Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1056 Bridge to Heaven

In this world, some people need reasons for their choices, but some reasons cannot be understood by outsiders using conventional logic.

This is normal.

Because some people don't need to be understood.

Whatever you do, just do it with a clear conscience.

When I walked out of Xi Gong Ling's study, it was snowing in the night sky.

This is the first snow in Xichuan this year, which is rare given the climate here.

There is snow in the night sky but no wind, and the snowflakes fall lightly, pleasant and peaceful, as if the land they fall on will never be trampled by foreign enemies again.

Along the way he came, Xia Feng walked through the Nishinomiya family's mansion.

Different from the last time he left, this time, his steps were extremely firm. Although his body was a little thin, the aura he exuded made the warriors in the courtyard retreat unconsciously.

His back can even give people who don't know him an illusion.

Sword God?

That doesn't seem to be the most terrifying existence in the world.

If the man in front of him was serious at this moment, he might be able to bring down the entire Eastern Kingdom.

Walking silently to the door of the mansion, Nishimiya Ryuhei was still holding the photo, standing in a daze in the heavy snow.

Coming to his side, Xia Feng gently put her hand on his back.

"Uncle Long Ping, you have done enough for the Nishinomiya family, leave the rest to me."

Nishimiya Ryuhei came back to his senses and turned his face in surprise.


"Let the Nishimiya family's samurai withdraw from the front line, return them all to the interior, and give up the outer perimeter."

"Withdraw? This"

Xia Feng took a deep breath and then showed a hearty smile.

"Uncle Long Ping, from now on, I will protect the entire Xichuan."

As Heigang's helicopter rose into the night sky, Xia Feng left.

Nishimiya Ryuhei didn't know what this young man was planning to do. In his dazed state, he didn't even think about why Xia Feng suddenly called him uncle.

However, the Nishimiya family's plan to give up the peripheral cities and shrink the defense was exactly what he had wanted to do before.

His original idea was to use concessions to achieve a "delay strategy." If the Sakurawu family had stopped and stopped, they could have escaped disaster.

If the Sakurawu family is not satisfied and chooses to continue attacking inland, the delay will be enough for all the supplies shipped by Longmen to arrive.

When the time comes, there will be a final battle to the death.

But now, Xia Feng's sudden change of stance makes this "not a solution" more logical.

Although he didn't know what Xia Feng was going to do, or what Xia Feng could do, Xi Gong Ling still agreed to the plan.

Soon, the order to shrink the defense was conveyed to the border front line overnight.

The soldiers of the Nishimiya family chose not to fight head-on with the powerful Sakura Takeshi family, and all of them withdrew.

After returning to the south coast, Xia Feng stepped out of the plane and walked back to the cherry blossom forest alone amid the falling snowflakes.

Large snowflakes fell on my face, feeling wet and cool.

"Hehe, hehe, hahaha, hahahahahahaha!"

Walking on the road, he suddenly burst out laughing.

This burst of laughter seemed to completely release the emotions that had been suppressed for months.

The laughter was hearty and resounded throughout the night sky.

If Frey had not escaped, he would never have come to the remote Eastern Kingdom.

If he had not met Dr. Nagato, he might never have known that there was such a paradise on the south coast of Nishikawa.

If he had not come here, he would not have discovered Sandworm Island, and if he had not met Sakura Wulan at that time, he would not have been involved in this dispute.

All the above results led to the final opportunity.

If he hadn't let Qiancai come to play with him at this point in time, he would never have known the secret of the Nishimiya family.

Of course, if he doesn't know about the rest of his life, then that's it.

But if he found out after the Nishimiya family was completely destroyed, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

He once said that people cannot be resurrected after death, and the only thing the living can do is to give meaning to the sacrifices of the dead.

The ending of the Victoria incident was perfect. He did not let the infected compatriots who believed in him die in vain. With the last sword, he carved out a whole new country.

General Gleason's death was not in vain. The general's determination for decades has been passed down in the country's most critical moments.

Mesa's death was a turning point in the Victoria incident. He seized this opportunity and forced Medes to open the country at that time, allowing the Southern Military District led by Vina to successfully reach Londinium.

Yes, he seemingly gave meaning to the sacrifices of all the dead and had done everything he could.

But there was one person's death that he could never face.

He did overthrow the decaying empire and create a brand new nation for the infected.

However, A Guang is not an infected person, and Victoria is not A Guang's country.

Some people may think that Aguang's death was an accident. As a ruler and leader, one must face the sacrifice of his companions calmly.

The truth is correct, but unfortunately, he is not a ruler, nor is he a qualified leader.

Why did A Guang die?

It's not because of any noble sentiments, nor is it a desperate resistance, nor is it a high-sounding righteousness.

Once upon a time, he asked Aguang.

[Brother, if one day in the future you have to become an enemy of this country, what will you do? 】

Aguang's answer at that time was.

[An enemy of the country? Then I have no choice but to run away. A spit from one of the four major military regions can drown me. 】

He praised this as a smart choice, but then, Aguang gave the following seriously.

[Brother Feng, if it were me, I would definitely run away, but if the person who wants to be the enemy of this country in the future is you, then I would never run away. Although I am very afraid of death, I once said, Regardless of the dangers, I will accompany you. 】

A Guang does not have a high level of ideological awareness, nor does he understand the overall situation, let alone have any vision.

The reason why that silly guy worked so hard in the dark age of Victoria was all because of "Brother Feng".

A Guang never wanted to protect the infected, let alone save Victoria. What that silly big guy really wanted to protect was the [Black Feather BBQ Restaurant].

Therefore, even if he overthrew the decaying empire, even if he crossed thousands of rivers and mountains to kill Frey, he was still surrounded by deep self-blame and loss, but he just didn't show it.

However, this time, his regret seemed to have been given a chance to redeem himself.

The dead cannot be resurrected, but the living can help the dead complete a miracle.

The former Aguang chose to protect Black Feather BBQ Restaurant with his life.

Now, he will help A Guang and protect his former hometown.

This snow was like a bridge connecting the world and heaven. Xia Feng stopped and suddenly reached out to the night sky, making a promise that transcended time and space.

"Brother, I promise you that when the cherry blossoms bloom, there will be no more disputes in the Eastern Kingdom."

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