Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1126 Undried blood

Yandong Internal Affairs Department and Security Headquarters, these two departments can be said to be the largest in the system in terms of administrative power.

Not to mention the security headquarters, the Ministry of Internal Affairs alone is equivalent to the "brain" of the entire administrative work, responsible for the coordination and overall planning of all subordinate functional departments, including personnel transfers.

And now, the Minister of the Interior was actually demoted by the Governor with just one sentence, which was too hasty.

The Minister of Internal Affairs' surname was Zhao. When he heard Xia Feng's words, he immediately raised objections after being briefly confused.

"My Lord Governor, with all due respect, I don't quite understand your decision, and in accordance with"

Xia Feng leaned on the chair and interrupted him softly.

"Minister Zhao, you are a smart man. You should think carefully before you say something."

Xia Feng's reminder seemed to be very effective. Minister Zhao looked stunned, as if he had thought of something, and then he choked back what he said in mid-sentence.

At the same time, he also saw Zhou Liang secretly shaking his head at him, and the meaning was already obvious.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and those who understand current affairs are heroes.

Minister Zhao of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is indeed a smart man. Even though he was inexplicably demoted to deputy minister, he said nothing and could only grit his teeth and acquiesce.

However, another minister at the security headquarters was not as "smart" as he was.

The Yandong Special Zone does not have an army, but the minister of the security headquarters was originally a senior officer in the army. This time he was transferred to Yandong as the minister, which is considered to be a success.

At the same time, his mission is not simply to hold office.

Although the land of Yandong is far away from the interior of Yan Kingdom, it will not really be forgotten. As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will be benefits.

In the early days of Yandong's establishment, many things were not exposed, and the weight of power was not so obvious, but as time goes by, the weight of money and power transactions will become apparent.

The security headquarters of a region covers almost all law enforcement matters. Unlike civilian officials, this power is really great.

Being demoted from the position of minister is a huge difference.

The head of the security headquarters immediately stood up from his seat and said with a red face.

"Your Majesty Governor, the initial official positions in Yandong were all established by Yanguo's General Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the ministerial candidates were also decided by Yanguo Prime Minister. Now you are withdrawing at your will. Isn't it too childish?"

Seeing how excited this person was, Xia Feng turned his head and asked Zhou Liang in a low voice.

"What's this man's last name?"

"Sir, his surname is Liang."

Turning his face, Xia Feng's tone was understatement.

"Minister Liang, you seem to have misunderstood. What I meant was that you and Minister Zhao were each demoted one level, and their work content remained unchanged. They were not removed from their posts."

Minister Liang clenched his fists.

"Sir Governor, why do you want to demote me? I'm sorry, there is no suitable reason, I can't accept it."

Xia Feng's expression gradually lost patience.

"You can't accept it? I don't quite understand what you mean. Can you explain it in more detail?"

Minister Liang gritted his teeth and finally darkened his face.

"Minister-level personnel transfers need to be applied to the General Internal Affairs Office. This kind of thing cannot be decided by you alone."

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Liang's expression immediately changed.

To contradict the governor in such a high-level meeting is almost equivalent to breaking the pot.

Before Xia Feng could say anything, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Minister Liang, watch your words, this is not the interior of Yan country, but the Yandong special zone!"

Zhou Liang's original intention was to give Minister Liang a step down, but this grumpy old man couldn't think of it.

He waved his hand, left his seat, and shouted to Xia Feng.

"Governor Xia, if you insist on violating the regulations, then I have no choice but to report the matter to Xiang Yanguo. I know this is Yandong, but Yandong still belongs to Yanguo!"

After that, Minister Liang left the meeting and angrily walked to the door of the conference hall.

Faced with the opposition from his subordinates, Xia Feng didn't look angry at all.

He calmly picked up the tea cup again, and just as Minister Liang was about to walk out of the door, his light voice came out of his mouth.

"Minister Liang, I think you don't want to report to Yan Guoxiang, but to Governor Lin."

Upon hearing these words, Minister Liang's figure suddenly stopped at the door.

The expression on his face for a moment was like saying "How did you know?", but this expression was fleeting and was immediately erased by his powerful expression management.

"Governor Xia, I don't understand what you are talking about. Take your leave."

After Minister Liang left, the atmosphere of the meeting became a little subtle.

Xia Feng didn't speak, and the others didn't dare to make a sound. They could only sit upright and helpless, at a loss what to do.

In the dead silence, it was Zhou Liang who broke the atmosphere first. He slapped the table with an angry look and pretended to be angry.

"This Liang Zhengtai is not old enough, but he has connections behind his back. He dares to contradict the Governor like this. I will definitely punish him and deduct three months of his salary!"

Xia Feng next to him put down his tea cup and curled his lips.

"Oh, it turns out his name is Liang Zheng."

Zhou Liang turned around, lowered his head to Xia Feng, and said very seriously.

"Sir Governor, Yandong has just been established. There is no rule without rules. Don't worry, I will handle this matter properly. I will give Liang Zheng the severest administrative punishment and ask him to kowtow and apologize to you in person."

Xia Feng waved his hand very generously, with a kind tone.

"Harm, it's not that serious. When encountering this kind of thing, Minister Liang may not have thought it through for a while and became a little emotional. I can understand it, and what he said makes sense. It is somewhat inappropriate for me to transfer his position privately. After all, Yes, I will reflect on this matter."

"Your Majesty the Governor"

"That's it. I'm a little tired today. My shoulders are sore from sitting. Let's end the meeting here first. Dismissal."

The first high-level meeting after the establishment of Yandong ended.

During the meeting, faced with an unreasonable demotion, Minister Zhao from the Ministry of Internal Affairs chose to swallow his anger, while Minister Liang from the Security Headquarters chose to rise up and resist.

Afterwards, Minister Zhao, who accepted it personally, was demoted, while Minister Liang, who made the announcement to report to Yan Guoxiang, remained in his position.

After getting this result, to be honest, Minister Zhao felt that he had lost 100 million.

This gave him the illusion that if he had been braver at the meeting, he might have kept his position as minister.

However, a few days later, when he heard about a major case that shocked the entire Yandong City, he immediately gave up his previous thoughts.

He did not lose money. Instead, he earned a life because of Zhou Liang's hint at the meeting.

A week later, the Yandong high-level meeting was held again.

During the meeting, Xia Feng announced a sad thing with great anger and regret.

"Everyone must have known about this. Just three days ago, Minister Liang's home was robbed. During the fight with the gangsters, Minister Liang was stabbed several times and died. Ten of his guards also suffered injuries. With varying degrees of serious injuries, after the murder, the murderer fled out of Yandong City overnight, and the General Security Bureau is fully pursuing him."

Xia Feng sighed heavily and continued.

"The Yandong area is already in chaos. Due to the great changes in the country, many warriors fell into the trap of becoming bandits and chose to seek wealth and wealth through danger. From now on, the work of the General Security Bureau will have a long and arduous task."

After Xia Feng finished speaking, the entire conference room was silent.

Everyone's expressions contained a special meaning far beyond the knowledge of Minister Liang's unfortunate death, and wherever Xia Feng glanced, everyone avoided his sight in fear.

Minister Liang died, the case was defined as robbery and murder, and the General Security Bureau has opened a case to pursue him.

However, in the eyes of the officials from Yandong ministries in the conference room at this time, under Xia Feng's sad expression, they could see the blood on his hands that had not yet been wiped off, as if by illusion.

There was no exception. This time, everyone tacitly turned into a mute who could only nod.

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