Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1062 Dragon Gate Secret Message

Silver Gray's troops came from Kjerag and numbered 8,000 people.

Unlike Victoria, Kjerag's military actions were unnamed and had no legitimate reasons.

Of course, this unit does not belong to the regular army recorded by Kjerag's military department, but is a "private soldier" of Silver Gray.

During the Snow Mountain Incident, Yin Hui used this force to infiltrate inside and cut off the information exchange throughout Kjerag with the force of thunder.

After a little push, the two enemies of the three-community meeting were defeated.

After Kjerag was completely captured, this secret force was not incorporated into the regular army. Instead, it existed in a low profile as the Special Security Department of Kalan Trading Company.

Therefore, Yin Hui's troops sent out this time are neither public nor private, both good and evil, and they jump repeatedly.

Unless someone is serious enough to get to the bottom of it, they won’t be able to grasp the key points used to make a fuss.

Most of the neighboring countries around Kjerag are small countries such as Sargon and Minos. They themselves have frequent military operations and a chaotic political situation.

Of course, this secret dispatch of troops did not receive much attention. After all, there were only 8,000 people.

However, although the truth is such a truth, Yin Hui is still cautious and will not do it blatantly and without any scruples.

Unlike the Victoria Army, which was known as a strategic crusade, Kjelag did not need to show force or have any political intentions. He was simply here to help Xia Feng deal with troubles.

So, it never hurts to keep a low profile.

This force deliberately bypassed Longmen, boarded the ship from the inland southwest coast, and marched directly to Dongguo Xichuan port.

However, the so-called low-key also represents an attitude.

Dozens of troop transport ships and 8,000 troops cannot hide the truth in an absolute sense.

Yanguo, North China Governor's Mansion, study room.

Lin Hong sat at the huge table, looking solemnly at the latest information obtained by the shadow guard.

The content of this intelligence is exactly the information that Yin Hui's troops secretly arrived in Dongguo a few days ago.


Lin Hong muttered to himself uncertainly, his gaze getting deeper and deeper.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the study.

"Dong dong dong!"

Lin Hong's eyes were still fixed on this information.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and a guard in red with a knife presented a wax-sealed secret letter in front of Lin Hong.

"Governor, it's a letter from Longmen."

Lin Hong looked away from the piece of information just now and raised his eyebrows.

"Dragon Gate?"



"It's a letter from Duke Wei."

It was already obvious who the Duke of Wei mentioned by the red-clothed guard was. He was a person of the same level as Lin Hong in the entire Yan Kingdom political structure, the Governor of Longmen, Wei Yanwu.

And in a sense, Wei Yanwu's power may be greater, because Longmen is a special zone with a high degree of autonomy.

Lin Hong's eyes became more complicated when he heard the source of the secret letter.

Longmen is very close to Dongguo. It is obvious that Wei Yanwu also captured the subtle changes in the situation in Dongguo.

But Lin Hong didn't understand what Wei Yanwu wanted to tell him at this time.

"Put the letter down."


After the guards left, Lin Hong let go of the information in his hand and picked up the secret letter from Longmen that had just been sent.

For the next few minutes, he squinted his eyes and read the contents of the letter carefully.

Judging from the handwriting, this letter was indeed written by Wei Yanwu himself, but the content of the letter was completely contrary to Lin Hong's previous strategic intentions for the East Kingdom.

And in this letter, the name [Xia Feng] was mentioned many times.

Putting down the letter, Lin Hong's face seemed to be covered with clouds.

After reading this letter, the information on the table about Kjerag secretly sending troops to the East Kingdom seemed to be reminding him of something.

In other words, it is supporting Wei Yanwu's "advice" from the side.

Leaning on the chair, Lin Hong recalled the day when he met the young man Xia Feng at the Nishinomiya's mansion.

At first, he didn't take this rumored miraculous young man seriously, but at the end of the meeting, he seemed to see something in Xia Feng's eyes that made him uneasy.

And now, the seed that made him uneasy had begun to sprout.

Moreover, it was growing at a wild speed, subverting everything he had imagined before.


Lin Hong slammed the table and roared.

"Somebody come!"

The guard in red pushed the door open and entered.

"Governor, please give me orders!"

"Pass my order, the North China Black Flag Army will immediately move to the vicinity of Dongyang City, be ready for war, and wait for further instructions at any time!"


Lin Hong stood up from the table.

"Then prepare the horse."

Lin Hong's trusted guards were a little confused.

"Governor, are you leaving?"

"Well, there is no need to go to war. Organize a 20-person escort team. I want to return to Fengyang City inland overnight and go to the imperial capital."

Seeing Lin Hong's expression, the guard did not dare to ask any more questions.





Dongguo, south coast of Xichuan.

On this day, Xia Feng and Yin Hui, who had not seen each other for a long time, finally met.

Now he recalled that the last time he met Yin Hui was at the foot of Londinium City in a heavy rain.

After the sword attack that day, he basically lost consciousness, and it was spring when he woke up.

Therefore, in his memory, the last impression of Silver Ash still remained at the domineering back of "True Silver Slash" outside the city of Londinium that day.

Holding Silver Gray's big hand, Xia Feng showed a sincere smile.

"Boss Yin, long time no see."

Yin Hui was wearing a black coat and his voice was deep and deep.

"My ally, stay safe."

"Oh, really."

Yin Hui raised the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, what I mean by "Be Lai Wuyao" is not your appearance, but your behavior. Based on my understanding of you, how can you survive being lonely in a place of strife."

Xia Feng did not explain much, and there was no need to explain to Yin Hui the reason why he interfered in the disputes in the Eastern Kingdom.

Because he knew that Yin Hui didn't care about this reason.

Yin Hui is not a hypocritical person. A real man, Yin, will never be a mother-in-law, at least it is not the time to drink and chat.

After briefly understanding the current situation in Dongguo and what Xia Feng needed him to do, Yin Hui quickly devoted himself to deploying combat troops.

Silver Gray's troops were the first foreign forces to arrive. In addition, his other ally did not pretend to be dead.

Although no one was sent, Yi Nanxue, that arrogant guy, still expressed his position with practical actions.

Yi Nanxue saw Victoria's international announcement. With his intelligence, it was impossible not to know why Victoria did not attack earlier and later, and insisted on sending troops to the Eastern Kingdom at this time.

There is no doubt that everything is because of Xia Feng.

Although Yi Nanxue tried her best to dissuade Xia Feng from interfering before, now that the matter has come to this point, there is no room for maneuver in this posture.

Without any conditions, a batch of strategic drugs from the Snow Emperor Group arrived at the West Sichuan Port a few days after Yi Nanxue learned of the situation.

On the phone, Yi Nanxue just said something lukewarm to Xia Feng.

"Okay, you can do it, but I can't persuade you. This batch of medicines is given to you for Wei Na's sake. Thank me."

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