Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 107 Birds of a Feather

Regarding Xia Feng's identity and origin, Yuan Shan had no intention of asking further.

At this point, Xia Feng finally figured out the entire incident.

Rhine Life obtained the Firestone, but it was unable to merge with the creatures in the world of Terra.

During this period, Rhine Life may have tried many methods and sacrificed many experimental subjects. The races of these experimental subjects should include all races in the world of Terra.

Finally, they figured out why. They had to create a creature that was different from the existing races in the world of Terra.

That is, changing the composition of DNA through artificial methods.

As the 19th experimental subject of the Balrog Project, the race recorded in Ifrit's operator information is Sarkaz. However, her appearance is obviously different from ordinary Sarkaz. The two horns on her head have crystallized. After looking closely, Xia Feng found that it was more like a kind of degradation.

Rheinland Life used biotechnology to change Ifrit's genes, which may have been mixed with the function of the Source Stone. The Source Stone can fuse with blood and turn ordinary people into infected people. This may have played a role in the experiment to a certain extent. function, so Ifrit is a severely infected person.

By changing Ifrit's genes to make her closer to a human, Rhine Life wanted to use this method to allow her body to merge smoothly with the Balrog.

This is Ifrit's Balrog plan.

Xia Feng speculated.

Since discovering the strange power in his body, Rhine Life may have felt that it was very similar to the fusion of the Fire Demon Stone.

But it is obvious that Rhine Life can only anesthetize him for a short period of time, but cannot completely control him. He already has autonomous cognition, and as long as he is alive, he will not be dominated by Rhine Life.

But Ifrit is different, she has no previous memory.

Just like a newborn baby, Ifrit has not had much contact with the outside world. Her way of thinking is very simple. Rhine Life is her only home. No matter what she becomes, Rhine Life can survive in some way. Control her.

This situation is like before their children take the college entrance examination, parents want to see how other children who are one year older get high scores.

Before the final stage of the Balrog Plan began, Xia Feng became a mock exam for reference.

Rhine Life wanted to make directional adjustments to Ifrit's genetic experiments by observing the changes in his body.

Balrog and Ifrit have not yet merged.

Xia Feng doesn't know much about these biotechnology things, but he has a hunch that as long as he can successfully survive the danger of the black power breaking through the critical value and obtain valuable data, the fusion experiment of the Flame Demon Stone and Ifrit will begin.

Today's encounter with Yuan Shan made him understand many unknown secrets and also solved many doubts in his heart.

But after knowing these things, Xia Feng's mood did not get better, but instead felt a little inexplicably melancholy.

What Yuanshan provided was only a theory, and his current body was too fragile, and the problem about the body's critical value was still unresolved.

Xia Feng sat on the bench and calmed down.

"Yuanshan, thank you for telling me so much."

"No need to thank me, this is the guidance of fate."

"All right."

To be honest, Xia Feng doesn't believe in fate. Even if he does, he will not surrender to fate. He wants to change fate, his own fate, the fate of important people, and the fate of the world.

Finally, Xia Feng wanted to learn as much information as possible about the black and white twins from the distant mountain pass.

"Yuanshan, do you know how to use the power of the Black and White Twins correctly?"

Yuan Shan sat on a chair dignifiedly, with the hem of his robe hanging to the ground.

"I don't know how to use this. Only you in this world know. The power of each stone is very special. They have no connection with each other. How to use it, form of power, strength, destructive power, and whether there is backlash , the information is all different.”

Yuan Shan's answer made Xia Feng a little disappointed, but there was nothing he could do about it. At present, it seemed that he could only use the "black" of the black and white twins, which was manifested in pure destructive power and required the consumption of source stones. That's all.

Seeing that Xia Feng was a little disappointed, Yuan Shan continued.

"Although I don't know the specific method of use, I can tell you that among the four ancient stones, the true power of the black and white twins may be the strongest."


The distant mountain showed a faint smile.

"Have you ever heard of a bird?"

"The winged bird? Is that the bird with only one wing?"

"Yes, it is a legendary creature. The winged bird has only one wing. The male has a left wing and the female has a right wing. When the male and female fly side by side, they can climb over the mountains and cross the ocean. They can fly faster than any other bird. Birds are far apart, black and white blend together, they are twins. As long as they are together, their wings tower over all birds, and they are incomparably powerful."

Xia Feng was about to make a sound of approval, but Yuan Shan didn't finish his words.

Before Xia Feng could speak, she continued.

"The two-winged birds are indeed extremely powerful together, but if they are separated, they will become extremely fragile. A single winged bird cannot fly. If it forcibly flaps its wings, it will lose its balance and fall into the abyss, eventually leading to death."

"The devil's fury can destroy the earth, and the goddess's last sorrow wishes to cut off the pain. The complementary power of the twins is the strength of black and white, but if a balance cannot be found, this will also become the fatal weakness of the black and white twins. The more The stronger you are, the more fragile you are, this is the principle of all things.”

Obviously, Yuan Shan did not understand the specific power of the black and white twins, but she stood at a higher perspective and interpreted the principles of all things for Xia Feng.

The stronger you are, the more vulnerable you are, this is what Kelsey also said.

The Black and White Twin Stone brought huge changes to Xia Feng, giving him the power to change his destiny, but if it is not controlled well, it will also lead to his own destruction.

For example, the body's critical point is reached after a few days.

As if he saw what Xia Feng was thinking, Yuan Shan stood up from his chair and spoke softly.

"You don't know how to control the power of the black and white twins yet, but you don't need to worry, Xia Feng, you won't die easily."

"Oh, I hope so."

"Don't believe me. The gears of destiny have begun to turn, and you will become an important part of the gears. Soon, a major event that can shake the world will quietly happen."

Xia Feng raised his eyebrows. A major event that could shake the world? Could it be that Yuan Shan had predicted the Qicheng riots three years later?

"Yuanshan, did the major event you are referring to happen in Chernobog?"

"No, it's Londinium."


"Yes, starting from Londinium, this event will spread throughout Victoria."


"Okay, today's divination is over, I'm leaving."

As soon as Yuan Shan finished speaking, a staff member from Rheinland Life quickly ran down the stairs.

Running to the distant mountains, she immediately said nervously.

"Miss Toyama, didn't you just say you were going to the toilet? Why did you come to the first floor?"

The female staff member glanced at Xia Feng's badge.

"Miss Toyama, please try not to come into contact with our experimental subjects."

Toyama apologized and nodded slightly to the staff member.

"Sorry, I just wanted to have a casual chat with him. By the way, I just told you almost everything I know. Does Dr. Hemmer have any other questions?"

"Dr. Hemmer said she had no doubts. She asked me to say thank you to you for her and to see you off once I found you."

Yuan Shan nodded.

"I understand, let's go now."

After saying that, Yuan Shan gave Xia Feng one last meaningful look, and then left with the staff.

After leaving the mountain, Xia Feng put his hands behind his head, leaned on the back of the chair and took a deep breath.

He learned a lot of information today, about the legend of the Black and White Twins, and about the process of Balrog's plan.

But in the end, what he cared about was Yuan Shan's unfinished words.

Three years before the Qicheng riots, a major incident actually occurred, and the starting point of this incident was actually Victoria.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng suddenly recalled what Wei Na said in the Rhode Island operator information.

"I had a dream... That's where the sun rises. Where my sight can't reach, my hometown is there... I may never go back."

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