Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1042 Killing in the world of mortals

In Yingwulan's mind, the outcome of this dispute was not important at all. The reason why he assisted his family was just to promote this mythical battle in his mind.

In other words, he was just setting up the arena for this showdown.

Based on previous experiences, Yingwulan was very sure that Xia Feng valued the things he cared about most, even more than anything else.

For example, that dilapidated yard, that dilapidated house, or the ordinary girl in the neighboring village.

In this case, he also knew how to force Xia Feng to abandon all worries and devote himself to the subversive duel with him without reservation.

That is, destroy everything he cares about.

That's right, not just that yard, nor that village, but the entire Xichuan under his feet.

There is no doubt that Sakura Wulan was extremely confident in his own strength at this time. Since that day, his sword skills have broken through to a new level, and at the same time, he has also mastered a brand new power that is different from sword skills.

In the face of the powerful strength that he thought was unparalleled, he just wanted to challenge the strongest person in the world, that is, Xia Feng.

Of course, he had thought that Xia Feng would surrender without a fight, or simply give up on Xichuan and choose to escape.

Ying Wulan is not afraid of this outcome. If Xia Feng chooses to escape before plundering, he will only be unwilling.

But if Xia Feng still chooses to escape after he plunders everything Xia Feng cares about, then for him, he has already won.

He had said that he would defeat Xia Feng, both physically and mentally. If Xia Feng watched Xichuan fall and his south coast be razed to the ground, he would still not dare to fight.

Then he has lost the qualification to fight with him, or in other words, he has defeated Xia Feng in another way.

This is the path Yingwulan finally chose. He regards Xia Feng as the ultimate goal of life, and it may also be the last battle of his life.

However, before this mythical battle began, an unexpected appetizer came.

And this appetizer is even more delicious than the main course.

That was the legendary Yan Kingdom’s number one swordsman, Xiao Yunye.

The banquet hall of the Sakurawu family's mansion.

At the same time that Xiao Yunye stretched out his palm towards the ancient sword behind his back, Yingwu Shanxiong next to him leaned over and rolled like a donkey, rolling under the table in front of him.

Of course, as the head of the family, he is not afraid, but he is not stupid.

Through the reaction of his younger brother Ying Wulan, he was already very sure of the identity of this old man. If he was fake, he was the real number one swordsman of the Yan Kingdom!


The Qingyun Sword was instantly unsheathed and held against the Sakura Sword in front of him.

Xiao Yunye and Ying Wulan sat side by side, one holding a sword in his right hand and the other holding a sword in his left hand, with the swords intersecting between them.

The next second, swords and swords erupted with the two of them centering, instantly shattering everything in sight.


There was a loud noise, and the entire banquet hall shook violently. The bricks on the roof rose into the sky, and then the huge building collapsed.

From stillness to movement, there is no step-by-step process. People who have reached the top can devote everything in just one breath.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and screams continued.

Guests from all walks of life in the banquet hall fell into chaos. Some people with strong sixth senses had already fled first. Those who were slower to react were beaten to pieces by the chaotic sword energy and were crushed in the collapsed building.


Under the moonlight, two figures rushed out of the rubble, swords and swords flashed, and sword energy flew across the sky. Hundreds of confrontations had passed by as they were in mid-air.

Seeing this shocking scene, the warriors in the yard were frightened. The first swordsman of the Yan Kingdom and the sword god of the Eastern Kingdom, this was a real fight between gods.

At this time, someone suddenly reacted.

"The head of the Shanxiong family is still below!"

"Save the head of the family quickly!"

The warriors immediately put their swords back into their scabbards, ran toward the collapsed ruins, and started digging for people.

According to Sakurawu Shanxiong's previous location, he himself was quickly picked out by the samurai. The physique and vitality of the ghost tribe were relatively tenacious, so he was very lucky not to be directly smashed to death.

However, his life was saved, but his body was in terrible condition. Yingwu Shanxiong's entire face was covered with wounds from gravel, and his whole body was in a miserable state.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Protect the head of the family!"

"Quickly, take the head of the family to evacuate first! At the same time, report to the generals on the front line that Dongzhou Prefecture has been assassinated, and send people back to defend immediately!"

Yingmu Shanxiong was badly beaten, but he had not lost consciousness. As the head of the family, his willpower was also terrifyingly strong.

He opened his eyes, gritted his teeth and roared with blood on his face.

"Don't panic, help me up!"

After standing up tremblingly, Yingmu Shanxiong glanced at the shadow of the sword in the night sky and made an immediate judgment.

"With A-Lan here, the Yan Kingdom's number one swordsman has nothing to fear, spread out, listen to my orders, watch the opportunity, and be ready to support at any time!"


Yingwu Shanxiong didn't know how strong the Yan Kingdom's number one swordsman was, but he knew very well how strong his younger brother Yingwulan was.

In his opinion, no one in this world can defeat Sakuramu Lan, not his grandfather Juyoro Sakurabu, nor the No. 1 Swordsman of Yan Kingdom.

In the night sky, the two figures had turned into afterimages. In an instant, they had fought for hundreds of rounds.

Since she was facing Xiao Yunye, Ying Wulan had no reservations. In front of a peerless master of this level, conserving strength was suicide.

With excited eyes, Sakura Wulan could be said to have used what he had learned all his life. A circulating Sakura sword turned into a violent storm in his hands.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding!"

On the other side, Xiao Yunye was also very serious. Perhaps, this was the first time in his life that he fought with all his strength.

Not just to win, but to protect.

Accompanied by the flash of swords and shadows, the two figures finally landed.

Just when Xiao Yunye's toes touched the ground, he heard an order from Yingwu Shanxiong in the distance.

"My brave warriors of the Yingwu family, don't be afraid. Come up to me and surround Xiao Yunye. Anyone who blocks our Yingwu family's journey to dominance will be killed without mercy!"

In normal times, these warriors would not have the courage to draw their swords when faced with the legendary Yan Kingdom's No. 1 Sword Master.

But at this moment, with the sword god who symbolizes the highest combat power of the Eastern Kingdom here, courage defeated fear.

As members of the East Kingdom Ghost Clan, they are willing to believe obsessively that the Sword God is stronger than the Sword Master!

"Brothers, kill!"


In the courtyard, hundreds of warriors drew their swords and rushed toward Xiao Yunye, who had just landed.

The wind, the flow of wind appeared again.

Unlike before, the wind this time was very wild, but in the wildness, there seemed to be a sad autumn rain hidden.

[The Eighth Form of Sad Autumn Liyu, Blood Dance Instant Kill]


At this moment, there were obviously no clouds in the night sky, but the warrior who was charging forward heard a thunder explosion at the same time.

Or perhaps, this thundering sound in their hearts is also the last sound in their lives.

The heavy rain came in waves, and the strong wind blew past.

In an instant, Xiao Yunye disappeared in front of him. In a daze, the world in the eyes of the warriors had turned blood red.

"Tick tock!"

Blood drops dripped from the chins of the warriors. Hundreds of warriors stood still like statues. A red thread clearly emerged from the middle of each person's face.


The Qingyun Sword was sheathed, and Xiao Yunye's figure had appeared behind the warriors.

One hundred and forty-eight people, one hundred and forty-eight swords, have been killed.

This move [Blood Dance Instant Kill] is said to be a killing move created by Xiao Li, the ancestor of the Xiao family, when he was extremely angry.

Although it was also an instant kill, the way it was performed was very cruel, and it also reflected the extreme anger of the person who performed the move.

Under the cold moonlight, there was deathly silence.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

Then, under the horrified gaze of Yingwu Shanxiong, the hundreds of warriors who had just obeyed his order and rushed towards Xiao Yunye, all of their bodies were split in two from the middle.

The bloodshot marks on everyone's faces just now were the sword marks that were separated.

The pungent smell of blood filled the courtyard.

Broken corpses were everywhere and rivers of blood flowed. After Xiao Yunye's move [Blood Dance Instant Kill], the entire courtyard had turned into a Shura field.

In the distance, Yamashiro Sakuragi stared in horror. Due to the extremely bloody visual impact, he could only utter a hoarse "Ah, ah, ah, ah" sound.

On the other side of the courtyard, Ying Wulan, who had just landed, looked at Xiao Yunye with equally shocked eyes.

At this moment, he had to admit that he didn't see clearly the move just now, even though he was not included in Xiao Yunye's move.

Compared with the so-called duel, Xiao Yunye seemed to be silently venting his anger through this cruel sword skill.

Under the moonlight, Xiao Yunye stood upright and killed hundreds of people in an instant without even a drop of blood being spattered on his body.

Perhaps, this is Master Xiao who everyone in Black Feather has never seen before, or perhaps, this is just Xiao Yunye in his twilight years using practical actions to recall his youthful self.

No matter how kind and kind he is, he is still the number one swordsman in the Yan Kingdom.

The sword is used to protect, and at the same time, the sword is also used to kill.

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