Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1105 Nanno Marue’s trance

It may not be appropriate to say that Wei Na's trip to Dongguo was a private visit incognito. It would be more accurate to say that she escaped secretly.

It is almost impossible for the leader of a country to go to a remote and chaotic place that has just experienced a war to negotiate with other countries. This is almost impossible to be agreed by the country, because she represents a country.

Chief Yarlin does not agree, the National Assembly does not agree, the Office of Supervision does not agree, and it is even less likely that Indra and other relatives and friends will agree.

However, the Royal Knights, who are extremely loyal to the royal family, will not stop it.

Although Terege disagreed in his heart, he could only help Wei Na "escape" due to his family's "pampering" of the royal family for generations.

Of course, Vina also had her reasons for doing this.

When staying in the palace, any decision must be weighed by the empire's top management, including the vote of the National Assembly. Although she is the king, there are still some things that cannot be decided by one person, especially some risky decisions, which require constant meetings and negotiations.

Therefore, as a king, she could only "kill first and tell later" so that the National Assembly could not interfere on the spot with her risky decision.

As for the aftermath, the raw rice has been cooked, and His Majesty the King's willfulness will basically be forgiven.

At most, he would receive a few well-intentioned complaints from his loyal ministers.

Xia Feng could vaguely guess these considerations, but he still didn't know how Wei Na would end up.

But this is not a life-threatening matter. At least for now, Wei Na has the confidence to win, and he does not want to interfere with Wei Na's judgment easily.

The re-agreed time for negotiation with Yan Guo is one week later. If nothing unexpected happens, Yan Guo will most likely have a big shot coming, a big shot who can take charge.

The journey back to Victoria from Dongguo is really long, so Wei Na will have to stay in Dongguo for at least a week.

During this period, as the sandworm lord of the south coast, he naturally had to fulfill his duties as a landlord.

After leaving the Nishimiya family's mansion, Wei Na decisively left the eager Royal Knights behind, got directly into Xia Feng's helicopter, and flew away with a whoosh.

Because there were too many people, only Legion Commander Terege got on the plane, and the others could only take land transportation.

Now at least 70% of the Central Army's troops have been mobilized from Dongzhou to Nishikawa. In addition, the Nishinomiya family now belongs to half of them. In theory, the Nishikawa area is as safe as one's own back garden.

Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that Yan Guo will make some small moves. Although the probability is very small, hidden dangers still exist.

Xichuan is not safe enough, but this threat does not exist at all on the south coast where Xia Feng lives.

On the surface, the south coast is a sandworm breeding base, but in fact it can be called an impregnable military base.

With the professional security personnel of Black Steel International, plus Black Feather's companions, and the elites of the Royal Knights, it is no exaggeration to say that anyone who dares to cause trouble will commit suicide.

A few hours later.


The helicopter stopped at the helipad on the coastline. Before the propellers were extinguished, Xia Feng couldn't wait to open the hatch and jumped out.

After landing, he immediately turned around, smiled and stretched out his hand towards the hatch.

"Vina, we're here, come on, give me your hand, be careful."

Vina frowned.

"What are you doing? I'm not a child."

"It's okay, come."


Seeing that Xia Feng was as happy as a child showing off his beloved toy to others, Wei Na hesitated for a moment, then reached out to hold his hand and jumped off the cabin.

It is early spring, the temperature is still a bit cool, and there is a faint smell of sea water in the air.

Holding Wei Na's hand, Xia Feng led her out of the apron and stood on a high platform at the edge.

From this position, you can see almost the entirety of the flat coastline.

Xia Feng said proudly as the cool sea breeze blew against his face.

"Vina, how about it? This is my sandworm breeding base, not bad."

Looking at the huge coastline in front of her that is full of modern industrial production elements, Wei Na's eyes gradually showed surprise.

"You built this all?"

"Hehe, of course it's not me. Helmer and Mel helped plan all this, and we also need the help of our friends in Nanno Village."

Far away in Victoria, Wei Na already knew that Xia Feng's business was very big, and even from a development perspective, it was no less than the original Origin Stone smuggling business.

But when I saw it today, compared to the clandestine private processing of the Origin Stone, this was simply a miraculous workmanship that could be called a miracle.

“So spectacular”

Xia Feng grinned.

"There's something even more spectacular. Come on, I'll take you home."

Vina's voice was a little thin.

"Um, Xia Feng, wait a minute."

"Hmm, what's up?"

"Can you please release your hands first?"


"Well, everyone is watching."

Turning his head, he saw that his companions, including Nanfeng, were looking at the two of them holding hands with winking eyes.

Lang Da and others who came to greet him stopped to watch, and Sun Guifu even gave him a thumbs up secretly.

Xiao Hui knew in advance that a distinguished guest was coming and had been waiting nearby. When she saw Xia Feng holding a young and beautiful blond girl, she immediately went to greet him.

"Brother Xia Feng, you are back."


Afterwards, Xiao Hui glanced at Wei Na next to her with some uncertainty, and finally, she tentatively spoke.

"How are you, sister-in-law?"

Hearing this "Hello, sister-in-law," Wei Na seemed to be electrocuted and immediately shook off Xia Feng's hand holding her.

Then, his palms pinched the soft flesh of Xia Feng's lower back like iron pliers, and twisted hard.

At the same time, his voice was laced with shyness masked by anger.

"What, what, sister-in-law, did you teach me this?"

Xia Feng was so pinched that he gasped and screamed in defense.

"I have never taught you the conscience of heaven and earth, ouch!"

Vina put more force on her hands.

"Impossible, you must have given similar hints."

"I don't!"

"there must be!"

To Xiao Hui, this scene looked like an intimate fight between lovers, so she couldn't help but cover her mouth and snicker, with an unabashed "aunty" element in her smile.

However, what she didn't know was that Wei Na's seemingly slender arms were strong enough to crush an ordinary person's wrist.

"Ah ah ah, it hurts, I didn't teach you, I really didn't teach you, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Under Xia Fengyi's scream like a slaughtering pig, the simple welcome ceremony came to an end.

On the way back.

When Xiaohui accidentally learned of Weina's true identity, the aunt's smile on her face finally froze.


The wolf next to him made a "shush" gesture.

"Don't make any noise, Brother Feng said, we don't need to treat Wei Na as a king on our south coast, just treat her as a family."

This news was too exciting for someone like Xiao Hui who didn't know much about Victoria's past. The amount of information was so large that her brain couldn't even process it.

Xia Feng and Victoria's military chief were brothers before, but this was outrageous enough.

And now, Xia Feng held the king's hand and walked out of the plane like going shopping, which gave Xiao Hui a sudden illusion.

For Xiao Hui, who has never left Dongguo since she was a child, the outside world is as far away as a dream.

However, until the appearance of Xia Feng broke the unchanging primitive life of Nanno Village for generations, she found that her previous understanding had completely changed.

The world's top technological equipment, astronomically huge amounts of money, and an elite army that can't be seen at a glance, including prominent royal families and kings.

Under the continuous impact of "upper class", elementary school student Nanno Marue suddenly felt in a trance.

The world outside Dongguo doesn't seem so far away.

All in all, nothing more.

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