Now is the critical moment, and Melanza will never allow her spirit to be distracted by such trivial matters.

She patted her cheek and took Katie's extended hand.

"Come on, it's time for us to set off."


The crew of the Rhodes Island ship is heading to Londinium. As the logistics base for the entire Londinium attack, Rhodes Island was loaded with supplies and moving towards Londinium.

And just inside Londinium, the Infected Shields, who had long been prepared to lurk, also gathered together.


The boy's face was covered by a gas mask, and there were fewer Originium crystals on his body than before, but the shadow of the Originium crystals could still be seen from some exposed skin areas.

Broken Bone raised the grenade launcher in his hand and reported to Froststar.

"Brothers are ready. Faust's phantom crossbowmen have occupied a sniper position with a good view as much as possible. They are just waiting for your order."

After Broken Bones met his sister. Although he still retained the seeds of hatred in his heart, after learning the truth, he had to admit that the integration movement in the past was indeed a bit strange.

All members are not attached to that ideal, but to Tallulah's personal will. In an organization like the Integration Movement, this is inherently a distortion.

Now that he had the opportunity to take revenge on the instigator, how could he give up such an opportunity?

No matter what grudges they have with Rhode Island, at least they have the same purpose now.

"Well, where's the regicide?"

Frost Star stood in the box, holding a thorn-like staff used for casting spells in her hand, calculating the time when this war would start.

"Lyudmila is still resting. Our actions rely on her Origin Stone skills. She must be in good physical condition."

Not long ago, Broken Bones squatted with the Kingslayer almost every day to atone for the destruction he had caused in Longmen. The two of them were actually a little closer than before.

"Although I still have some opinions about Rhodes Island, the potion they provided to Lyudmila is indeed good stuff."

Broken Bones is pragmatic and did not deliberately cater to this cooperation.

Frost Star is not in a hurry. Since the Patriots are willing to hand over this responsibility to the people of Rhode Island, Broken Bones and the others will definitely be able to understand the Patriots' thinking in the future.

In the past integration movements, apart from Tallulah, the ones with the highest say were the patriots. But he rarely interferes with other people's opinions. Like a real elder, respected by everyone.

"Then wait for the news from Hongdao..."


As Shuangxing was talking, he saw a figure falling lightly from above their heads.

He also carried an extremely long package on his back.

"The rebels are already ready. When we start the chaos, they will immediately assemble the steam knights and cooperate with us to open the city wall."

It was Red who sneaked up from under the city wall.

He fell in front of Frost Star and said.


Shuangxing nodded, holding and releasing her right hand, repeating this three times to relieve the tension in her heart.

Today, she is no longer the frost star of the integration movement in the past. She shoulders the expectations of all members of the Infected Shield. And she herself unknowingly recognized Rhode Island's philosophy and became their traveler.

That's why her responsibility is so important.

To capture Londinium, the first step is a step that can determine life or death.

But at this time, Broken Bones' expression showed slight hesitation.

"Sister, do we really just need to leave it to him alone at the military camp?"

The person Broken Bones was talking about was an infected person that he had never seen before.

Although he was also a Sakaz, he looked so careless that Broken Bones could not find confidence in him no matter what.

Froststar just smiled.

"Don't worry, that one is a warrior recognized by the Battle Knight. With him here and the support of the military camp, we can hold him back for at least half an hour."


Shattered Bones was shocked when he heard the name of the war knight.

Although it is already known that the War Knight is the past enemy who killed Mephistopheles with a thunder gun in Chernobog.

But warriors always have a longing for power, especially such powerful people who are completely out of reach.

"Then leave it to him."

While the three of them were chatting, the Frost Star headset seemed to hear something.

Her expression became solemn, she held down her headset, nodded slightly, and then reached out to signal Broken Bones and Reid beside her.

Both of them also became serious.

"Okay, I understand. Wait for our signal."

Shuangxing put down the hand on his left ear.

Just behind her, the team of snow monsters wearing plush clothes also gathered.

Under everyone's gaze, Shuangxing took a deep breath.

"let's start."


It was very quiet tonight, and the mercenaries from Kazdale also yawned rarely.

For them, during this period of time, they captured Londinium and took turns guarding the citizens of Londinium. There was already some shortage of manpower.

As a result, their shifts had fewer and fewer gaps, and eventually it was almost double shifts.

But even so, these people still uphold their professional ethics and will not leave their posts easily.

Sakaz mercenaries are professionals and they get paid to do things. Anything to give except your own life.

And such a quiet night is also very rare.

Those Londinium thorns did not attack again, but chose to rest, which may mean that tonight's patrol will be much more peaceful.


The mercenaries walking on the scheduled patrol road yawned. The shift during this period still made them feel tired.

This is inevitable, and with such a quiet atmosphere, drowsiness is inevitable.

"When this round is over and I go back to hand over my shift, I need to have a good sleep."

The mercenary muttered something.

Only when his voice completely dissipated did he realize that there seemed to be two missing voices around him?

His moving feet immediately stopped, and his right hand touched the handle of the knife at his waist.

The mercenary legion has always been in groups of three, patrolling this place as a patrol team.

At the same time, there will be five different teams wandering throughout the entire infected colony, and they will cross paths with each other almost every five minutes.

However, he could no longer hear the footsteps of his companions.

The memory of wandering on the tip of the knife all year round made his body react subconsciously.

The sword from his waist was taken off, and the mercenary turned around and stood in front of him.


Finally, a crisp sound came from the blade, and a crossbow arrow bounced off the blade and plunged into the soil on the ground.

His keen senses saved him. However, before he could find the location where the crossbow arrow was fired, a heartbreaking pain exploded from his back.

The pain eroded his body and brain. He wanted to do something, but his hands and lower body seemed to have lost consciousness.

The blade of a knife got stuck between the blocks of the spine, severing the connection between the bodies.

Then, the second knife was inserted from the back of his neck, completely cutting off the communication between the brain and the body.

The bright red blood flowed down the cold blade, and the warm liquid seemed to raise mist in the winter.

The cold body pressed against his body, dragging the weight of his body and slowly lowering it.

Without making a sound, his life ended here.

The blade was removed from the corpse, wiped clean on the mercenary's body, and the woman returned the blade to its original position.

And if she looked up, she could see that under the mask that looked like a gas mask, white mist was slowly overflowing from her mask.

At some point, the entire street was filled with white fog, and the line of sight was completely blocked within tens of meters, making it difficult to see the situation ahead.

As time goes by, this range of sight will become smaller and smaller.

The woman raised her head, and thick white mist was clearly visible flowing from her mask and spreading in the surrounding air.

She opened the mask slightly, took out two pills from her chest and stuffed them into her mouth under the mask.

Suddenly, the flow of white mist suddenly accelerated. And her figure disappeared into the white mist that spread almost throughout the street.

"The settlement patrol team has solved it, and we can start the next step."


Such weird weather will naturally not make most people feel normal.

But this is Londinium.

It is a city of steam and machinery.

Londinium has long been known as a foggy city, and when the white fog first spread, the mercenaries thought of the so-called foggy city and regarded this as a normal situation.

It wasn't until the fog became thicker and thicker that it spread to the edge of the city wall that they suddenly realized that this was definitely not ordinary weather.

"What's going on?! Why is the fog in the Lower City so heavy!"

The defenders standing on the city wall saw such a strange situation, and the scouts also woke up their sleeping companions around them.

Some people saw that something was wrong and quickly reached out to pull the rope around them, hoping to convey this strange situation to more people.

But as soon as he pulled the rope, the expected alarm bell did not appear.

He was stunned for a second and looked up at the bell.

Then he couldn't see anything.

The companion who was dozing off held a big knife and chopped off the mercenary's head, his eyes filled with calmness.

The mercenary who was taking a nap stretched out his hand to steady the swaying rope and stood at his post instead of the previous scout.

The sergeant patrolling inside the city wall glanced at the reconnaissance post.

Standing upright on the sentry post was a Sakaz.

The patrol captain nodded slightly, turned his head with satisfaction, and left along the passage inside the city wall.

But he didn't notice.

Scarlet blood followed the stairs and gradually extended into the corridor in the darkness that no one could see.

At the same time, this kind of thing happened at almost all posts.

And it's in the operating room on the lower level of the city wall.

An infected person wearing mercenary clothing took his finger off the electronic console, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled it.

Interfering with the electrical operation of the entire city wall is not an easy task. Fortunately, I found the main control room in advance and used the main route here to spread my Origin Stone skills.

He has finally completed his mission.

He pressed the headset and informed his companions.

On the other side, on a guard tower just outside the city wall.

Facing the completely dark wilderness and jungle, an infected person hid under the sentry tower and lit up the flashlight in his hand against the boundless wilderness.

He turned the switch on and off three times, and then he retracted into the sentry tower, taking advantage of the cover of night to quietly jump off the high platform.

Under the high wall, the horn hidden in the jungle looked at the flashlight that lit up three times and then was extinguished. She took a deep breath.

"Get ready to take action!"

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