Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1124 Spring is the season of reproduction

In the early days of taking office as governor, Xia Feng's life was much busier than before.

There was no way around it. Although he didn't particularly care about Yandong's overall development, he couldn't help but care about "his" development.

Only after all the initial takeover work is completed can he start his own "small actions".

Currently, the Yandong Special Economic Zone only enjoys a certain degree of autonomy, rather than a high degree of autonomy.

For example, the administrative system, laws and regulations, and import and export trade must be based on the regulations that have been implemented in the Yan country for many years.

The gold, silver and copper coins previously issued by the Kamino family can still be used for the time being, but they will gradually transform into Longmen coins and Terra coins, which are currencies that circulate efficiently around the world.

According to the original program of the establishment of the Yandong Special Zone, the three areas of Dongzhou, Xichuan and Shenyewan will be included in the jurisdiction of Yandong.

But in fact, there is another additional rule in Yanguo's interior.

That is the city where the Kamino family is located, Kamino City, which needs to retain the family's autonomy, and the highest administrative agency in Yandong must respect and fulfill this regulation.

At the same time, this is also the consensus reached in the ownership transfer agreement signed by Kaminoya and Lin Hong before.

To be honest, Xia Feng didn't really care about this.

In terms of scale, Shenye City, located at the northernmost tip of the Shenye Bay area, is the largest city in Yandong, but it is just a city.

The so-called autonomy of the Kamino family is equivalent to being the mayor of oneself to ensure the prosperity of the family.

But in this matter, besides authority, there is another point that deserves his attention.

Prime Minister Yan Guo had previously revealed to him in private that he hoped he would maintain a friendly relationship with the Kamino family.

At the administrative level, the governor is definitely the most powerful, but when it comes to details, it is best not to deliberately embarrass the members of the Kamino family.

Finally, Prime Minister Yan said in a profound tone that this was a request from Governor Wei of Longmen, and he hoped he could give him this face.

Looking back now, Xia Feng can roughly guess the secret.

If he remembered correctly, the wife of Wei Yanwu, the governor of Longmen, was named Wenyue. According to rumors, Wenyue was the princess of the East Kingdom, so she was also called Princess Wenyue.

Before the dispute broke out, the Kamino family had always been the dominant one in the entire Eastern Kingdom, with the Nishinomiya family and the Sakurabu family as foils. The reason for this power gap must be related to the help Longmen provided to the Kamino family.

At the same time, after Victoria intervened, the Kanno family decisively gave up their right to rule and chose to side with the Yan Kingdom. This was obviously intentional.

Obviously, the Kamino family very much hopes that the Yan Kingdom will take over. Only in this way can they ensure the maximum interests of their family after losing their right to rule.

According to the Kamino family's previous plan, the governor of Yandong should be Lin Hong, so they deliberately signed an agreement with Lin Hong to gain favor.

Lin Hong was originally the governor of North China, and he was at the same level as Wei Yanwu, the governor of Longmen. They must have maintained a deep friendship during their many years of interaction.

Therefore, based on the whole incident, Xia Feng came to a bold conclusion.

Wei Yanwu's wife Princess Wenyue, her full name should be, Kamino Wenyue.

The issue of the Kamino family managing their own city is of no concern to him.

His energy needs to be focused on more important things for the time being.

A week later.

It's spring now, and the cherry blossoms on the south coast are in full bloom, seeming to turn the whole world pink.

Exactly one year has passed since he first arrived in Dongguo.

In the cherry blossom forest, Turtle ran happily with his arms raised, his face full of innocent smiles.

"Hahahahaha, the windmill is so beautiful, the cherry blossoms are so beautiful!"

Near the small pavilion, Bagpipe drove a tractor to cultivate a large field.

"Chug, tug, tug, tug, tug!"

The tractor is full of power, the soil is being plowed and broken up, the bagpipe is humming a tune on it, and the face is full of happiness.

According to her, this year she will challenge herself to supply fresh vegetables to the entire sandworm breeding base by herself, and even export them.

But this challenge may be a bit difficult, after all, these guys are so edible.

The sandworm breeding base has already been fully started. Spring is the peak season for sandworm breeding. According to Xiaohui's previous plan, the breeding expansion is finally on the agenda.

Xia Feng had no objection to this and directly invested another 600 million, asking Xiao Hui to lead people to communicate with Nancy and strive to double the size of the entire sandworm breeding base.

At the same time, the sandworm agent previously agreed with Black Steel International and Kalan Trading has also been restored.

In this way, Victoria, Colombia, and the central Terran countries radiated by Kjerag's trade all turned into lambs waiting to be fed.

He doesn't need to worry about sales at all. He can sell as many sandworms as he wants, and he doesn't have to worry about not being able to sell them. Demand exceeds supply throughout the process.

The only thing he had to do was count the money.

Xia Feng's identity is obviously the governor of Yandong, but it is the south coast of Victoria Colony that is prospering.

In the eyes of Yandong's subordinate officials, he, the governor, was a bit unreliable.

However, they didn't understand Xia Feng's character and his plans at all. To put it bluntly, this was already very reliable, but the real unreliability was yet to come.

Half a month later.

Yandong's administrative work has finally completed its initial stage thanks to the "united efforts from top to bottom".

The operations of various departments are basically on track, and the staffing of local security forces and functional departments has also reached daily standards.

Governor's Palace, inside the Governor's Office.

Xia Feng sat behind his desk and patiently listened to Zhou Liang's work report.

For half an hour, Zhou Liang's mouth was dry and his forehead was covered with sweat. After speaking, he wiped the sweat from his face with a smile on his face.

"Governor, the current progress of the work is almost like this. After that, it will be the registration of some local private chambers of commerce, mines, quarries, and fishing fleets, as well as"

Xia Feng raised his hand to interrupt him.

"Okay, I understand, Commander Zhou, you have worked hard during this time."

Zhou Liang lowered his head and replied excitedly.

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work. It's the official's responsibility. Mr. Governor, please don't call me sir. Just call me by my name."

Xia Feng nodded.

"Okay, if you are older than me, I will call you Brother Zhou from now on."

Zhou Liang's expression froze, and the next second his entire face turned pale.

"You can't do this. Aren't you shortening my life? If you find it troublesome, just call me Lao Zhou, Xiao Zhou, or Xiao Liang. You can do it."

"Okay, okay, then Lao Zhou."

"Okay, okay."

To be honest, Zhou Liang's humility was a bit excessive.

He is the district adjutant of Yandong Special Administrative Region. If we make a metaphor and compare Yandong to Yan Kingdom, then Zhou Liangke will play the role of Yan Guoxiang.

Zhou Liang is actually very capable at work. During this period of time, he has basically been in control of the overall coordination and planning of Yandong's administrative affairs.

However, looking at how cautious he is now when facing the governor, he looks like a primary school student who made a mistake.

Xia Feng didn't know what Zhou Liang was afraid of. Maybe it was what he wanted to say next.

Sitting at the desk, Xia Feng reached out to the tea cup on the table.

"Old Zhou, actually I am not very clear about the specific administrative powers of the Governor. I would like to ask, do I have the power to transfer personnel above the ministerial level?"

Seeing that there was only half a glass of water in Xia Feng's cup, Zhou Liang immediately picked up the teapot and answered while pouring water for him.

"Sir, if it is your own region, you naturally have this power. However, for personnel transfers above the ministerial level, you need to have a clear reason, and the transfer information must be reported to the Yanguo State Council."

"So troublesome?"

Seeing Xia Feng's displeasure, Zhou Liang's expression remained unchanged and he continued to reply cautiously.

"The autonomy of the Yandong Special Administrative Region is limited. There is nothing we can do about it. This is indeed the case according to the regulations. However, according to the official, if the governor insists on replacing someone, he can kill him first and then report it."

Xia Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? Anyone?"

"Hehe, I don't dare to speak nonsense. It depends on who the person is."

After filling the teacup with water, Xia Feng picked it up and took a sip.

Then, he put down the teacup and said three words to Zhou Liang in an understatement.

"For example, you."

Upon hearing these three words, the smile on Zhou Liang's face froze.

The next second, the teapot fell from his hand.


It fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

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