
"Yes, it's me. But this is not the place you should be here now."

Oscar looked at the undead man with a smile and was about to continue saying something.

But his sight soon caught sight of the undead man behind him.

"Ah, it's my sister-in-law... No, it's the fire girl here."

Faced with Oscar's gaffe, the fire girl didn't make any special reaction.

She just stepped forward, nodded politely to Oscar, and extended her hand to the undead.

"Master Ashes, it's time for us to leave."

The undead man looked down at the fire girl's palm, then turned his head and looked at Oscar.

He couldn't bear to leave so soon.

Oscar clicked his tongue, then grabbed the undead man's hand and suddenly placed it on the fire girl's palm.

"You guy, go back before you can rest!"

The moment the undead man's hand closed with the fire girl, the undead man's eyes turned snow-white again, and everything here lost its appearance and gradually became distorted.

Finally it turned into bottomless darkness.

In the darkness, the undead man vaguely felt that his body seemed to be pulled by something.

"Found it! I found Mr. Immortal!"

"His condition is the same as what the doctor said. Although he doesn't have any vital signs, he still holds the strange sword in his hand."

"Copy that, everybody above you, please come down and pick him up. He's too heavy. I can't lift it!"

Immediately afterwards, he felt something dragging his back, gently bringing him up.

"The sea water is really deep. Without Miss Laurentina's help, I might not be able to find Mr. Immortal."

"Don't worry about this. I've been looking for it for almost a week. After we go up, we have to make sure whether Mr. Undead is still alive."

"I know, I know, the people above! Come and pick me up again! I'm going to run out of energy!"

The undead man only felt that his body was being dragged upwards by pairs of different hands.

Every once in a while, a new pair of palms would drag his back, leading him gradually away from the liquid-filled space.

Until he felt that there was no liquid blocking his mouth.

He opened his mouth.


The undead suddenly opened his eyes, and the control of his body returned to his original form in an instant.

He subconsciously raised his right hand.

The spiral sword was in his hand, but the big sword behind him was nowhere to be seen.

And his action also attracted the attention of everyone around him.

"Mr. Immortal is still alive!!"

"Alive! Alive!"

The undead man noticed that he was floating on the sea, and a dozen familiar figures were surrounding him.

Ace, Scout, Logos, Huang...

The operators from Rhode Island were all wearing diving equipment and looked at him with a silver-haired deep-sea hunter who stood out among the crowd, with surprise in their eyes.


Only then did the undead man realize that he had been found by these operators and dragged all the way to the surface of the sea with his hands.


At this time, a shout came from the distance.

The undead man turned his head and looked.

A search and rescue boat is rowing this way, and further away, there is a huge ship.

Just on the ship, a purple figure waved hard to the undead.

It was Melanza who came with the Rhode Island search and rescue team because she was worried about her teacher.

The undead man raised his hand and waved to Melanza, indicating that he had no problem.

Only now did he let out the breath he had taken in when he opened his eyes.

Holding the spiral sword tightly in his hand, the undead man held the outstretched palm of Patch standing on the search and rescue boat with his other hand.

The undead boarded the search and rescue boat, surrounded by people, and floated towards the ship.

However, at the bottom of the supposedly lightless abyss, there is still a fire burning quietly.

Countless broken buildings fell to the seabed at the bottom of the abyss.

That was the city that was once called Agor, but now it has become the dust of history.

The indescribable body was nailed to the huge wedge-shaped stone in the center of the ruins by a scarred sword, and became the fuel for the burning fire to maintain the operation of the world barrier.

He will pay the price for his greed and spend eternity in the flames along with the whole flock.

Then, there was light in the deep sea.

467. Let’s eat first

Iberian capital, Anglican cathedral.

"We are gathered here today to see our friends off."

An old man, holding a lantern, walked in the church filled with candlelight and came to the group of coffins at the front.

His wrinkled hands caressed the lid of the coffin, like a kind old grandfather stroking the soft hair of a young child.

"Johnny, Frank, Fenty, and dozens of other devout believers."

"They died at the claws of filth and filth, and lived forever by the oath of sword and fire."

"Their duty has been done. May the fire burn away their sins and cleanse their souls."

"So that he can have noble virtue and stay on the ship sailing to the golden gate."

The old man raised the lantern in his hand.

All the judges gathered in the Anglican Cathedral also raised their lanterns in silence.

"For the purity and virtue of Iberia."

The old man recited the proverb softly.

"For the purity and virtue of Iberia."

The judges followed him, and the reverberating sound echoed in the ears of many Rhode Island operators who were watching the ceremony.

Kelsey lowered her head silently and prayed for the Iberian sergeant who bought time for the dreamers during those two nights.

Scout took off his hat and placed it on his chest.

Logos closed the notebook in his hand and closed his eyes.

The immortal man remained silent, and the fire girl stood silently beside him.

This ceremony lasted for a while, until the sun was almost setting at the bottom of the mountain.

The remaining links were handed over to the personnel within the Iberian Church, and everyone watching the ceremony also left the venue at the signal of the Grand Inquisitor.

At dusk and sunset, at this time, everyone slowly let out the breath they had been holding in their stomachs.

"it's over."

Yes, it's finally over.

Although it was only a short half month, everyone felt as if more than half a year had passed.

This was certainly due to the dream, but more importantly, that unprecedented battle left them with too much shock and regret.

The operators of the Rhode Island Engineering Department were very sorry that they were unable to carry out salvage work immediately after waking up. Otherwise they might still be able to find a lot of value in the wreckage of Argor.

Scout, Greyhound and others have many regrets on the other side.

Especially after Scout told Greyhound and W what happened during their escape, the two people remained silent in the room for three full days. He didn't leave his room until the ship returned to the shore.

And the deep-sea hunters...

Laurentina recovered well. After all, she was the one who dived to the bottom of the sea when she went to salvage the undead.

The other two are not in good condition.

Skadi's body recovered quickly under the purified blood of the old gods. Just one day later, her limbs grew back.

The blood that Ulbian replaced for her was not just the blood of the deep-sea hunter, it was the blood of the heir who had been swallowed up by the brain of the new god and the will of the old god.

This is also Ulbian's biggest reliance on staying away from dreams. The blood of Haihe, who has lost the will of the old gods, is the greatest supplement for deep-sea hunters.

But Skadi's own mental state is worrying.

She was a little unable to accept Ulbian's departure, not because she was so fragile.

No matter how Kelsey explained to Skadi, Skadi would always blame himself for Ulbian's death.

After all, at that time, she saw Ulbian making a promise to her to keep her away from dreams.

But everyone in the know more or less guessed something.

Ulbian's plans began after the First Silence. No matter how Skadi tried to reverse it, there was no way to deal with the old god's will that was pregnant in Ulbian's body.

Even the undead were informed by the fire girl after the fact.

If Ulbian hadn't used the will of the old god to contaminate the blood of the old god and the brain of the new god, I'm afraid Isamara would have begun to evolve when the undead first touched her.

It would not be that easy to crucify Him on the keystone, as there would be a battle that would hurt both sides. Isamara could even escape under the protection of the abyss and regroup the heirs in the sea.

From this point of view, Ulbian can be said to be the most critical link besides the undead.

And he also fulfilled his identity as a deep-sea hunter and fought until the last moment.

Although Skadi was a little depressed, the undead man was not worried.

As the core of the large group, the Lord of Dreams is still roasting on the fire, and the heirs will not have an easy time.

At least Skadi won't be affected by those calls from home anymore.

Gladia's words meant she fell into a deep sleep.

According to Kelsey's examination, the Haihe tissue in her body stopped after running rampant for a period of time.

But now, it is being transformed into waste materials in the body and being absorbed by Gladia's body.

In other words, Gladia has survived, but the future will not be easy.

But as time goes by, there will always be a solution.

"Now that the matter in Iberia has come to an end, what will happen to the remaining heirs?"

Scout walked back with everyone, and he took a moment to chat with the doctor.

"Leave it to these Iberian sergeants. The Lord of the Swarm has been suppressed, and Agor's matter is temporarily over. The remaining remnants of the Deep Sea Church cannot get a response from the Swarm, so naturally they are in trouble. "

The doctor put his hands behind his back and walked leisurely.

"The judges of the Anglican Church have just attended the funeral of their companions. They must also be filled with anger and must have a place to vent their anger."

The doctor is not worried about this at all.

If the god of Haiji is killed by something, then according to the characteristics of the large group, there will definitely be a new leader to become the brain, that is, a new god will be born.

But now, the blood of the old god and the brain of the new god merged, but they were broken up before they could be combined into one, and they were nailed to the world barrier.

For at least thousands of years, Hai Hei could not catch his breath, and had to become the fuel for the world's barrier and withstand the scorching heat of the first fire.

In this way, the stability of the world barrier will be further improved. Presumably, things will be better on the Great Yan side and further north in Ursus.

"That's good."

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