Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1054 The beginning of that era

For as long as Qiancai can remember, she has lived in a small town in southern Victoria with her brother and mother, living a poor life.

Theoretically, their family is considered a black family, they do not have legal citizenship certificates from Victoria, and the racial characteristics of ghosts are also rare in Victoria.

Because of poverty, Aguang did not go to school since he was a child. He has been doing odd jobs for people in the town to earn some odd living expenses.

Later, as he grew older, Aguang became stronger and stronger, taller and taller, and with the one-horned horn, the overall impression was extremely fierce.

Of course, people like A Guang, who prepare hardware, have become gangsters in the town.

When Qiancai was 9 years old, her mother became seriously ill due to overwork and passed away soon after.

In the strange and huge Victoria, only she and her brother were left to depend on each other.

After that, Aguang took her out of the town and went to Happy City, a medium-sized city with privileges for infected people.

The brother and sister, who had no identity, could only settle down around the Kilt neighborhood and used their little savings to rent a very small house.

Later, with his fierce appearance and righteous character, Aguang gradually became famous in the Kilt neighborhood, and he began to have brothers who followed him.

Using the money he earned from collecting protection fees and helping others, Aguang sent Qiancai to school and started school.

As time went by, Aguang became more and more famous as an adult and became a tyrant in the Kilt neighborhood. Qiancai's academic performance was also very good and she was always among the best.

One day a few years later, Qiancai finally finished attending the highest-level school in Happy City.

At the same time, the Kilt neighborhood of Happy City also ushered in a change, that is, the Leaf family at that time was preparing to build the third light manganese mineralization plant here.

Since land needs to be acquired to build a factory, it will naturally require demolition.

In order to settle these matters as soon as possible, the Leaf family at that time and Richie, who controlled the underground structure of Hapi City, found Aguang, a local snake.

The conditions clicked.

Aguang took his brother to complete the demolition matter. In return, the Leaf family would arrange for his sister to go to the Royal Academy.

Using noble connections, you can complete the admission procedures.

As for what happened next, it was no longer unfamiliar to Xia Feng.

Enrolling in the Royal Academy is not difficult for a big southern noble like the Liye family, and it can be done directly.

Within a few days, Qiancai successfully enrolled in school.

However, Aguang's demolition did not go so smoothly. In Kilt A District, a retired old man named Hurd was very stubborn and refused to move no matter what.

After several discussions with no results, Aguang took his brothers and prepared for something hard.

It was on that day that Aguang met Xia Feng, ACE, Turtle, and Ifrit, who had just arrived in Victoria from Colombia and came to join their "relatives" in the yard of Hurd's house.

Then, he was beaten by Xia Feng and broke an arm.

At this point, the fate of A Guang and Xia Feng began, until the strong rise of Black Wings and the official arrival of the Victorian Dark Age.

In the living room.

After listening to Qiancai's story about the past, Xia Feng was reminded of countless memories. However, now is not the time to recall and miss.

At this moment, he was shocked to find that the past events Qian Cai mentioned seemed to perfectly connect with another story he heard a few days ago in terms of time, passage and environment!

The tightness and seams are perfect, and they fit together just like the upper and lower parts of a TV series.

After listening to Qiancai's story, Xia Feng stared at the clover pendant in his hand.

Then, regardless of the late hour, he directly picked up the phone and called Victoria's barbecue restaurant.

When the call was connected, Xia Feng said urgently.

"Nancy! Nancy!"

Nancy, who was ready to go to bed, was called over and answered the phone. Her voice was very lazy.

"What's wrong, boss? What's going on at night?"

"Photos, send me the photos!"

"What picture?"

"A group photo, the one we took at the barbecue restaurant, the one with A Guang in it."

Nancy was very surprised.

"Ah, why do you want a photo? It's too late today. How about I find it and send it to you tomorrow?"

"No, find it right now and send it to me! Right now, right now!"

After a while, Nancy transferred the complete photo, and at the same time, Xia Feng also printed it on paper.

This photo was taken when Skadi left last time. Everyone in the photo looked happy, with their mouths open, and the image was frozen in the process of "eggplant".

"Qiancai, lend me your pendant first. Don't worry, I will return it to you."


After saying that, Xia Feng grabbed the printed photo.

"Wolf big!"

"Brother Feng, I'm here."

"Let Black Steel's brother prepare a helicopter. Let's go to the Nishimiya family's mansion now."


At his strong request, the helicopter quickly rose into the night sky over the coastline.

Along the way, Xia Feng clutched Qiancai's clover pendant tightly, and his expression was so complicated that ordinary people could not understand it.

The plane reached full speed and arrived at the outskirts of the Nishimiya family's mansion late at night.


The hatch opened, and Xia Feng rushed out anxiously. Ignoring the blocking warriors, he headed straight for the entrance of his family's mansion.

These warriors all recognized that he was one of the distinguished guests invited by the head of the family some time ago, so they did not try to stop him too much. They just tried to dissuade him while calling others.

"Someone, go and report!"

In the courtyard.

Soon, a man with a tall figure and an old face dressed as a military commander rushed over after hearing the sound.

The warrior next to him immediately lowered his head when he saw this man.

"General Long Ping, you are here. This is Your Excellency Xia Feng, who was invited by the head of the Ling family some time ago. I don't know why he came here this time, but he suddenly barged in. Look."

Before Nishimiya Ryuhei could speak, Xia Feng stepped forward in two steps and stared at Nishinomiya Ryuhei, who was half a head taller than him.

"Are you Nishimiya Ryuhei?"

Facing this young man who broke in late at night, Nishimiya Ryuhei nodded cautiously.

"I am, I don't know about you, Your Excellency."

Without any extra foreshadowing or greetings, Xia Feng pressed forward step by step with his eyes widened.

"I heard that you were separated from your children 20 years ago. Is this true?"

Nishimiya Ryuhei frowned.

"Who are you listening to?"

"You just have to answer me, yes or no, that's important!"

From Xia Feng's expression, Nishimiya Ryuhei read a certain kind of special emotion. Without too much suspicion, he replied directly and frankly.

"It's true."

Xia Feng stretched out his hand and displayed the clover pendant in front of Nishinomiya Ryūhei.

"General Long Ping, do you recognize this pendant?"

Nishimiya Ryuhei was stunned when he saw the thing.

"This belongs to my Nishinomiya family."

This expression was enough to explain the problem. Xia Feng took back the pendant, stared into Nishimiya Ryuhei's eyes, and asked the last question in a deep voice.

"General Long Ping, may I ask the names of your son and daughter who were separated back then."

Seeing this pendant, Nishimiya Ryuhei's serious demeanor had somewhat collapsed, and he murmured in a daze.

"My little daughter's name is Nishimiya Chicai, and my son's name is Nishimiya Hikari."

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