W muttered and jumped off the table.

"Wang is indeed good-looking. He is the most handsome person I have ever seen. But you can't keep staring like that. It's so rude..."

Greyhound smiled and said nothing. He turned around and started rummaging through the documents in the navigation room like the undead and W.

Yes, the king is certainly very beautiful, with such a compassionate face that even the gray dogs are reluctant to open their eyes.

The focus of the entire statue must be on the captured Theresia.

But Greyhound also noticed another important point.

That is, when they first entered the room, not only Theresa's body disappeared, but also the head, the mysterious man holding the king.

who is he?

Greyhound didn't want to think too much because he already had a guess in his mind.

A speculation that he didn't want to be involved in this incident no matter what.

Thousands of miles away, Kazdare Capital.

In the palace late at night, apart from the pardoners who were still working overtime, only the patrolling sergeants were left.

Unexpectedly, the royal palace in Kazdaele is not very noble and majestic, and it is completely different from the splendid appearance in Kazdaele's historical records.

This has also led many people to speculate that what the current regent seems to want is not just a simple Kazdaele.

However, people familiar with the situation also know that the so-called regent, the regent in his heart, has already encompassed the entire continent of Terra.

In his mind, perhaps even the territory of Ursus and Great Yan was in his imagination.

Even late at night, the titular regent never left his palace.

He seems to have always existed only in the mysterious palace, meeting people he is willing to communicate with, and arranging everything on the chessboard.

Hedley was summoned into the palace late at night and had another chance to communicate with the mysterious regent.

After a few months, Hedley seemed to be appreciated by the regent for his ability and taciturn temperament.

Today, he has replaced W as the leader of the existing Sakaz mercenary group, and he also holds an important position in Kazdel's army.

But the higher he climbed, the more cautious Hedley became, walking on thin ice.

He knew that the deeper he got into the quagmire, the more difficult it would be to get out.

Fortunately, the regent asked him to communicate this time, and it was not about matters related to military arrangements. Hedley did not need to spend a lot of energy specifically contacting Ines to pass on the news.

What is puzzling is that the regent only briefly chatted with Hedley about his childhood.

To be honest, Hedley was confused by this conversation. He simply didn't understand why the Regent would talk to him about these things.

So, half an hour later, Hedley, who was sweating profusely, left the palace, feeling frightened by the lies he had just made up.

However, looking at Hedley's leaving figure, Tracys just watched calmly as always and did not expose Hedley's clumsy lies.

"King, why are you anxious?"

Just behind the throne, a shadow in black robe slowly walked out and stood side by side with Hedley's throne.

"I can feel the fluctuations in your thoughts. These are not the thoughts a king should have."

Traces leaned on the throne, supported his cheek with his left hand, and said lightly.

"This is not what a courtier should say. Watch your words."

In an instant, the black shadow behind Traces began to boil. The man in black robe who had just stood up from behind the throne suddenly stooped down next to the boiling black shadow.

I didn't expect that, just because I hadn't been back to Kazdale for a while, the man in front of me would have mastered power to such an extent.

Full of panic in his heart, he hurriedly took two steps forward, knelt in front of Tracys, and said timidly.

"King, please calm down. Your subordinates have overstepped their bounds."


Tracys didn't even raise her eyes to look at him, but continued to look at the velvet carpet under her feet and asked lazily.

"I remember, weren't you... over there in Iberia? Why did you come back here when you had time?"

The sentence sounded like a casual inquiry. But the Pardoner who was kneeling on the ground did not dare to answer casually.

"My king, I have something to report."


The black shadow behind Traces boiled a little more. If the pardoner in front of him cannot give him a satisfactory answer, he will be given the ending he deserves.

So, the Sin Absolver knelt on the ground and said.

"The National Church that originally belonged to Iberia invited people from Rhode Island to the Iberian border to try to find a way to get to Agor. Now they have come into contact with the realm of the one under the sea and are exploring the king in the dream. The past. Although my subordinates have intentions, they still cannot stop it. After all, this is the kingdom of the Lord of the Deep Sea."

After Tracys listened, he nodded slightly.

"I know."

"Huh? This?"

The Pardoner subconsciously raised his head and looked at Tracys blankly.

But just at this glance, his whole body began to twist and tremble.

The invisible force took control of his body, and in the constant rotation, it twisted into a ball of creation like a twist.

Then, with an extremely concealed sound, like a bubble being popped, the Absolver's body exploded into a ball of black mist, followed by an extending black shadow, returning to the shadow behind Traces. middle.

Tracy sat on the throne, looking at everything in front of him coldly.

Dream, past?

Tracy chuckled.

That is his domain.

After signing a contract with the Lord of the Abyss. Now he carries the power of the abyss with his body, and the lord of the swarm at the bottom of the sea can also be regarded as his ally.

This kind of thing had long been announced to him by the leader of the group in the form of a dream.

But he didn't care at all.

To be precise, this is what he wants to see.

This is a game, a bet.

It was his sister who challenged him to a duel at the cost of her life.

They set off on two different paths, and Tracy walked alone into the darkness.

He wants to prove that his own way is more suitable for the continuation of Sakaz.

Therefore, he will never use shallow and despicable methods to win.

He wants the believers who belong to that person to face deep despair after seeing all the truth.

Sarkaz is a race blessed by darkness.

Therefore, darkness should be embraced.

Tracy believed so firmly.

417. Giant Ship Alk

After the three of them searched the room for a while, they finally gathered the things they found together and put them on the table in the middle.

"Let me tell you what I found first."

Greyhound threw the two books he was holding onto the table.

There is a special kind of writing written on the covers of these two books, which Greyhound and W can barely recognize.

"This is, what, text?"

The immortal man couldn't recognize the words in the book, so he cast questioning glances at the two of them.

"This is the origin language of ancient Kazdaele. In other words, it is a writing that so far can only be found in various ruins and many special collections."

Greyhound explained.

"This thing has gone beyond the development of the civilization of Terra itself. Some scholars have speculated that the existing Terra civilization is based on the remains of another huge civilization, and our excavation of that civilization has just begun. .”

Greyhound is really knowledgeable and strong in memory. In this regard, he can almost match half of Kelsey or Doctor.

"Kazdare is a country with a very ancient culture. Nowadays, many civilizations have developed into various social systems, and Kazdare still adheres to the monarchy. To put it simply, one person has the highest control. And there is no other Institutions or individuals share such power, and the power is extremely concentrated."

"This is because Kazdaele itself has been exposed to war all year round and cannot form a long-term unity. Someone must stand up and take charge of the overall situation."

"The second reason is that many special ruins are always found in Kazdaele. These ruins record traces of the early history of other civilizations. They also leave behind many items that can give people extraordinary power."

Greyhound raised his right hand, and a group of crystals appeared in his hand.

"My Origin Stone skill does not look like this. It is a very poor ability, mimicry."

"To put it simply, I can change the shape of anything in my hands. But it is just an empty appearance, without any physical filling, and without any aggression. It will dissipate when it touches things. It even needs to Only when the light shines on it can you see its appearance."

"However, I found an almost weathered book in a certain ruins, which records a technique called crystallization spell."

"Through a short period of study, I actually brought the properties of crystals to my Origin Stone skills. And this ability can also become more powerful through continuous training."

As Gray Dog spoke, the crystals in his right hand kept changing shapes, from a crystal sword at the beginning, to a crystal shield, and finally covering his entire right arm, forming a crystal arm armor.

"The people of Kazdaele are constantly looking for a more powerful source of power. Then they use this as an opportunity to start realizing their ideals. This is the source of Kazdaele's suffering, struggle."

Greyhound waved his hand, and the condensed crystals on his right hand dispersed.

"It's a little bit further, but what I want to say is almost the same. All in all, Kazdaele's writing is highly connected to ancient writing. The civilization here has almost no epochs. Therefore, Kazdare's writing can be compared with ancient writing. There is something in common.”

Greyhound pointed to the books on the table.

"These two books are books from ancient times. Through the evolution of writing, I can probably guess that...at least ten thousand years have passed."

The undead man listened to the gray dog ​​and remained silent.

But in fact, he was very surprised.

The crystal magic mentioned by Greyhound is also an area that the undead are very good at, and I had never noticed before that Greyhound's ability is indeed very similar to crystal magic.

However, due to some unknown characteristics, there is a huge difference between the appearance of the Greyhound's crystal magic and the appearance of the undead.

And the time he mentioned was not far from the time guessed by the undead man.

"These two books record some things that happened during that era, but I couldn't study them thoroughly. One of the books records a grand battle."

"This battle is called the Great War in this book. It is said that a hero from ancient times fought with a group of evil gods called the Children of the Abyss. In the end, the hero sacrificed his life to buy precious time for people. .”

Greyhound continued to tell about the clues he had found.

"And these things happened not long before the author wrote this book. As for the author's name, I really don't know how to layer it, and it doesn't seem to have any familiar feeling, so I don't pay attention."

Greyhound put down the book in his hands.

"In other words, this ship should be a ship from that era. After all, a ship that has the leisure to collect these things must be quite big, and even its purpose is worthy of consideration."

The gray dog ​​looked at the undead man aside and raised his head slightly at him.

This means that Greyhound has finished telling his clues, and now it's time to kill someone.

The immortal man shook his head.

"I can not find it."

Greyhound and W couldn't help but glance at the undead man.

This is indeed suspected of paddling, but there is nothing that can be done. After all, the immortal is not an omniscient and omnipotent existence.

"I don't recognize these words."

The immortal explained.

W could only wave his hand.

"Okay, okay, then I'll do it."

As he spoke, W pushed the things that were originally placed in front of him forward.

She found an opened letter and a special scroll.

"I found these two things when I was checking the console. They were placed in the center of the console. I felt they were related to the ship, so I took them over. I didn't find anything else. .”

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