Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1178 Yandong doesn’t need an army

Everyone in the middle hall, including Wei Yanwu who knew a little about the inside story, did not expect that things would develop to this point.

At this moment, even Prime Minister Yan Guo, who was strategizing, was unsure.

He couldn't be sure whether Xia Feng really didn't want to do it anymore, or whether he was deliberately putting him on the fire.

However, he had no choice.

If Xia Feng did not come to him alive today, he would still have room to make amends, but at this moment, he had lost all his chips.

Because the news brought by Xia Feng was like a "virus" sweeping across the entire Yan Kingdom.

Looking at the five governors present and all the officials under the Yan Kingdom, only Xia Feng can be the "antidote".

Since Xia Feng took over Yandong, there have been no major problems, and the development of the entire special zone can be said to be completely in line with expectations.

In Yan Guoxiang's heart, his trust in Xia Feng has reached 70%. As long as he continues to maintain it, he can even let Xia Feng know the secrets of Yan Kingdom's royal family in the near future.

However, this "unexpected" incident disrupted the rhythm of his heart.

To be honest, with his eyes, it was impossible for him to be completely unaware that someone wanted Xia Feng dead. In a sense, he also maintained a certain degree of acquiescence.

But what he didn't expect was that Xia Feng could actually come back alive.

In fact, in Yan Guoxiang's mind, Xia Feng could die or not. He had already preset two routes.

First, if Xia Feng dies, Yanguo's top management will immediately attribute it to an accident. At the same time, they will find the "mastermind" as quickly as possible and give everyone an explanation, including sky-high compensation.

Then, he will rearrange trusted people to take over Yandong, station a large number of Yanguo troops, and completely draw a clear line with the Victoria Colony.

Second, Xia Feng is not dead. If this is the case, he will consider reusing Xia Feng completely.

If necessary, he could even uproot the real murderer and the entire force to make Xia Feng understand that this matter had nothing to do with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and calm him down.

Standing at the highest point of power, decentralized powers need to check and balance each other, and even the fittest should survive. This is the correct way to use imperial power.

However, unexpectedly, Xia Feng actually proposed a third option after surviving the catastrophe.

He quit.

While quitting, another "heavy bomb" was thrown out, putting Yanguo's top management in a complete dilemma.

Now, the information thrown out by Xia Feng has been transformed into an "immortal body", which can be said to have completely occupied the commanding heights of the game.

With this bargaining chip, Xia Feng can get almost any "compensation" for this assassination.

However, he did not ask for compensation, but directly threw the governor's token to the ground and demanded to resign.

Two million infected people in Victoria have settled in the Yandong colonial area. This is no longer a simple immigration issue.

From an objective point of view, infected people are also human beings, and except for being infected with oriosis, they are exactly the same as ordinary citizens.

However, if you add the word "Victoria" in front of the infected person, and then associate it with Xia Feng, it suddenly becomes terrifying.

Because just a year ago, this man named Xia Feng led 2 million infected people to overthrow the huge Victoria Empire.

The request for Xia Feng to return to the imperial capital was proposed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now that something happened and he survived, it can be said that he was completely offended.

Put yourself in my shoes, if you want to kill me but fail, will I still treat you as a friend, not even a stranger?

Prime Minister Yan Guo knew very well that the relationship between Yan State and Xia Feng was black and white. If a new governor of Yandong was re-appointed now, he would no longer want the land of Yandong.

The international treaties that were painstakingly formulated with Victoria will also completely lose their meaning.

Because Xia Feng can do any crazy thing based on his personal position, and theoretically it has nothing to do with the Victoria Empire.

After that, once something goes wrong in Yandong, it will directly threaten the interior of Yan country, and the first place to be affected will be the nearest North China region.

At this juncture, the border issue with Ursus is becoming more and more tense, and the Yan Kingdom has no spare capacity to be attacked on both sides.


Thinking of this, the superior Yan Guoxiang couldn't help but cursed to himself.

Then, he glared at Lin Hong fiercely, and then glanced at Zhou Qing.

He wasn't sure who planned this incident, but he couldn't escape the people in this room.


At this time, Quinturiel couldn't help laughing again. For him, what happened today was more exciting than the movie.

Among the five people sitting there, Quinturiel should be the only governor who came to make up the numbers. It's not that he is unimportant, but that there is nothing worth discussing in the southwest plateau area he is in charge of.

The southwest plateau guarded by Quinturiel has a harsh environment. In name, he is the southwest governor of the Yan Kingdom, but in fact, he and his people are the emperors of the soil on the cold plateau.

Seeing that Prime Minister Yan's face was red, Wei Yanwu, who was sitting next to him, coughed lightly and deliberately tried to smooth things over.

"Governor Xia, what happened to you might just be an accident. Now that you are fine, we can discuss the rest slowly. It is better not to make impulsive decisions."

Xia Feng leaned on the chair and crossed his legs.

"I'm not impulsive. The position of governor is too dangerous. I'm afraid of death. I won't do it. Even if you give me a gold mountain, I won't do it."

Wei Yanwu continued to pretend to be nice.

"Governor Xia, no one can make mistakes without being a sage. You should think about it again."

"Not consider."

"Yandong has just been established, and the relationship with Victoria is very delicate. I'm afraid no one can properly maintain it except you."

Xia Feng glared.

"It's none of my business. I was managing things very well, but I almost lost my life if I had to come to this ruined imperial capital to recover my life."

"This must be an accident"

"What I'm afraid of is accidents, that's why I want to resign."

Later, Wei Yanwu transformed into "HR" and patiently gave Xia Feng a comprehensive explanation for his willful behavior.

It was about integrity, analyzing the pros and cons, and even the safety of the Yan country. Millions of people said all kinds of lies.

Xia Feng covered his ears the whole time, looking like he was "not listening to the bastard chanting sutras".

In the end, Wei Yanwu saw that he had done enough, so he gave the right to speak back to Yan Guoxiang.

"Prime Minister, you should come and persuade Governor Xia."

Prime Minister Yan Guo was not a fool. Although Xia Feng was harsh in his words, he could certainly tell that there was some relief in this matter.

With a cold face, he forced out a sentence through his teeth.

"Xia Feng, besides Jinshan, what else do you want?"

At this time, Xia Feng's blood-soaked clothes were stuck to his skin, and he looked like a zombie, which was scary and disgusting.

"I said I don't want anything."

Yan Guoxiang clenched his fists and continued to speak solemnly.

"Then let me ask another question: What do you want to get before you continue to be the governor?"



Faced with this question from Prime Minister Yan Guo, everyone pricked up their ears and waited for Xia Feng's next words.

However, it was like he suddenly "hanged up" and never said why.

In the extremely uncomfortable silence, Yan Guoxiang could only take the initiative to speak.

"Do you want Yandong to set up an army and gain military power?"

This sentence is what Xia Feng has been waiting for.

It was not because he wanted to gain military power, but because as long as Yan Guoxiang was willing to say this, he successfully tested the bottom line of Yan Guo's treatment of Yan Dong.

Under the almost suffocating and repressive atmosphere, Xia Feng finally spoke.

"Well, if Yan Guo is really in trouble and wants me to continue to be the governor and serve Yan Guo, it's not impossible."

"So you want military power."

"No, no, no, Yandong doesn't need an army."

This answer was greatly beyond the expectations of Yan Guoxiang.

He stared at Xia Feng's face in surprise.

"Then what do you want?"

Xia Feng glanced at Wei Yanwu, and then whispered to Yan Guoxiang.

"I need Yandong to obtain the same high degree of autonomy as Longmen."

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