Seeing Hemo crying into tears, Xia Feng understood everything.

The Balrog Plan began quietly without his knowledge. This was originally a confident experiment by Helmer, but a fatal accident still occurred during the process.

The Balrog plan was out of control.

The moment the experiment went out of control, Helmer was rescued from the underground laboratory by Ceria, and other staff members also ran out.

But it was obvious that Ifrit was still inside, and the sea of ​​​​fire that devoured everything in front of her was due to the Fire Demon Stone fused with her.

"Ifrit! Ah!"

Hemo's cry was very heart-wrenching. Xia Feng didn't know if Ifrit was still alive, but seeing Hemo's sad look, his heart was already half cold.

Just as he was about to ask Ceria about the situation, an even more heartbreaking cry came from the side.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuancynuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah,My Mibo is all dead, ah!!!Give me my Mibo!"

Mel was seen sitting on the ground, with tears and runny nose running down his face.

She cried and muttered in a sob tone.

"I can't even recycle it this time, wuwuwu, Mibo, ah!"

Mel cried very sadly, but Xia Feng was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Walked up to a few people.

Hemo was so sad that he could not speak. Xia Feng could only stand in front of Seria and asked seriously.

"Ceria, what's going on?"

Seria lowered her head.

"The Balrog Plan failed."


"I don't know the specific reason. When I rushed to the scene, the high-temperature-resistant closed container was on the verge of breaking. I only had time to take Hemer out."

"Then Ifrit."

Helmer knelt on the ground, muttering and repeating.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault"

Seemingly unable to suppress the emotions in her heart, Ceria shouted loudly at Hemo.

"Stop crying. It was your fault in the first place. Is there any use crying now?"

Xia Feng looked at the sea of ​​fire in the distance and thought quickly.

Now is not the time to divide the pot, and no one wants to see this result. Although the experiment was led by Hemo, her current mood is probably more uncomfortable than anyone present.

Xia Feng now needs to confirm one thing.

He knelt down and asked the crying Helmer.

"Ifrit, is she still alive?"


The mental shock to Helmer was so great that he is now speechless.

At this time, a Felin woman wearing a white coat came over.

Standing in front of Xia Feng and Seria, she said timidly.

"Um. I am Dr. Hemmer's deputy and a participant in the SP experiment. I..."

After hearing her words, Xia Feng grabbed the deputy's shoulders and asked quickly.

"Answer me, is Ifrit still alive?"

"No. 019, she should still be alive now."

After hearing her words, Xia Feng and Seria immediately felt hopeful.

"Speak clearly."

The deputy nodded solemnly. Despite experiencing this kind of accident, she still maintained her sanity.

"Okay, so far, it seems that the fusion of No. 019 and the Fire Demon Stone has been completed. We previously expected that there would be an expansion of power after the fusion, so we prepared a container that can theoretically isolate all flames. However, we underestimated She has the power after the fusion of No. 019, and she has no way to control this power with her own consciousness."

"so what?"

"No. 019's power consumables come from the source stones prepared in advance. Because 019's own attributes are very consistent with the flames, she should not be harmed when she is in the middle of the flames. However, according to the previous calculation, after fusion with the Balrog, in the source stone If she cannot suppress this power before the stone energy is consumed, her body will become a consumable."

Xia Feng slapped his thigh.

"If you had told me earlier, I thought it was hopeless."

"No, judging from the current situation, it is indeed hopeless."


The deputy looked toward a sea of ​​flames in the distance.

"This kind of flame is not an ordinary flame. It is not only mixed with high temperature, but also has a special decomposition ability. No. 019 can no longer control her consciousness. If she wants to stop this power, she can only use external interference to forcibly cut it off. Her mental system stopped the blood flow throughout her body, and her brain and all organs went into sleep."

Hearing this, Xia Feng suddenly thought of it.

The blood in the whole body coagulates and all the organs go into sleep. Isn't this the same effect as the drug that Weina injected back then?

The deputy's voice continued.

"We have this kind of medicine, but the problem is that no one can get close to No. 019's body now. She is located in the very center of the flame. Now she cannot set foot within a hundred meters. As I said before, this kind of flame is very special. , our existing protective measures have lost their meaning, so the possibility of rescue is zero, and we must accept this sad fact."

Xia Feng wanted to refute, but couldn't find a reason.

The deputy was right. Judging from the current situation, even if Ifrit was still alive, no one could enter the sea of ​​​​fire to save her.

Xia Feng knew very well that what devoured Base No. 4 was not ordinary flames, but the anger of the flame giant "Iftli".

This is a power that cannot be matched by human beings, not even Ceria.

He glanced down at his bracelet.

[Countdown to the next cycle: 19 days. 】

The second cycle of the black and white twins has only reached the 11th day. Even if he draws out the black power and rushes into the sea of ​​fire, it is estimated that it will be difficult to come out alive.

At this moment, several large transport trucks came from a distance and quickly stopped in front of everyone.

The car door opened, and a large number of heavily armed people wearing isolation suits came out of the car. The number of people was at least over 100 by visual inspection.

Xia Feng looked at these people.

"This is."

Ceria explained in a low voice.

"This is the special incident response team of the Rheinland Life Defense Department."

Only about 20 minutes have passed since the alarm went off. It seems that the special incident response team has been prepared in advance from a distance.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a white suit walked through the crowd and walked up to Helmer.

This man wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and his face was very solemn under the glasses. He was about 50 years old.

He walked up to the crowd, looked at Base 4 that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and sighed.

"Sure enough, the Balrog Plan was carried out too hastily. This time not only the experimental subjects were lost, but the entire base was also lost."

Xia Feng asked in a low voice to the white-faced owl next to him.

"Who is this guy?"

"He is one of the founders of Rheinland Life and is also the direct leader of Helmer. We call him Mr. Aibo."

Albert stood next to Hemo with his hands behind his back and continued.

"Hermer, do you have anything to explain?"

Helmer was already crying, and he knelt on the ground, indifferent to his questioning.

Albert glanced at her.

"Now that the experiment has failed, are your tears pitying the useless experimental subject? Shouldn't you feel more guilty for the losses caused this time than for an experimental subject?"

Albert turned around.

"Hermer, I suspect you don't take the experiment seriously at all. I'm really disappointed in you."

As soon as Aibo arrived, the aura of the superior instantly overshadowed everyone. To these Rhine-Life employees, this person was their big boss, including Ceria.

Except for one person.

I saw Xia Feng walking in front of Ai Bo with his head lowered.

Then, a crisp sound came out.


Xia Feng raised his arm and slapped Albert on the face with a big ear scraper. The expensive glasses shattered instantly and fell to the ground together with the two front teeth that were knocked out.

Albert was so shocked by this sudden attack that he covered his face and said.

"How dare you"

Before he finished speaking, Xia Feng grabbed his collar and pulled him in front of him.

A cold voice came from between his teeth.

"You, a guy who only knows how to make decisions behind the scenes, have no right to judge Hemmer."

Albert's mouth was bleeding and his eyes were wide open.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I am also the experimental subject in your mouth."


Black air flow emerged from Xia Feng's left hand, and his voice was full of anger.

"I don't care what your status is. If you dare to bully Hemo, believe it or not, I will throw you into the sea of ​​fire and turn you into a roast pig right now."

Xia Feng's eyes were fixed on Ai Bo, and the black bloodshot eyeballs were terrifying and weird.

Xia Feng understands Hemo's feelings best. To Hemo, Ifrit's life is more important than anything else. As an experimental subject of Rhine Life, the success of the experiment is the only way to completely save her.

Xia Feng could allow others to question the result of failure, but he did not allow others to question Hemmer's emotion.

No matter who it was, Xia Feng would give him a slap in the face without hesitation.

Seeing this situation, Ceria next to her immediately grabbed Xia Feng.

"Let go, Xia Feng, I understand your feelings, but you can't hurt him. Listen to me, let go, let go."

For Seria's sake, Xia Feng pushed Albert to the ground, not wanting to look at him again.

He turned his head and looked at the experimental deputy next to him.

"Hey, are there any injectable drugs that can stop the blood flow throughout the body?"

"Yes, there is, but..."

"Give me."

After hearing his words, everyone present was stunned at the same time.

Hemo raised his tear-covered cheeks and looked at Xia Feng and asked in confusion.

"What are you going to do?"

The flames rising from Base 4 reached into the sky, and the overwhelming heat wave burned everything nearby.

Xia Feng looked at the sea of ​​fire in the distance expressionlessly.

Said softly.

"Do what I have to do."

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