Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1016 Advice from Allies

General Agent Yan Guo currently has no clue, but apart from Yan Guo, he has candidates for the central countries mentioned before.

This person meets all the characteristics, and he also trusts him very much, even more than Ogur.

Because this person is a real man who can truly interpret the word "ally" with practical actions.

Back in the house, Xia Feng picked up the phone again and dialed the number Yin Hui left for him.

Perhaps it was because Kjerag's communication was poor, he called several times before he could barely get through.

"Hello, hello, this is Kalan Trading, who are you?"

The person who answered the phone was obviously not Yin Hui. Xia Feng cleared his throat and said seriously.

"I'm looking for the chairman of Kalan Trading, Mr. Silver Ash."

"Sorry, the master is in a meeting. You can leave your name and I will tell the master later."

This sound directly exposed the identity of the master. Xia Feng felt it was familiar just now, but now he finally remembered it.


When his name was called, Jiao Feng on the other side of the phone was obviously stunned.

Soon, he also heard that the other party sounded familiar and asked tentatively.

"Are you Xia Feng?"

"Yes, I'm Xia Feng, Jiao Feng. I haven't seen you for a long time."

In order to take care of Yaxin who was suffering from mineral sickness at the barbecue restaurant, Kakufeng had been accompanying her for several months with all her heart and soul, so she naturally had a good relationship with everyone in Kuroba.

After the Dark Age broke out, Xia Feng immediately arranged for Yaxin and Jiaofeng to leave Victoria.

Because he can't take care of everyone, especially people other than the Black Feather members.

The situation at that time was too chaotic. If something went wrong, he would not be able to explain it to Yin Hui.

Time passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the Victorian Dark Age, which once shocked the whole world, was over, and Kakufeng and he had not seen each other for nearly a year.

On the phone, Jiao Feng's voice was very emotional.

"Xia Feng, after that incident, the Victoria Empire officially announced that you were dead. To be honest, Ya Xin cried very sadly at that time."

This was not the first time Xia Feng heard such words, so he said carelessly.

"It's fake, it's all fake, how could I die so easily."

"Well, I asked the master later and he said the same thing. He never believed that you died of ore disease from the beginning to the end. He firmly believed that you were still alive."

"Hey, that's necessary."

Later, Jiao Feng chatted a lot with Xia Feng. From this, it can be seen that he really regarded Xia Feng as a friend.

After a while, he remembered business.

"Sorry, I chatted too much in excitement, Xia Feng, you probably called me this time because you have something to do with me."

Xia Feng was not in a hurry.

"It's okay, it's not an important matter. I'll call you back when Yin Hui finishes the meeting."

"Need not."

On the other side of the phone, Jiao Feng greeted loudly.

"Messenger, go to the conference room and call the master. Tell me that you have a very important call."

Within a few minutes, a silver-grey voice came.

"Hi, I'm Silver Gray."

Hearing this familiar voice, Xia Feng unconsciously felt very reassured.

"Boss Yin, how are you doing these days?"

After confirming that the other party was Xia Feng, Yin Hui laughed happily.

"Oh, everything is as good as ever, my ally."

Yin Hui is not a mother-in-law person, and there are not many disgusting words to say between men. Sometimes, a movement or a look is enough.

Of course, now they couldn't see each other's movements over the phone, but that didn't matter.

During the phone call, Xia Feng briefly introduced the current situation and told Yin Hui about sandworm breeding.

Unlike Ogul, Yin Hui is a real expert in trade, and he is also a truly shrewd businessman who understands the world's markets. Just hearing Xia Feng's description, he already understood seven or eight points.

During the phone call, Yin Hui confirmed several important matters very concisely.


"The guarantee is 100,000 a month, which should double next spring. The current markets include Victoria and Colombia."

"Is it stable?"

"My breeding technology and equipment are the most advanced in the world and very stable."

"How to solve the transportation problem?"

"Currently, we only use sea transportation. Victoria is cooperating with Yuntian Group, and air transportation will be possible in the future."

"okay, I get it."

Because of mutual trust, Yin Hui has no doubts about the information provided by Xia Feng, and does not even need to conduct an on-site inspection.

Kalan Trading has a large customer base, and almost all central countries have cooperative local chambers of commerce. For this, Yinhui will soon provide an accurate agency plan.

In cooperation, trust is the most important thing. Just like Xia Feng and Yin Hui, as long as there is trust as a premise, everything will be unbelievably simple.

After the business chat, Xia Feng also extended an invitation to Yin Hui.

"Boss Yin, if you are not busy recently, you can come and sit here. It just so happens that our brothers haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Sit down, don't rush this matter."

Yin Hui's voice was not relaxed, as if there was something in his words.

"Xia Feng, what was your exact location you just said?"

"Eastern country, Nishikawa area, central part of the south coast."


Yin Hui was silent for a moment, as if recalling some information he had learned recently.

After a moment, his voice became a little deeper.

"Xia Feng, as far as I know, the current Dongguo does not seem to be peaceful. The political situation in the Dongguo is a bit deformed. It is a small place with three pillars and a big tree that attracts wind. It will inevitably be affected."

Xia Feng heard what Yin Hui meant. It was estimated that only Yin Hui would say this to him.

"I know, but my sandworm farm is far inland. It doesn't seem to have any impact at the moment, and I won't be involved in this matter."

"Xia Feng, there are some things that you can't stay out of if you don't want to participate."

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall, and Yin Hui may have seen the essence of this matter through the appearance of the dispute in the Eastern Kingdom.

But there is no way, Sandworm Island cannot move, the sandworms are first, and the disputes are behind. Now he can only stand here with no choice but to bite the bullet.

Faced with Yin Hui's advice, Xia Feng did not act relaxed, but took it seriously.

"I know, I will be careful."

"Well, if you need anything, feel free to contact me, and I mean anything, including the worst case scenario."

Xia Feng can't predict what the worst case scenario will be now, but he knows that no matter how bad it is, it won't be worse than the Victoria incident.

At that time, facing three of the four major military regions of the empire, with only the southern military region struggling to support him and Wei Na, they were in a desperate situation.

However, in a situation that no one with a discerning eye was optimistic about, Yin Hui rushed to the border with 8,000 elite troops from the distant Kjelag.

After he successfully assassinated Tracys, Silver Gray led people in directly to kill him.

Yin Hui is ruthless when dealing with his enemies, but he is very loyal to his allies. After all, there are not many people in this world who really treat him as allies.

Because Yin Hui, who is standing at the top at this moment, is always clearer.

If Xia Feng hadn't taken a huge risk and helped him assassinate Lieqi in the Royal Academy, Kalan Trade would not have replaced the Yiluo family and monopolized the border trade with Ursus.

And then, if Xia Feng hadn't provided huge Originium support in the follow-up, he wouldn't have had the confidence to launch the Snow Mountain Incident and successfully capture the entire Kjelag in one fell swoop.

Become the master of the snow mountain.

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