a few days. It's early summer now, and the environment on the south coast is very suitable for vacation."

Chen Huijie was a little embarrassed.

"But I still have work when I go back to Longmen."

Xia Feng gave a thumbs up.

"It's okay. I can help you send a document to Old Wei, saying that you still need your assistance in the placement of the infected. It won't be much, just for a week. During this week, you can just play with the bagpipe in Yandong."

Bagpipe grabbed Chen Huijie's hand and pulled her onto the tractor with a smile.

"Hey, it's settled, Chen Chen, let's go home quickly."

With that, the tractor started.

With a burst of "thud, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug", the two left under the sunshine.

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